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I know I'm right I don't need the approval. If someone wanted to discuss why Tobias Harris is failing to fulfill the role the team needs and pays him for than that's a valid discussion imo. I didn't watch whole game so I'd actually appreciate some for info, perspective regarding that..

Tobias is failing the team and Simmons isnt? You his cousin or something?
Not sure what you mean



i stalled you out on the keif > Marcus because that was a clear troll job :lol:
Gotta give him credit for adjusting regardless. We’re seeing some other coaches literally do the opposite
Have no problem giving him credit for not being stuck in his ways like Bud and others.

I just think his hand was kind of forced to adjust since he didn't have the rotation right to begin with.
A lot of people, led by BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE , mocked the Reggie acquisition. Goes to show you they know nothing about basketball
reggie was acquired last season and that led to ...?

clips also went out and traded for rondo who they thought was the floor general they needed for the playoff run. and hes getting dnp's
clips also started pat bev for the first 2 games of the playoffs vs the mavs and desperately needed to make a change

what reggie is doing is wild but lets not act like the clips knew exactly they were doing all along with him
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Keeping it a buck, Ben should be coming off the bench the same way Phil used Lamar. I said it when Ben came outta LSU, he's closer to Lamar than LeBron. Front office and coaches just need to be honest and admit they was fooled by his size and passing ability.

I remember you saying this. I can't believe people compared Ben to Lebron.
reggie was acquired last season and that led to ...?

clips also went out and traded for rondo who they thought was the floor general they needed for the playoff run. and hes getting dnp's
clips also started pat bev for the first 2 games of the playoffs vs the mavs and desperately needed to make a change

what reggie is doing is wild but lets not act like the clips knew exactly they were doing all along with him

You just described what a team is supposed to do. Reggie, Batum, Kennard, Beverly, rondo. These are all role players who can’t play great basketball consistently for an entire season but are capable of stealing games for you. Nobody expected Reggie to play this well. But he was acquired because he is capable of it. So when the other pgs are struggling, you have another guy available and maybe he plays wellfor a stretch.But my whole point was the acquisition was mocked as a “power move.” It was never supposed to be. But now it’s looking great.
I remember you saying this. I can't believe people compared Ben to Lebron.

A lot of the comparison was based not only on their size and past first play making ability, it was based on projection. People knew that Ben Simmons didn't have a jump shot but they projected that he would get one and eventually become a Hall of famer.

We've been saying it for years now but the most tragic part about Ben Simmons career is that he came into the league 90% of the player he is now. He's gotten better, just not at the rate and he was expected. He was essentially a finished product by year three
trynafeelmink trynafeelmink needs a TV analyst gig on ESPN.

He'd annoy me so much
That Hijo Del Porno dude talks like a crossover between a wrestler during a promo and a TV analyst on a ESPN.

Not like his own show but the annoying guest they bring on when the topic is the Lakers and he's the one folks point to when they say "Well Lakers fans said <Insert wild non-sensical take>."
I got a chance to watch the Philly game. Black Rick Carlisle was in rare form last night. He’s the true master of panic. Imagine slowly blowing a 25 point llead and your coach makes no adjustments. Then every time you give up a bucket or miss a shot, you look over at him for and he’s looking back like this. Looking like a fan on the verge of tears


Gotta make you feel real confident as a player
Clippers fans are still haunted by the impending doom that comes with a big lead and collapse of doc led teams.
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