Official 2018 NBA Preseason Thread - Jimmy Butler Does Things

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Like many here said last off-season....the trade off for Jimmy just wasn’t worth it for real. Too many downsides to only become marginally better in the short run.

I wouldn't say marginally better, they were a lotto team the year before. Their worse bet that summer was the Wiggins extension. I don't think Jimmy underperformed or caused any issues that were the fault of the team
If they trading for Jimmy, BI is probably collateral damage...bringing in another person who needs the rock but thats when Ingram is at his best

Overrated besides Embiid
I wouldn't say marginally better, they were a lotto team the year before. Their worse bet that summer was the Wiggins extension. I don't think Jimmy underperformed or caused any issues that were the fault of the team

That Minny team pre Jimmy trade was trending to be a playoff team within a year or two. They didn’t know how to win games because they were lead by a pair of 21 year olds who were averaging damn 24ppg a piece and noticeably finding their roles, space and had a decent chemistry. Along with Lavine who was putting up close to 20ppg on near 40% from 3 as a 3rd option before his injury. You don’t break that up for a guy that’s going to have you as a middling playoff team at best right now....while those guys that were growing into their roles take a backseat and the spacing, chemistry growth etc gets stunted a lil bit.

I think Minny was trending the right way from a long term team building standpoint. They sped up the process and lost access for a guy that might walk in the summer...or at best...they hit a reset almost 2 years after.
That Minny team pre Jimmy trade was trending to be a playoff team within a year or two. They didn’t know how to win games because they were lead by a pair of 21 year olds who were averaging damn 24ppg a piece and noticeably finding their roles, space and had a decent chemistry. Along with Lavine who was putting up close to 20ppg on near 40% from 3 as a 3rd option before his injury. You don’t break that up for a guy that’s going to have you as a middling playoff team at best right now....while those guys that were growing into their roles take a backseat and the spacing, chemistry growth etc gets stunted a lil bit.

I think Minny was trending the right way from a long term team building standpoint. They sped up the process and lost access for a guy that might walk in the summer...or at best...they hit a reset almost 2 years after.

Nah. Them dudes were more than a few years away. They won 31 games the year before and Towns didn't exactly take another leap last year.
That Minny team pre Jimmy trade was trending to be a playoff team within a year or two. They didn’t know how to win games because they were lead by a pair of 21 year olds who were averaging damn 24ppg a piece and noticeably finding their roles, space and had a decent chemistry. Along with Lavine who was putting up close to 20ppg on near 40% from 3 as a 3rd option before his injury. You don’t break that up for a guy that’s going to have you as a middling playoff team at best right now....while those guys that were growing into their roles take a backseat and the spacing, chemistry growth etc gets stunted a lil bit.

I think Minny was trending the right way from a long term team building standpoint. They sped up the process and lost access for a guy that might walk in the summer...or at best...they hit a reset almost 2 years after.

I don't think what they gave up for Jimmy was too much but I'd agree that they tried to move forward too fast. I don't condemn the Jimmy trade because there's a great chance that Wolves weren't two or even four years away and surrounding Towns with real talent early on could've had real advantages.
Hiring Thibs for those guys was also awful. Agree that the Jimmy trade was stupid too, though.

I don't think what they gave up for Jimmy was too much but I'd agree that they tried to move forward too fast. I don't condemn the Jimmy trade because there's a great chance that Wolves weren't two or even four years away and surrounding Towns with real talent early on could've had real advantages.

I’m half serious and half joking....but you gotta “know your personnel”. Jimmy Butler is the last player I’d want to share the wing with Wiggins. Wiggins Canadian. That pairing doomed from the start.
^That's fair. I think if Wolves still stunk they could've had a good shot at some interesting wings in the next few drafts but regardless of anything, I think Jimmy's taking too much of the crapheap for being outgoing when it all should be unequivocally on the Wolves and their commitment to Wiggins.

You guys are killing me.
This time last year Bulls were getting killed for getting no value in the Jimmy Butler time flies

:smh::lol: @ Knick fans being Knick fans with Noah/Butler trades

You guys are killing me.
This time last year Bulls were getting killed for getting no value in the Jimmy Butler time flies

:smh::lol: @ Knick fans being Knick fans with Noah/Butler trades

In this thread....there was a healthy dose of posters who predicted this very scenario last year. Almost to a T :lol:. You can go back in the old when the trade happened and peep.
I wonder if Danny would move Smart and Morris for Jimmy if he's still around in December.

High chance of screwing up chemistry, but could also give them more firepower than Golden State.
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