Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

I was reading the Dotson article in the post and he stated something I've wondered about. They're kinda freestyling on the offensive end. The games I've seen so far have a playground feel to them, the one on one is pretty obvious. Still I prefer it over the triangle :lol:

Horrible. Looks like dark navy instead of black, too. :smh::smh::smh:


First jersey ill buy in a decade!!

on clearance
Bruh this team is trash. Wins are good for confidence building but considering where this team is at right now we need young contract controlled reinforcements and these young guys to work on their games. They'll win a few through hard work and luck but this is a long term project. Can't rush it, 60% of these guys won't even be here by the time we're actually ready to compete.

It's the tankoffs we're aiming for, cherish every moral victory.
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Frank taking his steps, I'm at least a little pleased to see he at least is shooting when open. A lot of room for improvement, hope he stays aggressive.

Timmy/Burke - The Chuck Bros. We're not going anywhere or doing anything if these guys are throwing up 40 shots a game. Yes, we need to score somehow but from what I've been seeing, it's alot of "wth are you doing" shots. more so timmy than burke. My real problem with them is defensively they are just not capable.

Trier - Lou Williams

Fizdale - Still not sold on him. I counted at least 4 times vs the Bucks where Knicks came out of a timeout and threw up some fadeaway BS from 30 feet out. Whats up with that ? He talks a whole lot but I'm trying to see some real coaching here. At least a semblance of a play.

Overall not too upset. Just think that moral victories are overrated in this professional setting. Keep telling they're young and let them use that as a crutch but it's time to win some games. Eventually these kids gonna have to put their big boy pants on. How long will the "we're young" act go before it gets old? 6 game losing streak? 12 game losing streak?

If the goal is to win every game we can, make the right moves.

But I do like how we look in my head when KP comes back with Mitch Rob and Knox more comfortable.

Bruh this team is trash. Wins are good for confidence building but considering where this team is at right now we need young contract controlled reinforcements and these young guys to work on their games. They'll win a few through hard work and luck but this is a long term project. Can't rush it, 60% of these guys won't even be here by the team we're actually ready to compete.

It's the tankoffs we're aiming for, cherish every moral victory.

your quote pretty much sums up my response to the one above. we're "rebuilding" aka tanking, so we're not supposed to be winning games. Fiz is right though, these guys are young. its not like we're realistically going to make a playoff push and these guys have to become seasoned vets. let them gain confidence, and then use it next season when KP and whomever FA is back to actually win games. its a throw away season.
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