Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I swear to god....why didn't Doc just put Morrow in the 7th

If I was Friedman I would yell at his dumb ***
We aren't winning crap with Dave Roberts as manager

He has no clue what he's doing in late game situations now
What will help the pen is when one of our starters gets moved to the pen in the post season ... maeda?
I'm trying to be optimistic by thinking Doc is still auditioning the Dodgers wouldn't actually be swept by the Phillies if they were really playing games that mattered right?

Silver lining is that 5 runs were scored, which I feel the Dodgers shouldn't have an issue doing against the Phillies. Giving up 7 runs , in a game where recent Baez wasn't pitching, is totally pathetic.
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