Sorry in advance for the long post fam.
Back from my vacation to Cali. Kinda sucks being back in the east coast lol. Anywho, for the majority of my trip I rocked bred 1s. They were in pretty good condition. But before I left I vowed to rock them without a single care of what crease or scuff that would incur. Honestly it felt good to not give a damn lol. I didn't try to ruin them on purpose but instead rock them for what they really are, sneakers. I got a few concerns from people wondering why I was being reckless and not taking care of them
lol. Swapping the insoles with Nike SB insoles definitely helped to wear them for long periods at a time
I'm lovin them even more now. They're more broken in and comfortable. IMO they look better with creases. The leather seemed to have soften up alittle as well. Pictures don't do them any justice. Since being back, I did hit em with Jason Markks cleaner. Thanks if you ended up reading this haha. Now for the pics.