prolly be more helpful
walmart employees are lazy as hell
and never helpful
and they always walking around
talking bout they on break when u stop em

I agree, it´s definitely a job robots could do better...and frankly, not one a human being should spend life doing.
what this rumor I heard about people getting 2k a month? a proposal or something
what this rumor I heard about people getting 2k a month? a proposal or something

Proposal is 2k/month/person, couple would get 4k/month , additional 500$/child/month (1500$ for 3+ kids. Couple with 3 kids banking 5500$ :wow:) . Income limit 130k phasing out after 130k. 260k limit for married. Not taxable. Goes for as long as pandemic goes on. 4 trillion dollar deal. Can use Zelle, Venmo, direct deposit etc.

Just a proposal: Needs to go through House. Then Senate. And presidents signature...
Just a proposal: Needs to go through House. Then Senate. And presidents signature...
giphy (4).gif

We ain't getting no Damm $2000 a month or a NT x Nike collab.
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Real talk tho, this is kinda a big deal cus lotta mortages in forbearance, which mean that money gonna get owed in a lump sum once that period over, or foreclosure. This mite help stave of a serious housing crisis. I'm no expert tho.
Real talk tho, this is kinda a big deal cus lotta mortages in forbearance, which mean that money gonna get owed in a lump sum once that period over, or foreclosure. This mite help stave of a serious housing crisis. I'm no expert tho.

As it becomes a problem, people will complain and they'll probably end up deciding to have interest + principal accrued during forbearance added to the loan principal. People get to go into slightly more debt to survive in short term. Banks get more $ overall, win-win for both parties.
I asked earlier. It looks like social security participants will get their checks late. So all retirees will have to wait.

Any homeless getting in on this?
Homeless can get it and retirees on SS got it yesterday as well, as least the retirees I know got it yesterday.
Homeless can get it and retirees on SS got it yesterday as well, as least the retirees I know got it yesterday.
My parents didn’t. Neither did my bro’s mother in law. They’re retired, but also work part time so they still file taxes. I’m assuming that’s the issue. Or maybe like nawghtyhare nawghtyhare said, they just haven’t got to them yet.
My parents didn’t. Neither did my bro’s mother in law. They’re retired, but also work part time so they still file taxes. I’m assuming that’s the issue. Or maybe like nawghtyhare nawghtyhare said, they just haven’t got to them yet.
Neither of the retirees that I know that recieved it yesterday work but they do files taxes each year. Got it directly deposited.
If I tell u the amount I spent on food
On my last trip
U would think I was bull****ting
I mean I did go grocery shopping
And not just picked up little things here or there
But still
To be fair it was just at Pizza Hut :lol:

You be 5 star dining when traveling?
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