Official Air Jordan XII 'Nubuck' Post - They're up.

i just ordered my pair. u niketalk people have no lives. thats what u get. hopefully i get mine now
I'm waiting for the email. I'm not dealing with this.

What's the worst that could happen? They'll run out of my size hat? As long as I can get my shoe and shirt size, I'm straight. These days, I don't need to be the first on my block with them.

I have no problem refreshing until a product is up if I actually know approximately when ordering will commence. I won't, however, sit and refresh over the course of 2 whole days. I also have no desire to swim against a current of errors and misdirections. I have a sneaking suspicion that they'll still have my size when and if ordering actually operates properly.

We know this will probably be analyzed down to the quark after the fact - but I'm still baffled as to how these types of online exclusive launches can be so consistently ill-planned from a technical standpoint.

This isn't's first online exclusive. However, each time it seems from the outside looking in that they've NEVER done anything like this before. There simply haven't been any signs I've observed that might indicate learning has taken place.

The team jordan exclusive launch was a GREAT idea. It seemed intended to reward loyal fans - and now it seems to have penalized the most eager fans.

If what painbl overheard was accurate - and the source of this problem is the inability to link the inventory with the webpage, that is honestly an unacceptable excuse in my humble opinion.

How many weeks has it been now since WE first learned of this product launch? Now, imagine how long it's been since the technical staff responsible for the launch knew about it. So, you're telling me that in that time span, it wasn't possible to set the system up and TEST it such that WHEN the inventory arrived, it could then simply be plugged in? You have to believe they had well over a month to prepare for this launch, and yet it's all apparently coming together at the last minute like a hastily composed term paper.

This isn't the type of project that should be operated in the periphery. Again, I think the idea of a team jordan exclusive was fantastic, but it's not the type of thing that should've been delegated as a side project in my uninformed, outside opinion.

If this type of thing is going to work, I would tend to think that Jordan,, etc. need to have a dedicated staff to tend to these types of projects. I just don't see any evidence of that. What began as a great idea has become a terribly disjointed, frustrating ordeal for Jordan fans.

Here we are and people have already begun ordering the package - yet I and many others have yet to even receive the card and I'm assuming that NOBODY has received the email.

Personally, I don't think they should bother trying to plug these leaks with their fingers and continue to allow the occasional individual the ability to order the product.

It's difficult to even conjure up a physical retail equivalent. This would be like having a group of people camping outside a store, then they're told that, due to a shipping error, product hadn't yet arrived. Many people in line would, at this point, cut their losses and try again when the problem has been resolved. At this point, imagine if you saw the first 3 people in line get in the store and walk out with Jordans. Chaos.

Now everyone's trying to shove their way in, and rather than seal the doors the retailer is actually choosing to sell to those who force their way in. WHY? That strategy will just encourage chaos. They had the right idea shutting things down until this afternoon, but they blew it again by stoking the fires and allowing yet another small batch of orders to go through. Now we'll have people battling for these shoes all day. That certainly doesn't help resolve its technical issues.

At this point, it's safe to say that the launch has been an unmitigated disaster.

I have NO clue as to why they couldn't have simply stuck with the original November 29th release date, which would have allowed a few extra days for testing etc. and assured a more seamless experience for Jordan fans. Instead, the card says Nov. 24th. As such, I can't blame everyone for camping out at their computers beginning at 11:50 PM on the 23rd. Set a date you KNOW you can make, and deliver. To say the least, I'd rather have things work smoothly on Friday than go through this.

Now I'm nowhere near boycotting the product - since I love the idea of a Team Jordan exclusive and I think the shoe is gorgeous. I think a boycott at this point would simply send the message that it's better to take the safe route and stick with traditional, proven methods of selling product rather than taking the initiative to do something a little different and trying to reward JB's loyal fans. Let's just hope that this embarrassment is properly addressed rather than sidestepped and written off as a poor idea. This COULD have been great - IF it were precisely coordinated, operated seamlessly, and shipped overseas, that is...

Oh - and to all those who are relieving their frustration by abusing customer service - KNOCK IT OFF. It's not their fault that they don't have the information you're looking for. It's not their fault they can't place a pair of nubucks on a silver platter for you. It's wrong to make them pay for the mistakes of others.

Whew, I'm glad I was finally able to get, well at least order, mine (1 pair). One pair is more than enough, especially when they carry a $200 price tag.

I Just used the link posted above, but i'm getting a message saying my CART IS FULL and they won't let me process the order!

How can i clear my cart??
I finally got my order of 3 pairs of size 13's confirmed. But I had to create two additional accounts to do it due to that "for security purposes you've selected too many pairs and will not be able to complete your transaction" BS error message. I still can't believe the shoddy patchwork piece of crap job Nike's I.T. people did to throw this together over the last 48 hours, and it still doesn't work right.

