Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

Frank, Knox, and Barrett were all drafted under 20. They're teenagers. It will take time. I would much rather take some swings for the fences on potential than go with low ceiling solid picks like Charlotte always does.

People clown us, but there are far worse organizations like the wizards, hornets, and magic. Those teams have no direction at all.
Frank Knox RJ and Mitch only ones I care about. Only ones that actually have some kind of potential combination of defensive, shooting, or playmaking.

For his own sake, I hope DSJ pans out to something, but it’s clear this organization and most others don’t value him at all as of right now. Trier is cool but is replaceable, plus idk how his attitude meshes with the rest.
People clown us, but there are far worse organizations like the wizards, hornets, and magic. Those teams have no direction at all.
At this exact moment, we are in a better spot than the Hornets. The Wizards have Beal to trade so we'll see what they get from that. Magic I see as in a similar position to us, but I think I would take the Knicks. Over the last two decades obviously the Wizards and Magic have had more success than we have, unfortunately. So I can't necessarily agree but I like where we are at right now in terms of a foundation for building on.
**** KP he didn't want to be here!
that's the rumore and it can be true or not .. but he is also an accuse rapist and he helped us get out of two horrible contracts.
**** KD he didn't want to be here!
He probably wanted to be here, but the fact that Kyrie didn't and the fact he ****** up his Achilles made it that much more difficult and if again the rumors are right that he wasn't offered the max. Than I believe it. Plus theres video that surfaced saying. He never wanted to be a Knick so ... you know more than him?
**** Kyrie he didn't want to be here!
is that a lie??? The rumors about the Nets surface because he was talking to them ... so wth is your point?
**** LeBron he didn't want to be here!
No ****x he wanted to play with Bosh and Wade and then cherry pick in clev with KI and Love
**** Kawhi he didn't want to be here!
no ****, he requested a trade to LAa and now he's in LA.
**** DWade he didn't want to be here!
when was this even a possibility? You making **** up or wanted aging Wade. Either or both are terrible takes.
**** Oakley he betrayed us!
Is no surprise that Dolan is a ***** and no one wants him around. But lately he has been staying hands off Perry is doing a good job and people arw still reverting to ... well whatever.

It's them that's the problem! Our organization is full of brilliant minds.

stop it ... a+b does not = c ... that's not how it works
These guys are divas. We need real Knicks players who want to be here, like Elfrid Payton.

Oh and let's say a prayer for Melo. He wanted to be here. Yes it was because he didn't give a **** about winning or improving his game and was happy collecting a paycheck and getting fat while living in NYC, but he wanted to be here.
Stat wanted to come but since he wasnt Lebron and he got injured we were a joke, yet Melo came but because of Statscl contract and all the assets we gave up to appease none brains like you we ****** up. Nothing we could do after.

We won though, it was exiting but not sustainable.

So yes we ****** up ...

However, this is what you're proposing ....

Throw the bag at KI
Throw the bag at KD
Trade all your assets for AD.

Yes, it sounds like a great idea but let's think about it logically.

KD would be coming off a major injury .. who's to say he be old KD.

KI is injury prone and has missed a lot of crucial games.

AD is also another injury prone player ...

So if something backfires ... now we have no assets max out cribble superstars and our **** in our hands but we satisfied you.


We didnt win but we def didnt lose and we have something to at least try and build around.
^ the point is that if no on wants to be here, you have to stop pointing the finger and villainizing the guys who don't want to be here, and realize that the problems are internal. Look in the mirror and realize this is an organization with SERIOUS issues at the top, stemming from ownership, that are preventing us from winning. You can't blindly support every decision they make and take their word as gospel.

I am here for the rebuild and to support the young guys but I will NOT defend the org and drink the kool aid that every decision was the right one. We consistently make bad decisions. We don't value assets. We go all in at the wrong times, for the wrong things. We treat our own players, local media, and fans HORRIBLY. There is clearly an issue at the top and we are one of the worst run organizations in the league. It ain't a meme, it ain't the evil media, it ain't the players who "can't handle the bright lights", it's the reality. I'm not that type of fan to blindly defend that.

But like I said I continue to support the young guys and hope for winning days soon.
Y'all get pumped about how exciting we're gonna be every year and it's pure depression 1/4 into the season :rofl:

I like that we didn't take on any bad contracts but I don't like that we got these mediocre pieces in such a monumental offseason. Huge missed opportunity to significantly improve while still giving the young guys a chance to grow.

We moved laterally imo and we're still stuck in NBA purgatory wishing for a magical pick or a trade.

