Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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personally don't care. People are hypocritical and have bias with who they like better. You are no exception
Personally not a huge fan of either.

Whether I have bias or not, (Which I don't. Neither of them Austin Rivers, Chris Paul, or any other of my favorite hoopers. In fact I like Kobe more, a lot more)

It isn't a bias to say that Lebron has surpassed Kobe in every single measurable category regular and advanced. There's no bias to that. more efficient, higher ppg, rebs, asts, stls, way more MVPs, done more with less, any and everything LBJ > Kobe. That's not even me being bias lol
Whether I have bias or not, (Which I don't. Neither of them Austin Rivers, Chris Paul, or any other of my favorite hoopers. In fact I like Kobe more, a lot more)

It isn't a bias to say that Lebron has surpassed Kobe in every single measurable category regular and advanced. There's no bias to that. more efficient, higher ppg, rebs, asts, stls, way more MVPs, done more with less, any and everything LBJ > Kobe. That's not even me being bias lol
it is though. Done more with less is an opinion and showing bias
It's no way a fact. You say in no aspect is Kobe better , kobe is a much better free throw shooter. Like I say your arguments towards LeBron vs kobe are always full of bias opinion that are trying to come off as being totally objective..... im not playing that game today.

I truly don't care for either and I think LeBron is a little better but it isn't by much .
What's wrong with thinking the world flat. No more ridiculous then people believing in religion...

it is though. Done more with less is an opinion and showing bias
It's no way a fact. You say in no aspect is Kobe better , kobe is a much better free throw shooter. Like I say your arguments towards LeBron vs kobe are always full of bias opinion that are trying to come off as being totally objective..... im not playing that game today.

I truly don't care for either and I think LeBron is a little better but it isn't by much .

Lol at you of all people having this opinion given what took place yesterday.
No more ridiculous then people believing in religion. I stand by that. Both are ridiculous.

we actually know one of these things, the other we dont...

you can substitute life in the universe for the latter portion of the equation as well
No more ridiculous then people believing in religion. I stand by that. Both are ridiculous.

No, one is definitely more ridiculous than another. There is a big difference between believing in a god that no one can prove/disprove versus believing something that can be disproved by a 2 year old with fingers and a google search engine.
I don't know how you can believe the earth is flat. There's literally pictures from space.

And there's definitely life outside of earth.
Stats don't always tell the full story but they're certainly in Lebron's favor. IF Kobe had cared about efficiency while he played, I don't doubt those numbers would be far closer. Way I see it, Kobe was the better scorer and defender. Bron was the better all around offensive player and not much worse defensively. That's why winning comes up so frequently, they're both on the same tier as far as production/talent is concerned so in order to make some type of gap you have to look at what they did with what they were given. Kobe won, more, in a more difficult conference. If the roles were reversed, there's no saying that Bron wouldn't be just as successful. I think Lebron was better individually, and Kobe was more successful. Deciding who's better than who is really stupid and really played out at this point. Let's talk about how KD is the best player in the league right now, unquestionably
it is though. Done more with less is an opinion and showing bias
It's no way a fact. You say in no aspect is Kobe better , kobe is a much better free throw shooter. Like I say your arguments towards LeBron vs kobe are always full of bias opinion that are trying to come off as being totally objective..... im not playing that game today.

I truly don't care for either and I think LeBron is a little better but it isn't by much .

Always full of bias :lol: Aight
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