Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Spurs ended the lakers dynasty. Only team to beat spurs in the finals....

:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Not sure if you're aware..but when you're in the same conference, it is impossible to play that team in the Finals. However, Lakers have played the Spurs 12 times in the playoffs in History...They've won 8 of those matchups. Including 4 times in the conference finals, 2 of which Kobe was on the team. No doubt if they met in the finals Spurs would've been food.
:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Not sure if you're aware..but when you're in the same conference, it is impossible to play that team in the Finals. However, Lakers have played the Spurs 12 times in the playoffs in History...They've won 8 of those matchups. Including 4 times in the conference finals, 2 of which Kobe was on the team. No doubt if they met in the finals Spurs would've been food.
We were talking lebron with the heat and cavs being swept by the spurs. Spurs only lost in the finals were to lebron and the heat.
Stan Van had early "talks" with Gilbert regarding

Drummond, Johnson, Jackson, and a first round pick for Irving and Thompson
That you did. I had no idea what the expansion pack did, but I knew I couldn't play without it so I was begging that year :lol: or whatever yr the pack came out

Wish I would have known about renting games like Donkey Kong and they give you the expansion pack.

Return the game and keep the expansion pack.
3-5 in the FINALS, 18-27 overall (MOST LOSES IN FINALS HISTORY), SWEPT (2007), had the BIGGEST MELTDOWN (2011) and got BLOWN OUT by BIGGEST MARGIN (2014) all in FINALS!

Dude used to give Haslem so many last minute of the game looks :lol:

This is where Kyrie will be missed. How he has Rose as his new dance partner :sick:

This will be their chemistry:

Kevin Love should have went for a shorter deal....:smh:
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