I'm excited to watch the young guys develop but I'm not as happy or optimistic as y'all seem to be with the moves we've made.
Y'all get pumped about how exciting we're gonna be every year and it's pure depression 1/4 into the season :rofl:

I like that we didn't take on any bad contracts but I don't like that we got these mediocre pieces in such a monumental offseason. Huge missed opportunity to significantly improve while still giving the young guys a chance to grow.

We moved laterally imo and we're still stuck in NBA purgatory wishing for a magical pick or a trade.

I'm excited to watch the young guys develop but I'm not as happy or optimistic as y'all seem to be with the moves we've made.
It's just about building through the draft at this point and the young players continuing to improve. The FA signings are really just to fill out the roster. I do wish we had stayed more flexible so we could take on bad contracts for picks like the Nets did, as some have mentioned. Knox's shot looked so good last night I remain really hopeful he can become a player.
^ the point is that if no on wants to be here, you have to stop pointing the finger and villainizing the guys who don't want to be here, and realize that the problems are internal. Look in the mirror and realize this is an organization with SERIOUS issues at the top, stemming from ownership, that are preventing us from winning. You can't blindly support every decision they make and take their word as gospel.

I am here for the rebuild and to support the young guys but I will NOT defend the org and drink the kool aid that every decision was the right one. We consistently make bad decisions. We don't value assets. We go all in at the wrong times, for the wrong things. We treat our own players, local media, and fans HORRIBLY. There is clearly an issue at the top and we are one of the worst run organizations in the league. It ain't a meme, it ain't the evil media, it ain't the players who "can't handle the bright lights", it's the reality. I'm not that type of fan to blindly defend that.

But like I said I continue to support the young guys and hope for winning days soon.
What are you talking about man???

Yes the owner sucks everyone knows it.

But you are saying that these FA didnt come because of that .... I dont buy it ....

AD put us in his destinations ... KD did want to come here. KI probably did not .... if stuff would of have gone differently, this would of have been a different conversation. We did exactly what we needed to do to get to that point ..

This started because you said we got scammed out of KP ..... you're looking at hindsight....

Our FO has been doing a good job this last couple of years... that's why we have been considered ...

Not offering KD the max is a joke, I agree, but putting all our chips on two injury prone guys and one that future is uncertain is also a joke. Catch 22 ... if it work great but if we did it and it didnt we were back at being laughing stocl.

Stop your *****ing already. You are on one breath exited and like what we have on the other killing the front office for not blowing that up.

BiPolar much?
What are you talking about man???

Yes the owner sucks everyone knows it.

But you are saying that these FA didnt come because of that .... I dont buy it ....

Our FO has been doing a good job this last couple of years... that's why we have been considered ...

Stop your *****ing already. You are on one breath exited and like what we have on the other killing the front office for not blowing that up.

BiPolar much?
If you don't buy that ownership influences where FA choose to go in 2019, you're wrong. Has the FO been doing a good job? They've been doing an OK job at best. The team isn't saddled with bad contracts. It's also the worst team in the league and doesn't have any top level assets.

Nothing Bipolar about it. I support the team while also being attuned to reality, which is that we are a badly run organization.
I heard the Westbrook trade we are kicking around is a 3 Team trade with Russ and Dennis Schroder coming to us, Steven Adams going to a 3rd team and us giving up both Dallas picks, Knox, Frank, RJ and Iggy and rights to swap with 2 of our 1sts.
If you don't buy that ownership influences where FA choose to go in 2019, you're wrong. Has the FO been doing a good job? They've been doing an OK job at best. The team isn't saddled with bad contracts. It's also the worst team in the league and doesn't have any top level assets.

Nothing Bipolar about it. I support the team while also being attuned to reality, which is that we are a badly run organization.
I'm wasting my time ...

Attuned to the bad job they are doing without acknowledging that KD and AD had the Knicks on the radar while bringing FA from the Isiah/Phil era.

Bruh ...

Iight my dude .... whatever you say.

This is more than OK. This is a good job. Maintained flexibility have a chance at maybe AD next year if he decides to leave and Freak the year after all while bringing dudes that hopefully can mold our youth.

Same **** GSW, Bucks Philly etc have done.

But I'm not going to argue about ******* KP and your obsession over him.
I heard the Westbrook trade we are kicking around is a 3 Team trade with Russ and Dennis Schroder coming to us, Steven Adams going to a 3rd team and us giving up both Dallas picks, Knox, Frank, RJ and Iggy and rights to swap with 2 of our 1sts.
In all seriousness....

This is the worst ever proposed trade. I would literally quit the Knicks .... this is just fuxking dumb ....

Give up 2 1st and let them swap 2 first knowing we'll be still be in the lottery?

**** no
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