Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Back in 2009 & 2010 for the space jams and cool greys I walked into this mall MONDOWMIN at 10am and walked right out.. ever since the concords its been a zoo...smfh.. glad I didn't show up for this one..

Lol I hear you bruh !! You have to have friends in this "game" now a days. Cause it's a straight zoo !! Ju hearrrdddd !! LMFAO
That's just straight insanity !! You see there are flaws and cracks within the new approach. This is not the first I heard of cats with no paper lining up. Sh*# after all like he said, doesn't cost anything to grab tix.

I dont really see the difference with this and people going on release day and paying with a credit card. Pay with a credit card and pay later, same concept right?
I dont really see the difference with this and people going on release day and paying with a credit card. Pay with a credit card and pay later, same concept right?

Lol, that right there is a crazy way to think, that's why the US govt had to bail out its entire housing mkt, cause of that frame of mind. I guess there is some truth to that, except these guys with no paper think they can charge someone for the ticket. They don't realize that you got to give your personal info for each ticket. I would imagine its non transferable.
You can't sell your ticket, your name & license number is recorded.
Idiots at their finest.

Yea but nothing is stopping idiots from just waiting for thirsty people on RD saying, "hey i got the tix and for a 150$ FINDERS FEE u can walk in with me and have me buy it for you! Trust me where there is thirst and a hustle someone will be exploited! Dudes going to be on here like my connect got me on RD....... When their connect is 14 yr boy they don't even know and paid 150-200 over retail to have on RD.
Called FL/HOH girl answers and just says "hi" im like hello who is this footlocker? she just says this is footlocker i ask about the release and she says tickets on wednesday morning and hangs up....Im done with that place. Nike store >>>>
we should make a poll on the stupidest-craziest story of this release. :rofl: sure there will be plenty to go around.
It has begun my brother is camped out at a mall in the ATL and its already like 60 DEEP most people out their with kids in strollers or holding them. To make it worse sevral people said they dont have money yet but tixs are free so why not. He said, "they were like if i cant buy it i will just find someone and "mule" them." (Meaning find someone they know and charge 25-100 plus just to pick them up with there money. WTF
g do you know where he is in atl or anybody in atl how is its looking on the camps
I dont really see the difference with this and people going on release day and paying with a credit card. Pay with a credit card and pay later, same concept right?

Ummmm.... No tix are FREE credit is a form a currency ( a horrible one but one none the less) you actually have to be 18 to own most or be under ur parents. Most people in line for kicks pay in cash. Lastly the HYPE is double cause now everybody and their momma can show up for free tix. It was madness when you had to pay. Now just show up and hey grab a slip of paper
Ummmm.... No tix are FREE credit is a form a currency ( a horrible one but one none the less) you actually have to be 18 to own most or be under ur parents. Most people in line for kicks pay in cash. Lastly the HYPE is double cause now everybody and their momma can show up for free tix. It was madness when you had to pay. Now just show up and hey grab a slip of paper

Thank you star !! Well put !! I absolutely agree with you, they made it twice as crazy. This will cause a new confusion when ppls refuse to buy tix from dudes. Now you got a bunch of unclaimed 11's. here we go again.
South-lake mall idk how champs is there they usually wont hand out anything till its time and they don't respect the line out side. They are a little uppity like the apple store of shoes!
good lookin,champs bs , im about to hit the scene now to see what is lookin like
Back in 2009 & 2010 for the space jams and cool greys I walked into this mall MONDOWMIN at 10am and walked right out.. ever since the concords its been a zoo...smfh.. glad I didn't show up for this one..

The hype has always been around. Even before the jams and concords.
To be honest I'm going to get of work at 3:30 ride down to S-mall and talk to Champs there i need some cleaner for my bred 4's. if it looks stupid which it will imma go home. Sad cause most people don't ware a 13 but u going to see 10 yr olds with sz 13 tixs and straight to eBay........ Or, "I'm going to trade for my size" Ummmm you have 13 and your going to find a 8-10 good luck on ur hobbit quest son......

Glad i just cop on line gotta love a high gigabit network best corporate america can buy!
This is What it's Looking down Here at My HOH their bout to pass out Guaranteed Tickets & Only Waited in Line for 3hrs [emoji]128518[/emoji]
Damn what a shame. People were getting their tickets and turning around and asking everybody what size they needed. $100 for the ticket. Glad I got my right size though. That's 1 down
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