Who will the four teams in the College Football Playoff be?

  • Alabama

    Votes: 36 83.7%
  • Clemson

    Votes: 35 81.4%
  • UGA

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • LSU

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • UF

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Ohio State

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • Auburn

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Michigan

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 17 39.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
N41D N41D

Why’d Taylor delete his Twitter? :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Because he’s a ****in lunatic. I think he started to get shredded pretty good after that tweet.

His life is in shambles. He’s got no place to be talking about ruining someone else’s.
Not gonna lie, just saw the Nick Saban AFLAC commercial and he may have just flipped me.
TAMU folks turning on Jimbo already? Did they think the changes would be instantaneous?
Are they? And that teams gonna be middling as long as they have to play Bama, LSU, Auburn and UGA/UF every year (best case scenario). Even if they win some of those games, they’re gonna come out limping.
TAMU folks turning on Jimbo already? Did they think the changes would be instantaneous?

At 10 years $75M, only pass they’re probably willing give him are Alabama, Clemson, and UGA losses the first 3/4 years. I mean, it’s been 80 years since their last national championship in football. What’s waiting a few more? I like Jimbo, but I personally don’t see him getting over the hump there while Saban is coaching in Tuscaloosa. If he were in East, I’d be more confident in his success to get to the playoffs. Going through Alabama, Auburn, and LSU every year is a chore. Then you probably have UGA waiting for you in the SECCG.

Either way, people are delusional if they think they were playing for a NC this year with that schedule. You have all the above, plus the defending National Champs. Also heard people complaining about their OL; we’ve heard plenty of that for years.
TAMU folks turning on Jimbo already? Did they think the changes would be instantaneous?
The level of expectation some of them had is insanely stupid...

But to be fair, he's had maybe one game in 17 where you looked at the end of the game and thought "Damn Jimbo coached a hell of a game."

He's got to fire and move on from Josh Henson. They were physical and moved people up front last year against damn near everyone on the schedule. Now they return 4 starters and can't block anyone. That's a huge, huge issue. And recruiting on the OL has not been very good.

There's a ton of concern on the 2020 recruiting class... They've just had no momentum at all for like 6 months. It's almost like they hit pause banking on a big year to pull the class through, and that's obviously blown up in their face.
Either way, people are delusional if they think they were playing for a NC this year with that schedule.
I don't think anybody was expecting to compete for an SEC title this year, but the two teams they've played have both outcoached and overpowered them...

The biggest concern seems to be there's obviously glaring holes offensively, and Jimbo just keeps drudging along with his head down doing exactly the same **** every week. The scheme week-to-week seems to do nothing to help alleviate the personnel issues.
I don't think anybody was expecting to compete for an SEC title this year, but the two teams they've played have both outcoached and overpowered them...

The biggest concern seems to be there's obviously glaring holes offensively, and Jimbo just keeps drudging along with his head down doing exactly the same **** every week. The scheme week-to-week seems to do nothing to help alleviate the personnel issues.

Well, Jimbo is pigheaded for sure. Hopefully he makes some moves for y’all on the OL. One of things most FSU fans complained about ad nauseam was him not parting ways with some assistants. Million dollar question was, was it FSU not willing to pony up the money or was it him being “loyal”? Or maybe it’s a mixture of the 2. Heard Jimbo tried to part ways with Charles Kelly not long after he got the $1M per year due to Auburn pursuing him, but FSU/Boosters weren't willing to open their pocketbooks for the buyout. Dre can correct me if my recollection is off base.

And speaking of problems, some of our own lol

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#FSU</a> Today.<br><br>(<a href="^tfw">@DatBoiByrd813</a> <a href="^tfw">@StuntmanPaul</a>) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cinefunked (@CinefunkMedia) <a href="">September 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Poor Harlon lol
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Last year fooled a bunch of people into thinking they were way ahead of the curve, too.

Jace and Trayveon had insane years and masked a ton of problems they had on offense. This year Cupp gets hurt, there’s no pass catching TE, and the RB spot has been kind of a dud.

That recruiting class badly needs to land a couple of real offensive tackles, Zach Evans and Devon Achane. They need an injection of explosiveness in the worst way.
Sounds like Garcia already popped behind the scenes. casper90403 casper90403

Miami fans are not going to be happy. :lol:
I'd posted something asking and got no reply. Then just now the 247 board runner posted an article from Wiltfong from today saying his sources are telling him Garcia is leaning SC.
Yes, but he’s planning on entering the transfer portal, probably because Houston isn’t very good and he wants to try to showcase himself in his final year.
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