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There’s something to be said for a first mover, and Vince was the first of the three to do it (style of play and winning). Cam had the worst of the three teams that he carried though.

Tebow’s got the edge over Vince with multiple titles I guess. Wouldn’t argue with your list, but I’d go back and forth with Tebow/Vince placement.

Edit: I think VY also would have won multiple titles at Florida, and probably without a cry ceremony.
I was thinking that as well. Cam was essentially a one man team on offense while Tebow was surrounded by elite talent, but he was a gamer and didn’t only rely on them
@T0INE please advise whether nako xl nako xl is doing Nastee thing?
What nastee thing? Is there suddenly a consensus that Caleb is generational? My impression was the thread said he isn’t.

And usc isn’t winning the pac with that defense so we might as well blame Lincoln. Though I don’t know what much he could do about it in 1 year, even with a coordinator change.

We had worse defensive personnel than even Illinois, let alone the rest of the conference, last year and about a 1 deep of talent. We already saw what a couple of injuries did to our playoff chances.

witnesskb24 witnesskb24 you think Day drags this into the season or does he eventually decide on a guy before week 1?

I hope he picks before the season starts, I don’t want another JT Barrett/Cardale situation. Even doing it like Harbaugh did would be fine though the OOC teams each would play are very unequal. I heard for the longest it was McCord but now im hearing it’s even. McCord has the better arm but is less mobile, Brown is the better athlete and more mobile
He's saying the quiet part out loud. It's interesting that recruits are taking notice and black quarterbacks are going to Ohio State because of the reputation that they've cultivated over the last 20 years

Very proud of this young man
I hope he picks before the season starts, I don’t want another JT Barrett/Cardale situation. Even doing it like Harbaugh did would be fine though the OOC teams each would play are very unequal. I heard for the longest it was McCord but now im hearing it’s even. McCord has the better arm but is less mobile, Brown is the better athlete and more mobile
Devin Brown is going to win that competition and that’s a problem for y’all.

Brown is the better QB. McCord is not particularly good. But what McCord is, is Marvin Harrison’s really good friend.

Read back in this thread. I hope he chooses this spring, too :smile:
Devin Brown is going to win that competition and that’s a problem for y’all.

Brown is the better QB. McCord is not particularly good. But what McCord is, is Marvin Harrison’s really good friend.

Read back in this thread. I hope he chooses this spring, too :smile:

Oh yeah are we doing the “if McCord doesn’t win the job Harrison’s going to USC” thing again?
Oh yeah are we doing the “if McCord doesn’t win the job Harrison’s going to USC” thing again?

I don't blame Ewers for transferring but I prefer him over everyone else in the cutrend tOSU QB room.
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