Official Air Jordan VII 'Charcoals' post! 9/1 Don't call 'em Raptors! NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

no wonder your on my block list
broke out the DMP's to wear to wk

im good on the CHARCOALS
unless i can catch my sz on the disco later this yr
Don't ever tell a grown man to stop. WOuld land you in serious trouble in real life. You would get a beat down that is detrimental to your physical and mental health in my neck of the woods.

Who cares. Chrome tip are wack anyway. I like them clean and not ghetto looking.
I want chrome tips, despite ordering tight shoes and then tucking the tips away anyway.


But dude is right. Who cares what you call em. Why bother others for calling em something else?
People who call these Raptors are obviously 90's babies and in my opinion you ain't a real sneakerhead if u were born after 1992 you just a hypebeast follower
Wait so if you were born after 1992 then that makes you a "hypebeast follower". So I guess after all of the people born from the beggining of time to 1992 are gone then EVERYONE in the world will be hypebeasts! LMAO! So basically everyone who was recently born is a hypebeast? Sweet logic! 

ill cop and throw it on with my VC rookie jersey

1st draft pic ever for the raps stoudamire for me...had to dust that ol' champion off this week

so let me get this straight...because a certain group of people cant understand or take the time to say "white/red xiv" or "black/red vii" then the rest of us have to appease them by saying "candycane" and "raptor" in order for them to know what it is that we are referring to?! thats pathetic.
call them whatever you want on your own time but dont come into the OFFICIAL thread and expect to NOT be corrected. im glad the mods finally decided to straighten things out in respect to "nicknames" because this is supposed to be a reputable site with the most relevant and up to date information on shoes but nicknames and slang does nothing but undermine that standard...

maybe i'm too old because i agree with this statement
******g Raptors wasn't even around in 92 when these dropped I was born in 83 and most mf's that be in line acting like ******** at every release are a bunch of punk *** snapback wearing 90's babies coming to buy shoes wit their parents money. Lol
Born in 87. I call em Raptors. I dont care to be called a sneakerhead by anyone. Nowadays, I rather not even be associated with that term...
Thank you! I try not to be associated with the "sneakerheads". Just like hipsters, they're just a bunch of douches.
Im going to start calling them the reptars. look at that club purple in his tongue and that debateable true red in his eyes lol.

seriously. its not a big deal what they called. people had different names for these shoes back in the days. I used to always call these the Micheal Jackson Jordans just because of the Jam video. My cousins in SC called them "the shoes he wore in the playoffs" before the Playoff term was coined.
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