Official 2018 NBA Preseason Thread - Jimmy Butler Does Things

Where will LeBron end up?

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Rondo is older but he's clearly the best option at PG when we go small. I like the pace and ball movement right now.

Monte Morris is a player and I would be trying to find him minutes somehow if I were Denver
Apparently Morris is highly regarded amongst players all around the league
Rondo doesnt defend better than Lonzo, there isn't much of a difference in shooting & Lonzo is also an excellent passer... He will be starting this season once he's healthy again.
lonzo needs to come off the bench. so far, im loving the dynamic with bron and rondo.
It will take a while for Lebron to get used to this roster

He's always had a bunch of shooters and after kyrie left, 0 options to handle the ball other than himself

This year we hardly have any shooters but when it comes to handling the ball and running an offence Lebron has more options than a Cheesecake Factory menu.

It's going to be a fun team to watch :pimp:
Just got back from staples. Lance will forever be a g :pimp:

I miss rondo :/

Bron ultra passive!?

Kuz reckless

Beasley(den) can shoot
Monte Morris is a player and I would be trying to find him minutes somehow if I were Denver
He'll have to wait until next summer when IT is gone. Morris did sign a 3 year deal this summer, so they gonna give him one more red shirt season then give him the backup pg keys in 2019
I think the lakers are mismanaging kuzma at the moment

Instead of signing a second big man they’re stuck trying to force an undersized kuzma at center. If Wagner as a rookie can play there then ok, but that’s a big ask

This is a bit too positionless. Hopefully the added weight isn’t hindering him either, but offensively he looks out of sorts. I will say Ingram looked the same way to start last year, out of control and forcing his offense
Luke said some dumb **** about positionless basketball too. Something like I don't like using positions, we want to be positionless. I only use positions so guys know where they're supposed to be on the court. How stupid does that sound :lol:. That's worse than what Brad Stevens said. I don't know why people try so hard to make this a thing. They need to come up with a new word because 'positionless' implies something that basketball will never be
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