Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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For as successful as Durant has been, it's kind of sad that he can't even hide his jealousy of LeBron.

What I don't understand is that Durant admittedly doesn't play the game with the media the way LeBron does. LeBron is a lot more media savvy, knows what to say at the right time, tells funny anecdotes, etc. Jordan and Kobe were the same way.

Durant isn't like that, he just wants to play basketball without all the extra stuff which is fine but don't complain when LeBron gets more love from the media and the fans. The reason that Jordan, LeBron and Kobe got so much love is that they understood the importance of managing the media properly

He claims he just wants to ball while bringing the extra stuff on himself. Dude is real confused.
Uni watch needs to keep track of how many different jerseys a player has worn.

Lebron May have worn over 40 different jerseys in his nba career

easily. what, heat had like 10 different ones. og cavs had like 12-13.

bron got a lot of pull with nike. even while adidas was in charge, things were getting done so he could look fly on the court. he never really wears fly kicks now. designs be meh for a min, minus the dope bron watch series last year, but the actual models are doo doo, compared to the 9s and the 10s, 11s, 7s, etc. those were the models with the society breaking color ways...south beaches, big bangs, area 52s, etc.
Imagine thinking Steph is better than KD.

Media does have a love affair with Lebby though no doubt. He wins b2b chips and finals MVPs immediately goes to MJ comparisons, KD does it and they comparing him to T-Mac lol.

That works both ways though. KD was in OKC not winning a ring and never caught hell for that because all the love/hate was going to Lebron.

He wants to be loved w/o criticism. He wants to be the low key regular basketball dude while being a extra sensitive dude that draws attention to himself. And this is all after winning 2 straight finals MVP's, most likely 3. :lol:

Something wrong with that boy.
I don't know about that man. Them burners are another level of hurt.

it's unnecessary but i see why someone in his position would do it. He does the burners he's called sensitive, he says anything to anyone who criticizes his game he's called sensitive. Meanwhile dudes in here will have a personal vendetta and be damn near wanting to fight because two people clowned them on a message board.

The burners was lame but i for one love when NBA players put people in their place when their wrong.
NT loves to throw on their psychology caps when it comes to KD, son ain't no more "sensitive" than any other superstar.

You don't need a psychology cap to see that KD is over the top sensitive. :lol: it's right in our faces.

Of course a lot of NBA players are sensitive today. We see it all the time but for a _ that's highly successful at what he does, regarded as at least the 2nd best player he a extra *** dude.
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