Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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Gator unis would've looked better black, recruits are liking them though.

Quentin Dormady leaving the vols ::nerd:
Rumors about Trevon Grimes potentially leaving OSU. Apparently he was the kid who Urban kissed the presser today to fly home with to see a sick family member.

(Shaw) said he anticipates that Chryst might be tempted to turn pro after this season “if he continues on the path that he’s on.” On the other hand, Shaw said, “he may want to come back and put more film out there, which is great.”






Nah . All these new Uni combos are fire. That citranaut **** looks garbage on apparel at the bookstore. You don’t wanna see it in the form of unis
(Shaw) said he anticipates that Chryst might be tempted to turn pro after this season “if he continues on the path that he’s on.” On the other hand, Shaw said, “he may want to come back and put more film out there, which is great.”







6'5" 240 lbs white guy with a Stanford IQ? And he's a 4th year player? TBH he prob does go and someone in the NFL probably does sign him. What's there left for him to do in college besides possibly get beat out by Costello.
Rumors about Trevon Grimes potentially leaving OSU. Apparently he was the kid who Urban kissed the presser today to fly home with to see a sick family member.

"As was made public on Monday, Urban Meyer’s weekly press conference was cancelled so that Meyer and a small group of Ohio State emissaries could head out of town to spend time with a player and his family. The nature of the issue isn’t mine to tell, but many people have reasonably presumed that it involved Trevon Grimes, who was not on the sidelines with the Buckeyes last Saturday against Maryland or the week before against Rutgers. His social media timelines have shown him as being home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The last month or so has been a trying time for Grimes, according to sources close to the situation. The wide receiver has started to get back on the field (slowly) after a torn ACL. He’s also dealt with a major hurricane hitting the area close to his home, family issues, and general freshman malaise of homesickness and the challenges faced by any player who is 1,000 miles from home.

It’s a perfect storm kind of thing for a person to go through and certainly could lend credence to the idea that he may end up leaving Ohio State.

However, from what I’ve been able to glean from this situation is that at the time the Ohio State contingent left Florida on Monday, there was a plan in place for Grimes to stay in Florida and be with his family at least through the end of this semester. At that point, he is expected to return to Ohio State. If that changed, or is up for debate, I do not know any details. It could change daily, but that’s where things were.

It’s important in a situation like this to stop thinking about the football team and the roster and that kind of stuff. Respecting a family’s privacy and the things they need to do for each other supersedes any football-related side effects" Per Birm on LandOf10. Also, it is pretty much confirmed that he is the one with the family issue. As of now, everything points to him being back, though maybe not for this football season.


Just saw this on his IG
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Osa Masina gets misdemeanor plea deal
Masina pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor charges of sexual battery. He was facing a potential life sentence and a life time on the sex offender registry. He faces up to a year in jail for each of these lesser counts. Sentencing is on December 5th.

The deal came after the judge ruled against the prosecution using certain testimony and evidence:

"The change comes in the wake of rulings by Judge Keith Kelly that state prosecutors felt hurt their chances for a conviction at trial. Specifically, Kelly had ruled against allowing prosecutors to present some expert testimony, a number of pornographic photos found on Masina’s cell phone and testimony from the victim’s ex-boyfriend regarding a Snapchat video he said showed Masina and the victim having sex without her knowing she was being filmed."
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Yea, Grimes wasn't drama at all.

Apparently Miami wasn't really crazy about Grimes then and wasn't going to make room for him now.
Tyler Byrd ain't did **** all year. :lol:

Fenton a Carol City kid that Al Golden refused to offer smh.
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