Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

We def overpaid for Taj but his value is worth more to me than Vonleh’s was

As good as he was at times he was mad inconsistent and fell out of the rotation towards the end of last season for a reason

He was never part of the long term plan so I’m cool with losing him in favor of strong leadership and building good habits into the youngsters while holding them in check
No point in veteran leadership when our young players don’t pan or end up leaving elsewhere. The Knicks have yet to find that solid young core group of guys for the future.
naw man ... I'm not with that signing .... I much rather have Kornet on the real

Luke wouldn't have gotten any burn with Julius, Bobby, and Mitch anyway. Everyone seems to love Lance, so we might as well keep some kind of continuity. Dude is also a consummate professional that isn't expecting to play 20+ min a night, so why not. Same can be said for Taj. I'm sure he's coming in knowing fully well that he's here to mentor the young guys and play 10-15 min.

No point in veteran leadership when our young players don’t pan or end up leaving elsewhere. The Knicks have yet to find that solid young core group of guys for the future.

We have that solid young core now. We just have to give it time. Most of our guys aren't even old enough to buy a 40 :lol: Neither Mudiay, Hezonja, or Vonleh showed enough this season to be in our long term plans. That's why all 3 got minimum or close to minimum deals elsewhere. We're probably gonna be *** again this coming season, but at least we'll have a bunch of early 20 year olds vs having to watch Steve Francis and TMac hobble down court. THOSE were the days where we had no direction at all and just threw money at any former all-star in their 30s. Times are changing fellas. We actually have a reason to be patient this time. Free agency is a crap shoot anyway, so we can have the most cap for the next 50 years, but it won't mean anything if players are scared of the pressure #AppreciateMelo
I think they signed toughness which we lacked last season. Taj, Portis and Julius are all tough players. Julius may not be a great defender but he’s not a punk. I think Fiz wanted some bullies.
Luke wouldn't have gotten any burn with Julius, Bobby, and Mitch anyway. Everyone seems to love Lance, so we might as well keep some kind of continuity. Dude is also a consummate professional that isn't expecting to play 20+ min a night, so why not. Same can be said for Taj. I'm sure he's coming in knowing fully well that he's here to mentor the young guys and play 10-15 min.

We have that solid young core now. We just have to give it time. Most of our guys aren't even old enough to buy a 40 :lol: Neither Mudiay, Hezonja, or Vonleh showed enough this season to be in our long term plans. That's why all 3 got minimum or close to minimum deals elsewhere. We're probably gonna be *** again this coming season, but at least we'll have a bunch of early 20 year olds vs having to watch Steve Francis and TMac hobble down court. THOSE were the days where we had no direction at all and just threw money at any former all-star in their 30s. Times are changing fellas. We actually have a reason to be patient this time. Free agency is a crap shoot anyway, so we can have the most cap for the next 50 years, but it won't mean anything if players are scared of the pressure #AppreciateMelo

Hopefully this is that squad you talk about. Can’t help but wonder how much better the team would’ve been with the unicorn.
brehs, please no more kp talk unless it's dishonoring him and his lineage

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FR though....he didn’t want to be here and he’s gone. It’s like saying “I wonder how much better the team would’ve been if Bron actually came in 2010”. It’s all good homies. We got the maple mamba.
Macjei (spelling is off) Lampe was the last Knick I can remember that got cheered when drafted (before RJ)
BTW, people can **** on Melo, but in he has been the only one that gave us a taste of winning in a long ****ing time.

It all went downhill when they let Woodson walk aswell.
Nah it went downhill when the Pacers effed up melo's shoulder and amare's knees gave up. The last straw was implementing the triangle.
That’s why we drafted Brazdeikis. 39% from the arc and can put the ball on the floor
What if you had to bigs that could hit from 3 white DSJ and/or RJ were on the floor? Empty paint or miss matches .... one guy is not enough for spacing ... DSJ, Trier, RJ are all players that can create for themselves giving them space would be ideal.
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