Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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Speaking of windows. Where was u warriors dweebs in da finals thread?

Lakers are big trash too.

But guess what yaw took that L to the raptors

Pump your breaks, my man. There was like, 5 or 6 of us in there. I bounced because it's the offseason, and it started off with a bang!
weren't there rumors of warriors offering kd a special max deal with an out clause which would have allowed him to leave if he wanted to, but they had to see if the league would even ok such a contract
if that type is deal even exist, i could see kawhi coming back
if i had to put money, i'd say he be a clip next season
They're basically giving him a golden ticket. A 5 year max, time to rehab while being PAID, and an out clause, so he can leave the team whenever he feels, but its unprecedented. I thought it had something to do with the cba, but I'll have to look more into it. So yes. Sorry for the novel.
Lmao look at the Bron stans celebrating that their GOAT has new toys to play with. :rofl:
Keep that same energy come playoff time when it’s still not enough. :smh: at hoping the Lakers sign Kahwi as if he’s going to play 2nd fiddle to an aging Bron. Y’all boys are delusional. Face it, Bron gonna retire at 3-6. Windows closed. #FreeKuz

His window closed like the revenge tour was trash huh?
So NO won’t delay closing until July 30th for no reason, unless that was agreed upon beforehand hush hush to cause the Lakers to throw in an extra player or pick?
They wouldn’t be able to sign Tobias without renouncing ratsull and really could they afford all 3 anyway?

Nope, they can afford Tobias. Just not for a max. But anybody who maxes him will regret it anyway.

And yes they could afford to pay them and pay LeVert when he comes due for a new deal. Because they could stay under the tax this year. And find a way to do so next year. Then they wouldn’t have luxury tax issues until final year of Kyrie and Tobias

Kyrie / Dinwddie
DLo / Harris / Musa
LeVert / Prince
27th & 31st Pick

Leaves them with $16.6mil

Trade Dinwiddie for 2020 picks, gets to $25.7mil. Musa trade gets them to $26.7mil

DLo and probably a first and second is better than Dinwiddie and nothing for a guy who just made the all star team. Especially when Dinwiddie will need to get paid anyway because he’s got an opt out after 2
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Son looked like a cold lame. NBA's Keyser Soze

Wrong as usual.

Coming from you??????

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