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I agree I see them going 8-4 this year (just because they always lose a dumb game) but they’re very capable of beating OU.

They lost 7 games last season by one score and were maybe the best 3 win team in NCAA history.

I’m not plugged in to Nebraska at all but everything I’ve read and heard is that they really don’t want to fire him, so he’d essentially have to force their hand with another really bad season.

They'll never admit this, but I get a sense that they're really not sure they could do better. Idk I think guys like Klieman, or Calhoun could win there if Campbell told them no.
End of the day: As frustrating as Mond could be, JT ain’t better than him so it dont matter. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I don’t think sark did anything to harm kids. He just had personal issues that at the time made him wholly unfit, but he was generally a good dude to the kids under his watch, just not the father figure he was promising parents he’d be.

Well if you ignore the him smashing coeds thing…

Didn't he come to practice hung over or drunk most of the time? Substance abuse is truly a disease but we don't know what harm he put his players in because he just wasn't paying attention because he was drunk.
Didn't he come to practice hung over or drunk most of the time? Substance abuse is truly a disease but we don't know what harm he put his players in because he just wasn't paying attention because he was drunk.
That’s true. Hadn’t thought of it that way. Football certainly is a dangerous activity and to have the person coaching and monitoring you be under the influence puts you at extra risk.
That’s true. Hadn’t thought of it that way. Football certainly is a dangerous activity and to have the person coaching and monitoring you be under the influence puts you at extra risk.

I agree that Sark isn't on Durkin's and BK's level but what he did was really bad.

Rookie and the nfl season hasn’t started yet so posting this here too. Tough break for Matt. There was a foreseeable path for him to start there eventually this year.

Rookie and the nfl season hasn’t started yet so posting this here too. Tough break for Matt. There was a foreseeable path for him to start there eventually this year.

Sucks for him. Dealing with a high ankle sprain most of last season, now having to recover from a lisfranc. Tough for the kid.
Why are they blaming Bohn?
And today USC issues a statement and Tenn people acknowledge it's true. But their fans still saying the statement is a lie because a message board poster said it is.

“USC has – consistently with NCAA rules – promptly and accurately responded to all requests from the University of Tennessee related to the eligibility of Bru McCoy,” Southern Cal officials said in the statement. “At no point since Bru entered the transfer portal in January have we objected to him being made immediately eligible to play at Tennessee. The issue of Bru’s eligibility ultimately rests with the NCAA, and we wish him the very best.”

If USC didn’t sign off on a No Participation Opportunity Form to allow McCoy to be eligible immediately, according to the OutKick report, Tennessee would need to file a waiver with the NCAA, with cooperation from the USC program — a process the Vols have already started — to get him cleared to play.
I get limiting transfers to one free transfer per collegiate career, and I’m on board with that. But that should automatically be waived if your current coach leaves for another opportunity or gets fired. Or if you get a tummy ache from a burrito (just effing around USC guys, I know he actually had a serious illness).
I get limiting transfers to one free transfer per collegiate career, and I’m on board with that. But that should automatically be waived if your current coach leaves for another opportunity or gets fired. Or if you get a tummy ache from a burrito (just effing around USC guys, I know he actually had a serious illness).
The rules are stupid (I'm pro free transfer and immediate eligiblity once each year). Still, by the NCAA putting the onus on schools to request waivers for kids, you get situations like this one where USC is telling Tennessee to go ahead and apply for a waiver and Tennessee doesn't want, or doesn't know how, to request a waiver for a kid who was suspended due to a Title IX and criminal investigation (both of which ended without substantiation after the accuser stopped cooperating) and would rather pass it back to USC to do.

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Also, Bru is still suing USC for suspending him. Why would they then file a form admitting to that?
Just a **** situation for the kid. Forgot he had gotten hit with a Title IX suit which obviously complicates things.

Overall, I think kids should have the same freedom coaches do, but allowing a transfer every year without some sort of extenuating circumstance gets slippery. Then again, you’re opening that to someone’s interpretation, and I’m very anti-NCAA. I could talk myself in circles for days on this topic.
I think every athlete should be allowed one free transfer with no sitting out and immediate eligibility.

After that, barring some crazy circumstances (coach leaving, family issues, etc.) they should have to sit out some amount of time if they transfer again
I don’t know if this is the type of piece that can be copy pasted but if possible could someone post the relevant parts?

I want these athletes to leave as many times as they want for any reason. Just don't care for the NCAA and their rules that only benefit schools
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