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This Kingsbury thing just seems to be to be a way for him to say “See, Im
looking for jobs I just can’t get hired” so that he can continue to get his full buyout

I mean if you’re gonna do that what better place than SC w/ a guy like Caleb Williams
Exactly. He's getting his full buyout (he's obligated to seek other employment per his buyout clause) and if Caleb's numbers improve he gets to take credit for it.

There are other layers to it, but those are the primary two.
Even if you ignore the BS reporting from Big 12 media hacks, the fact is that there aren’t any TV windows left for PAC-12 games on the major networks except the late night window, which PAC teams clearly hate.

They’re gonna have to accept a deal that’s mostly streaming if they want anything in the ballpark of the Big 12’s deal ($31.6MM/school).

I'm a little late, but who are you referring to?
It feels like you’re not grasping the implications of USC going out and hiring a guy like Kingsbury (a former NFL HC) to be an analyst. They had to beat out Bama and other schools for him.

They have also had former HCs sitting in on defensive meetings.

There are important optics there. Kingsbury “won’t” even be an onfield coach so all the Kyler stuff you’re talking about him is silly. That’s not the important part.
I mean, aren’t those two guys best friends and have coached/played with each other back to TTU? Is it that impressive that a young, not married dude who just got fired and is owed millions of dollars would prefer to collect his checks in Southern California over Tuscaloosa? :lol:
Exactly. He's getting his full buyout (he's obligated to seek other employment per his buyout clause) and if Caleb's numbers improve he gets to take credit for it.

There are other layers to it, but those are the primary two.
He’s going to take credit for the returning Heisman’s numbers improving while playing for a guy who has coached 3 different QBs to Heisman’s since he’s been HC? Plus what he did with Jalen Hurts?

I know that NFL teams are dumb, but I don’t think this is going to be the pendulum swing for Kliff’s reputation :lol:. He’s going to work UNDER someone who we have objectively thought was a better coach than him for years now. He was already going to get a shot as OC somewhere at minimum. Still will.
He’s going to take credit for the returning Heisman’s numbers improving while playing for a guy who has coached 3 different QBs to Heisman’s since he’s been HC? Plus what he did with Jalen Hurts?

I know that NFL teams are dumb, but I don’t think this is going to be the pendulum swing for Kliff’s reputation :lol:. He’s going to work UNDER someone who we have objectively thought was a better coach than him for years now. He was already going to get a shot as OC somewhere at minimum. Still will.

I mean, aren’t those two guys best friends and have coached/played with each other back to TTU? Is it that impressive that a young, not married dude who just got fired and is owed millions of dollars would prefer to collect his checks in Southern California over Tuscaloosa? :lol:
USC historically does hire many analysts and will not compete with other schools/entities over them. For the most part they're not going to spend more for something that ain't broke. I've told the weight room story: how Reggie during an interview was lifting in what was basically a janitor's closet because the school refused to invest in better facilities, arguing the team was already winning national championships so it was seen as unnecessary.

SC had a top 3 offense last year and despite that they still went out and replaced a really good but low key analyst, with a big name head coach that others also wanted for the same position and more. Just because Riley wanted him. The administration hasn't supported a head coach like this since Pete was around.

You've made similar observations to the difference between the support Mario is getting and the support Manny is getting. It's at the least, a signal that they intend to try to be good at football, whereas for many years there was an element there that very much so wanted the football team to be bad because they didn't want all the things that came with a successful football team.
He’s going to take credit for the returning Heisman’s numbers improving while playing for a guy who has coached 3 different QBs to Heisman’s since he’s been HC? Plus what he did with Jalen Hurts?

I know that NFL teams are dumb, but I don’t think this is going to be the pendulum swing for Kliff’s reputation :lol:. He’s going to work UNDER someone who we have objectively thought was a better coach than him for years now. He was already going to get a shot as OC somewhere at minimum. Still will.
I think Kliff's trajectory is college head coach. Idk that he'd get another NFL HC job soon, but he had OC offers.

But to answer all your other questions, yes. Of course. Isn't that what white dudes in football all do? They go sit somewhere under Saban or whoever for a few years and then get tons of credit and a rehabbed image and resume, regardless of what they actually did.
You've made similar observations to the difference between the support Mario is getting and the support Manny is getting. It's at the least, a signal that they intend to try to be good at football, whereas for many years there was an element there that very much so wanted the football team to be bad because they didn't want all the things that came with a successful football team.
I get this part. My other responses about what it means for Kliff still stands, though.
I think Kliff's trajectory is college head coach. Idk that he'd get another NFL HC job soon, but he had OC offers.

But to answer all your other questions, yes. Of course. Isn't that what white dudes in football all do? They go sit somewhere under Saban or whoever for a few years and then get tons of credit and a rehabbed image and resume, regardless of what they actually did.
Yea, I mean he’s going to try but this dude has coached 3 Heisman’s and Kliff hid the greatest QB of all time in mediocrity while he was HC. I don’t think he gets another NFL HC job without being a OC again at least. Let’s not forget he took a job from one of the worst franchises in the league and everyone was basically like WTF when it happened then. None of those Saban guys come out with NFL HC jobs.
I see da spice levels are increasing today and I love it. I prefer the city of Tuscaloosa over LA but that’s just me. I’m sure Kliff feels the same way but I’m proud that he chose SC. ✌️
They pretend they hate it but the truth is USC talk is provocative. It gets the people going.
All I know is that Kliff is a good hire that Bama should’ve thrown the bag at but SC got him and that’s all there is to it. ✌️
B1G East:
1. Michigan
2. OSU
3. PSU

B1G West:
1. Wisconsin
2. Minnesota
3. Nebraska/Iowa

1. Texas
2. KSU
3. TCU

SEC East:
1. UGA
2 South Carolina
3. Tennessee

SEC West:
1. Alabama
2. LSU
3. Ole Miss

1. FSU
2. Clemson
3. UNC

1. USC
2. Oregon
3. Washington

Playoff teams:
1. UGA
2. Michigan
3. USC
4. Texas

Early predictions that will be totally wrong :lol:
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