Nike, take note. That's what test databases are for, guys. It doesn't take an Ivy League MBA to figure that out.


Plus, I'm still curious as to the insiders' (manposite, CEO, etc.) thoughts on this whole thing.

Accountability is a must with this issue. Somebody deserves to get fired for this. I nominate Gentry Humphrey. Him being gone would improve the situation a thousand fold. There simply isn't any excuse for a multi-billion dollar corporation to provide such an unacceptable level of customer service, and in all areas. If I didn't like the Nubucks so much I would have skipped them just to try and make a point to JB, but as it stands now they're my second favorite + model behind only the black/chrome VIII's.

I really hope this situation improves for those that haven't had a chance to get through online yet. Good luck...
how long does it take to get the email??????
These ankles will not break so dont try ill steal the ball reverse da move and bust a 3 in your eye
haha ... good sounds like every1's copping...

for ne1 else who hasn't gotten it to work.. try the link i posted above..

^^^BTW, very well said, Method Man.

As far as I know, no one received the e-mail.

I don't like to assume anything, but after thinking about this for a while, and being experienced in working in the mailing and fulfillment industry, it could have been that they misprinted the date and let a small amount of postcards slip through by accident, then realized the mistake and bumped up the date, causing this big chain reaction. We've had issues similar to that happen at my company before. We've lost entire customer accounts because of it. It's clear that planning on this was thrown out the window, but I can only hope that if there are future attempts at this concept, JB or Nike will learn from this fiasco.
Sorry if this question has already been asked. I want to get a size 13 and a size 10. Is this possible to do under my one username? If not then if I make a new one will it work? Thanks in advance, and I did read a majority of the posts for the peeps that will say I should have looked for the answer within the 800 plus posts.
ok i am pissed off rite now u dun even knoe... been up fer 2 days now and had to run sumwhere real quick.. come back and its up.. went and order and now its saying that i exceeded my limit and i haven't even order yet..

can anyone help me.. wut do i need to do or whats the # to the damn place so i can ask then wuts goin on....


'.--==>> ONE.n.ONLY <<==--.'[/b]​
copped mine bout three hours ago. I was scared tho cuz i kept clicking purchase and it was doing an error thing so i got on my other computer and got em long process but it works. hope it works out for everyone else. just to let ya'll know 1 more size 11 gone to me.
i logged in and it just takes me to the main site, do i have to have an e-mail to order
"Fifty you gonna get shot again by the M-U-R-E-D-R INC!!! " --Jeffery "CookieMonster" Adkins

"claiming you a murdera, and spelled it wrong. You put da E before da d because that's all you on" --D12


OCEANA Class of 2003, the realest family, represent!
Some of you are going a little too crazy with this, waiting for hours refreshing the page. These are not that limited compared to other rare shoes, and everyone will be able to get a pair.

When are they supposed to begin shipping? Does anyone know?
      $$$ Buying all Nike and Jordan shoes in size 9.5 and must be DS. $$$AOL, Yahoo, and MSN Messengers: BigDollarScholarEmail me at  [email protected] eBay feedback and items for sale.
i didn't get an e-mail or postcard but i'm still able to log in to the site and make my purchase. got 2 12.5's. need one more pair so i'll buy on friday.
Pain: let's take that misprint scenario as a possibility.

I'd tend to respond with the following:

Place a message up on the URL indicated by the card that informs customers of the error, and lets them know that the shoes WILL be up on the 29th - NO EARLIER.

Send out your personalized emails to bring people up to date.

We're dealing with webpages and email - these types of communications can be issued and updated rapidly. There should NEVER have been any attempt to actually MEET a misprinted release date. If that's the response, it's only noble in the same sense as trying to play 1 on 5 because the rest of your squad is late.

This is ALL speculative and hindsight is 20/20 - but something broke down here and the communication between the brand and its fans was either absent or misleading when it counted.

Don't tell me when you HOPE it will be fixed. Tell me WHEN it will be fixed. If I have to wait longer, at least I'm not wasting my time ATTEMPTING to buy a product until it's up.

With something this ambitious, you need people to be on top of it every step of the way. I just don't see much evidence of that being the case. If somebody knows what's wrong - the customer service staff should be aware of it, the webpage should reflect it, and the customer should be informed. If we all knew what the problem was and when we could actually purchase the shoes, that would at least control the damage. As it stands, it's utter chaos.

I'll wait for the email. If they're gone, they're gone.

I received my email. Try the link that size13 posted in the post below. It works. Ordered twice.
U Know What I'm Throwin' Up
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