Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

IDK .. Frank acts just like someone his age would act if say they were working retail, fast food, IT or any office environment.. It just so happens that’s he’s an NBA lotto pick when ideally he should’ve been a 2nd round stash pick

It’s like when you look at Manu and you’re like wow the Spurs got such a steal but he’s only a steal because he was drafted in the 2nd round

Like when you look back on past drafts and you’re like so and so should’ve been drafted at ___ not thinking that they wouldn’t have developed if they weren’t drafted at that spot
Donovan mitchell shoulda been the pick not Frank. Donovan even did pre draft workouts for the Knicks too SMH
I really feel he's content with his role and doesn't care to improve his role offensively. If he can't be somewhat of an alpha on THIS TEAM and demand the ball sometimes he'll never be. Thanks Phil
I rock with him to and consider myself a huge fan but dog he stinks at everything besides defense.

I respect your opinion, but dudes in here calling him the worst player on the team is hilarious. Man is a lockdown defender and steps in to make plays when needed. The fact that ppl equate high volume shooting to high skill is hilarious. I know plenty of dudes who take a lot of shots and suck. But that’s just my opinion.
Frank has a lot more value to a winning team than whatever we are now.

I wouldn't want to force him to score 15 a night. That's not who he is. We don't need five scorers on the floor at all times.
I respect your opinion, but dudes in here calling him the worst player on the team is hilarious. Man is a lockdown defender and steps in to make plays when needed. The fact that ppl equate high volume shooting to high skill is hilarious. I know plenty of dudes who take a lot of shots and suck. But that’s just my opinion.

Lockdown is a reach. He’s a GOOD defender. You’re biased if you think he’s gonna be defense first team let alone DPOY. Probably the same level as Andre Roberson if not a little better. Just like Andre, Frank does nothing else. You don’t get picked 8th to solely play defense and nothing else. That’s something the Celtics would do considering their current roster and loads of picks. On THIS team there is no reason to just pass the ball off and wait to play defense. You play in a free flowing offense where THJR chucks 30 shots. You’re scared if you can’t take 10. At least average 7+ assists. Such a disappointing and underachieving pick.
Frank has a lot more value to a winning team than whatever we are now.

I wouldn't want to force him to score 15 a night. That's not who he is. We don't need five scorers on the floor at all times.

Apparently he need to take 20 shots and miss them all to get respect :lol:
Cats were only hyped on Frank because of his measurements. He didn’t even show out against cats his age in Europe so that even puzzles me more that we picked him in the lotto.
Frank has the potential to be a lockdown defender but he's far from that at the moment. He shows that he can stop elite guards in way that very few defenders can...but then he racks up a lot of quick and stupid fouls, I'll chalk that up to youth and inexperience for now though.

Offensively, he just doesn't have the skill set yet, to produce in the way that we'd like him to. He only scores off of defenders backing off of him, or finding a lapse in the defense, while being in good scoring position.

But when he brings it up and runs into defenders he doesn't have the handle or footwork package to remain fluid, keep his dribble and direct the offense. That's why he passes it off so quickly. Same thing when he's off the ball. If he get's the ball and he's not already in a position to score, he can't get his footwork together to slash or cross up his defender to make space; so he just gives up the rock.

Hopefully he improves in these areas, along with his overall confidence, decision making and aggressiveness but that's a steep, uphill learning curve. We'll know for sure at the end of this season. Right now it's still too early to call
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Frank has the potential to be a lockdown defender but he's far from that at the moment. He shows that he can stop elite guards in way that very few defenders can...but then he racks up a lot of quick and stupid fouls, I'll chalk that up to youth and inexperience for now though.

Offensively, he just does't have the skill set yet, to produce in the way that we'd like him to. He only scores off of defenders backing off of him, or finding a lapse in the defense, while being in good scoring position.

But when he brings it up and runs into defenders he doesn't have the handle or footwork package to remain fluid, keep his dribble and direct the offense. That's why he passes it off so quickly. Same thing when he's off the ball. If he get's the ball and he's not already in a position to score, he can't get his footwork together to slash or cross up his defender to make space; so he just gives up the rock.

Hopefully he improves in these areas, along with his overall confidence, decision making and aggressiveness but that's a steep, uphill learning curve. We'll know for sure at the end of this season. Right now it's still too early to call

I can agree w/ this standpoint. Sounds fair.

Horrible. Looks like dark navy instead of black, too. :smh::smh::smh:
Always hated that checkerboard piping. Not a fan of the navy blue either.

Shoulda just made a new orange jersey or black if they were going for an away jersey.
Frank taking his steps, I'm at least a little pleased to see he at least is shooting when open. A lot of room for improvement, hope he stays aggressive.

Timmy/Burke - The Chuck Bros. We're not going anywhere or doing anything if these guys are throwing up 40 shots a game. Yes, we need to score somehow but from what I've been seeing, it's alot of "wth are you doing" shots. more so timmy than burke. My real problem with them is defensively they are just not capable.

Trier - Lou Williams

Fizdale - Still not sold on him. I counted at least 4 times vs the Bucks where Knicks came out of a timeout and threw up some fadeaway BS from 30 feet out. Whats up with that ? He talks a whole lot but I'm trying to see some real coaching here. At least a semblance of a play.

Overall not too upset. Just think that moral victories are overrated in this professional setting. Keep telling they're young and let them use that as a crutch but it's time to win some games. Eventually these kids gonna have to put their big boy pants on. How long will the "we're young" act go before it gets old? 6 game losing streak? 12 game losing streak?

If the goal is to win every game we can, make the right moves.

But I do like how we look in my head when KP comes back with Mitch Rob and Knox more comfortable.
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