Official 2019 OFFSEASON New York Yankees Thread: COLE OR STRAUS

I'd relax with Frazier lovefest. It was the Orioles, he's flyin on adrenaline right now. Yanks are doing nothing but armor all'n his tires so someone bites. They have no long term plans for dude. He's good, but haven't we seen these guys before? Hope I'm wrong but we been there. When i see a half hr YES network special on a guy who's literally done nothing but bring his big *** red cat with him up to the majors, yeah feels like they selling the guy.

Leave him, he'll tear it up till the deadline, Yanks will trade him to the NL then he'll sign with the Sox as a FA and kill us forever. :lol:
Lol Spencer wasn’t a top prospect or center piece in a huge trade nor the ceiling that Frazier has. Spencer was never a top 100 prospect so that comparison was kind of a reach.
Yeah but act like everyone wasn't trippin on Shane after a week. Don't know how old u are but people around here were actin like we found Mickey Mantle again. Thats NY, we always jump the gun. Let him play for awhile before we ready to hand him the keys after a weekend , all I'm sayin ...
Yeah but act like everyone wasn't trippin on Shane after a week. Don't know how old u are but people around here were actin like we found Mickey Mantle again. Thats NY, we always jump the gun. Let him play for awhile before we ready to hand him the keys after a weekend , all I'm sayin ...
I remember that all too well :lol: can’t forget about Maas either.
I'm plenty old enough lol. Spencer's hype had a lot to do with the timely hitting he had and the time of year. I know not to jump too quick on a prospect period. There's reason to be excited about Frazier because he has a much higher ceiling than a Shane Spencer and was a key to that Miller trade. There's a reason Cashman wanted him. Let him play.
His bat speed is so silly

Most definitely is. Cashman said that’s the reason he wanted him.

Back to the Shane Spencer thing. If Voit doesn’t start picking it up he’s going to fall dangerously close into that category.
even if we get stanton and hicks back clint could still be the DH im guessing... just not full time
What do you think about Gary being our 1st Baseman of the future if Bird and Voit don’t work out?
Clint is the goods. It's why he was a prized get in the Miller trade. I'm hoping he can continue this little streak he's on.
jesus christ ... pitchers used to rock eye black man , buncha Nancy's nowadays :smh:

Can’t compare Nolan Ryan to all pitchers man...Guy pitched in 4 different decades...there’s no one like him lol.
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