Official Air Jordan X & XIII Countdown Post!

Got my comf from PYS, I will probably hit up Eastbay for one more pack, I am feeling both J's and I hope you haters keep passing becuase it just makes iteasier for the one's who want it. You rock your beaters while I wear my brand new J's.
the line at niketown honolulu started at 12pm today....
i guess its not so bad when your camping out at a niketown that is directly across a beach...
I'm not trying to put any of the Moderators on the spot in here and I don't mean any disrespect to Cameron Nelson getting his hustle on either. Butisn't it contradictory to say no attempts at selling in this forum or disgusing any attempt to sell from use of your sig?

I hope this aint a 2 way street if any of us regular NT'ers do it. No offense to ijapino or Cameron Nelson, but I just had to put that out there.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I'm not trying to put any of the Moderators on the spot in here and I don't mean any disrespect to Cameron Nelson getting his hustle on either. But isn't it contradictory to say no attempts at selling in this forum or disgusing any attempt to sell from use of your sig?

I hope this aint a 2 way street if any of us regular NT'ers do it. No offense to ijapino or Cameron Nelson, but I just had to put that out there.

I don't have a problem with members using their sig to sell shoes. It's when they post only for the purpose at getting people to look at their sig.The whole, "hey be sure to check out my sig" quote after a pretty useless smoking hat emoticon is an obvious attempt at trying to sell...The samegoes for when people request to trade or buy the same way... That's where the rule gets broken and people get suspended.
These aren't touching the dmps. The dmps released january 28th and had 200 page threads in september of the previous year
They really shouldn't bethat hard to get, even reselling prices will be very much near retail.

You can compare this pack to the bmp except the 13's are a much better shoe than the 1's.
Originally Posted by ijapino

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I'm not trying to put any of the Moderators on the spot in here and I don't mean any disrespect to Cameron Nelson getting his hustle on either. But isn't it contradictory to say no attempts at selling in this forum or disgusing any attempt to sell from use of your sig?

I hope this aint a 2 way street if any of us regular NT'ers do it. No offense to ijapino or Cameron Nelson, but I just had to put that out there.

I don't have a problem with members using their sig to sell shoes. It's when they post only for the purpose at getting people to look at their sig. The whole, "hey be sure to check out my sig" quote after a pretty useless smoking hat emoticon is an obvious attempt at trying to sell...The same goes for when people request to trade or buy the same way... That's where the rule gets broken and people get suspended.

Originally Posted by DJKona

20% off Finishline

Good Looks Kona

But, I just also googled it and this is the code that I got 141396.

I'll try both, but if they don't work then it's retail.

I just hope that Finishline can fullfill their orders, and doesn't screw us over.
^No disrespect but wouldn't luring people away from eastbay and having a big sig stating you are selling them contradict that?
Originally Posted by fonto76

I am starting to think that these will not be sold on tonight...they are usually up by now.

yea you are right.... maybe they are finally gonna release um at 9pm pacific? they have the countdown shirts already
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by ijapino

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I'm not trying to put any of the Moderators on the spot in here and I don't mean any disrespect to Cameron Nelson getting his hustle on either. But isn't it contradictory to say no attempts at selling in this forum or disgusing any attempt to sell from use of your sig?

I hope this aint a 2 way street if any of us regular NT'ers do it. No offense to ijapino or Cameron Nelson, but I just had to put that out there.

I don't have a problem with members using their sig to sell shoes. It's when they post only for the purpose at getting people to look at their sig. The whole, "hey be sure to check out my sig" quote after a pretty useless smoking hat emoticon is an obvious attempt at trying to sell...The same goes for when people request to trade or buy the same way... That's where the rule gets broken and people get suspended.


Just gettin ready to reply with the same...

All I did was put it in my sig, which has been there for a few weeks now...I update it, but who wouldn't? I haven't told anybody to check out my sig ordirected them to it

Now, with the DMP's...I can't front...I violated like no other!
The stuff I did in that post was uncalled for, but I learned my lesson!
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Damn those are some hot low quality pics tho lol, makes me think the X's wont be that bad after all


pics via sk 3

and did some1 say campouts in nyc?

anyways, vims that got the bmps should have some pairs of the "collezione"

good luck to those who wanna cop, just might pass by some campout lines and say waddup on my way to work ...
Originally Posted by fvargas2000

^No disrespect but wouldn't luring people away from eastbay and having a big sig stating you are selling them contradict that?

Using your sig to sell shoes has always been one of the loopholes on Niketalk. The staff has discussed this issue multiple times, but I don't think weever decided on what we're gonna do. Until we disallow selling sigs all together, we can only moderate what gets posted in the actual reply. That's whywe ban/suspend people who are using obvious attempts at getting other members to check their signature.
Soon we will see if Beastbay has improved their system since the DMP.

My guess: the site will be a pain in the rump as usual.
Man these last ten minutes are killing me. I need to get these off of the Internet but if I don't I really won't be that mad. I'll just have theextra $200 bucks to spend on something else. No biggie I guess.
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