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The stupidity of Jimbo Fisher summed up in a single picture:
Wouldn’t be for Michigan I don’t believe

Just wishful thinking on my part... Michigan doesn't admit any transfers unless they are grad transfers... So the portal is one way with them... Also, NIL is still a joke here... Hope new Prez can get something finalized that at least is appealing to recruits
In that scenario, wouldn’t LSU also be able to say “we beat Georgia by 17, who beat one of the best teams in the PAC by 46” or does that not count?
Miami 3-0 in conference road games

Clemson has a 39 game winning streak at home.

Unstoppable force vs immovable object this weekend
How do you even review close plays with that mess? I guess everyone involved just kind of has to understand
In that scenario, wouldn’t LSU also be able to say “we beat Georgia by 17, who beat one of the best teams in the PAC by 46” or does that not count?
LSU losing to a common opponent that Clemson beat holds more weight than LSU saying they beat a team that beat an unrelated PAC team. The transitive relation argument doesn’t work the same.
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