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It's amazing how a player like CP3 get's away from all the slander totally unscathed.

He's been a bonafide loser his entire career. Has come up short. Have had people make excuses for his short comings. Blamed it on his injuries, but the ONE time he's benefited from injuries, had a 2-0 lead in the NBA FINALS. And STILL managed to come up short.

It's not even like he lost a game 7 down to the wire. His team lost 4 GAMES STRAIGHT. He turned the ball over consistently games 3-6. And went back to flopping and pushing guys up in the air. But he's immune/exempt from criticism?

Someone PLEASE walk me through why this man gets special treatment? I'd really like to understand. And don't tell me people here are talking about. I'm talking about the media.
Can we talk about how CP's handles are always immaculate until **** gets real and then he starts having unforced turnovers on routine dribbles? Ball's on a string until clutch time when the string suddenly gets cut.

People don't want to admit this or put this label on the Point "God", but the man comes up short when the lights are it's brightest.
Can we talk about how CP's handles are always immaculate until **** gets real and then he starts having unforced turnovers on routine dribbles? Ball's on a string until clutch time when the string suddenly gets cut.

He be short circuiting. It’s weird as hell. I feel like he be overthinking it.

it’s gotten to the point over the last few post seasons…where he’ll just defer and pass it up and not want it back.

Watching cam Johnson or Crowder or an ice cold book against a set defense go 1 on 1…while Cp3 holds his shorts in the corner was cringe
monty really didn't send the double or trap hard on giannis. not even for a few possessions just to try it out. ayton was food out there
thought payne gave the suns great minutes, but did not see the floor in the second half

at some point, you got to live with pj, pat, bobby shooting open threes instead of giannis at the rim
Some of you guys are ridiculous. Why can't y'all be happy for Giannis?

Never change, NT. Never change
NT's best way to appreciate a player is to immediately begin slandering one's who haven't played meaningful basketball in months
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There were a couple times down the stretch where I was wondering why cp3 wasn't pushing the pace and using his speed. I know he's not in his 20s anymore but it seemed like he could have gotten a few easy ones off speed alone. At the end of the day though when I look at cp3 shortcomings in playoffs, who has he lost to that he was really supposed to beat? I can't think of anyone.

Nvm forgot about Josh Smith and Corey brewer'
Cp3 folds under pressure, id say cuz he overthinks, over analyzes. Tries to do too much, thinking instead of just doing. Doing what hes been doing, ans good at, his entire life. Hes not longer relaxed, his muscles tighten up. Its not free flowing, everythings "mechanical" in a sense. Trying to be perfect. You cant do any kinda athletic movement/sport move when your body/muscles are stiff and tighten up. Dudes his own enemy. As a result he defers to others in crunch time.
I woke up to a bunch of quotes from you know who this morning.

I always give credit where credit is due. Giannis deserves it. He took this team and carried them to this ring. I can respect and appreciate that performance. He shut me up going into next season, at least. Now, all he will be judged on is, Can he do it again? One time is good, but he needs to get multiple. The road will be harder next year.
never trust no-bo-dy
Your moms'll set that @5$up, properly gassed up
Hoodied and masked up, sh!+, for that fast buck
She be laying in the bushes to light that @5$ up

So my mother is going to throw on a hoodie and mask, wait for me in the bushes like a marine sniper, hit me up through the scope when I walk by and steal my wallet and valuable possessions?
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There were a couple times down the stretch where I was wondering why cp3 wasn't pushing the pace and using his speed. I know he's not in his 20s anymore but it seemed like he could have gotten a few easy ones off speed alone. At the end of the day though when I look at cp3 shortcomings in playoffs, who has he lost to that he was really supposed to beat? I can't think of anyone..
the one that stick in my mind off the top of my head

blew a 3-1 vs houston
2019 vs warriors when durant went out
2018 gm 7 with the missed threes at home. he was injured, so i'd give him a pass. team still had a good shot at winning
costly turnover in pivotal gm 5 vs thunder

i give him a pass on the 0-2 vs the spurs. the team was young and spurs were still a top tier team
Giannis was probably still drunk from the night before...

let me find out #y'all driving under the influence cuz you won't let your girl drive you :smh:
I woke up to a bunch of quotes from you know who this morning.

I always give credit where credit is due. Giannis deserves it. He took this team and carried them to this ring. I can respect and appreciate that performance. He shut me up going into next season, at least. Now, all he will be judged on is, Can he do it again? One time is good, but he needs to get multiple. The road will be harder next year.
Yea because before now, he deserved no credit.

Funny dude.
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