Is Nauta really that good? Haselwood gone to OU, don't even think he was really considering y'all this last month. Seems like Ridley was leaning towards coming back a few weeks ago and that shocked me.
I think Nauta is good. Really good. I think he'll be better in the pro's.
Quavaris Crouch is supposedly down to Michigan and Tennessee and will sign on Friday with whoever he chooses BUT won't announce until January 5th.
Lol Jonah Tauanu’u committed to USC on signing day and his mom wouldn't sign his letter of intent and forced him to Oregon.
Translation: UT better deliver a bigger bag than what has been previously negotiated if you want him to be the prized recruit of the class.

Translation: Michigan better get with the times and start offering bigger bags or they will keep being the bridesmaid for top tier talent

A Fox camera crew was sent out to the houses of all five players announcing on Tuesday in order to pre-tape their spot and then air it the following day. On Tuesday night, Jackson still didn’t have a final decision so two separate videos were shot for Jackson, one with him choosing USC and the other for ASU.

The feeling we had Tuesday night was Jackson was an ASU lean and early Wednesday morning, it still looked like the Sun Devils were the pick. Around 10:15, we got a call from Jackson saying he had decided on USC and to run that video.

Just 15 minutes later, Jackson called back and said, “I don’t know man, it doesn’t feel right, I’m not sure that’s what I want to do.” We told Jackson to think things over and don’t rush anything but we had to have a final answer by 11:00 when rehearsals started up. At 11:00, Jackson still was unsure and we pushed things back to 11:30. When 11:30 rolled around and Jackson said he still didn’t have peace about his decision, we encouraged him to sleep on it, he had until Friday to sign and not to worry about the show but just make sure he got this decision right.

The show started at 12:00 and when the first commercial break hit, I checked my phone and had three messages from Jackson. The first one said, ‘I’m going with USC, I feel good about,’ and then another message came in three minutes later saying, ‘scratch that, I’m still not sure.’

At the 12:30 commercial break, I again checked my phone and had 2 more messages from Jackson this time saying he had just talked to Clay Helton and felt good about his decision, run the video. I quickly called and said it was too late to run the video in the show but we would break the news at the end but first wanted to make sure he signed the paperwork. The last thing we wanted to do was go live on air and say, “Jackson has decided on USC,” only to have him change his mind again.

Once Jackson told us he was signing the paperwork and was set with USC, we went ahead and mentioned on air that Jackson had indeed signed with USC and was set to be a Trojan.
Admissions isn't going to stand in the way for a kid like Crouch, and it's not like he's knucklehead like Demar Dorsey off the field either (or at least I haven't heard/read anything to suggest that).

I'd be shocked if he doesn't go to Ten a Key tho
Translation: Michigan better get with the times and start offering bigger bags or they will keep being the bridesmaid for top tier talent
Everybody has big bags. Some of these SEC schools are different, though.

Salary cap going uppp.
What are your thoughts on SC reporters/fans complaining we only have one wide receivers coach and a TE coach instead of 2 wide receivers coaches for inside and outside receivers?

"John Baxter to TEs and Keary Colber coaching all the WRs also doesn't make much sense to me. First, these offenses almost always have an insider receivers coach and an outside receivers coach. Your tight ends can just work with the insider receivers, done deal. Brining in another coach familiar with the Air Raid, specifically at receiver, was the best play here. Now you have Baxter coaching TEs again and Keary Colbert who will be coaching receivers for the first time as a full time assistant and he hasn't been in an Air Raid system."
Is Kliff going to be basically running at SC what he ran at TT or is it going to be a blend to some degree?

It's true that in some Air Raid systems the TE is basically a glorified slot receiver (think Jace Amaro) but there are systems like OU and WVU that like to run quite a bit of that "spread I" that use an h back and line that guy up inline from time to time, which would probably nessiciate a TE coach because of the blocks you are asking those guys to make.
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