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I do wonder, too, if we see Chris Petersen’s name pop up for LSU at all.

Big name guy and obviously strong ties to Woodward.
Been seeing him in lists/boards. Can he deal with big boy recruiting in the southeast?
Been seeing him in lists/boards. Can he deal with big boy recruiting in the southeast?
Definitely a factor - though I think LSU it's a little easier than most other schools.

Doesn't LSU on the surface make more sense for James Franklin than USC?
Didn't Peterson retire from Washington because of the pressure? I don't think he'd make it at LSU if I'm honest but that would be a great hire for them.
Definitely a factor - though I think LSU it's a little easier than most other schools.

Doesn't LSU on the surface make more sense for James Franklin than USC?
Gotta explain that more re: Franklin. I think he’s the best fit for USC out there. He doesn’t want to go through the SEC gauntlet yearly.
Didn't Peterson retire from Washington because of the pressure? I don't think he'd make it at LSU if I'm honest but that would be a great hire for them.

Yep he couldn’t handle the pressure, I’m not sure why his name pops up for any big jobs. Plus have to look at how his child would be taken care of down there

On a human level, I can't begin to understand what a moment like that feels like. I don't really have any ill will or bad feelings toward Manny, so I don't really rejoice in the fact that it appears that his days are numbered. To have you dream just explode in your hands
Manny is a good guy and great recruiter. The problem is that Miami really needs a good Xs and Os guy to develop the talent when it gets there. Randy, Larry, Folden weren't that and Richt was at the end of his career for health reasons.
If this is the year that Stoops bolts from Kentucky I wonder if there are any overtures towards Iowa to let them know that he'd be interested in that Job should Ferentz leave after this season
If this is the year that Stoops bolts from Kentucky I wonder if there are any overtures towards Iowa to let them know that he'd be interested in that Job should Ferentz leave after this season

Ferentz has too much of a good thing going with that scam. I bet one of his kids is the CIW based on his current contract.
I genuinely thought that Manny could win at Miami. At the end of the day, he did himself in. He’s just not fit to run a program of this magnitude (at this point).They talked about it on SZD, and there’s an alternative reality where he’s at Temple and succeeding and is a hot name coach at the G5 level to make that jump. Funny enough, the defense is what did him in. Sounds like he went after some bigger name DCs this offseason and couldn’t seal the deal on bringing any in. Guy is just in over his head.
Miami's administration wants the school to be the Notre Dame of Florida. They want to hype up the academic side (They are a solid private school but this ain't Duke or Notre Dame) which is fine but they also want the football team to be decent (not great) but they aren't willing to fully commit to it like Notre Dame because they have this fear that a successful football team will attract the "wrong element" which isn't true and elitist.

On a human level, I can't begin to understand what a moment like that feels like. I don't really have any ill will or bad feelings toward Manny, so I don't really rejoice in the fact that it appears that his days are numbered. To have you dream just explode in your hands

Yes, but unlike "regular" people, he's paid handsomely and will get a nice amount to leave. I can't feel sorry for that.
Notre Dame should actually be the blueprint for Miami in some ways.

ND was dragging their feet for YEARS about the direction of the program until Kelly got there. Kelly looked under the hood and said X, Y, Z, etc needs to change. And they followed through on doing so. 10 years later and they're in a completely different spot with stability.

Miami needs someone who has been at the P5 level and done it and to look at it and demand changes before they sign on. You got *a bit* of that Richt, but christ even he had to put up his own money to get some things done.
I genuinely thought that Manny could win at Miami. At the end of the day, he did himself in. He’s just not fit to run a program of this magnitude (at this point).They talked about it on SZD, and there’s an alternative reality where he’s at Temple and succeeding and is a hot name coach at the G5 level to make that jump. Funny enough, the defense is what did him in. Sounds like he went after some bigger name DCs this offseason and couldn’t seal the deal on bringing any in. Guy is just in over his head.

What do we do now? We should’ve gone after Cristobal after Richt stepped down but James was probably still salty that he left Golden’s regime for Alabama (who can blame him?). Now we’re in a position where his buyout is probably too expensive for the school and even if they buy out his contract we still need him to take a hometown discount.

Things seem pretty hopeless right now. Even if we fire Manny, we’ll be going out into the market to compete with LSU, Penn State, and others who can and will outbid us.
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