Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

I know this is alot of people's favorite shoe, but I've always preferred the concords over these by far. Don't get me wrong, these are still a great shoe but just not in my top 10. There's a bunch of black/red J's I'd take over these...


Seems like everyone loves these.... but really. The BEST XI is the CONCORDS!

and the BEST BLACK / RED JORDAN would be the XIIs!

With that said.... 3 pairs for the :stoneface: .

Ill use these for yard work.

Getting excited over teaser images of shoes WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN AND OWNED MULTIPLE TIMES OVER
Would rather just pick up another pair of 01s. No point in stressing all night and possibly missing out then having to pay about the same price from resellers and a pair of VNDS or DS 01s. 
Theres a Picture of the box on if no one has already posted it in here
But that box could be faked

Looks like a standard 2012 flip-lid box. I'd be surprised if they went this route considering the past 3 December released XI's came with the special pull out box.
What if the 2012 box is this years clear toe? Maybe JB will change their mind about the box closer towards the actual release. Either way, I'm not going to jump the gun on these. It's either retail or fail.
Modern Notoriety Pics:




I'm pretty sure they'll come in the normal XI box. It's an early release pair, they probably just threw them into JB boxes because they jacked em off the assembly line without any boxes...
Theres a Picture of the box on if no one has already posted it in here
But that box could be faked

I almost got them 5 min ago on sneaker hotline but saw the box.. Has anyone confirmed a special box yet? Because its looking to me like we have a regular one.
Creating unnecessary hype posting pics of the shoe already.

And some people wonder why the 11 release is always the craziest of the year.

Some people couldn't wait huh?

:lol: :smh:
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