Official Air Jordan XX3 Wht/Rd Post 5/31! NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

nt seattle 10 and 15
nt portland 11 and 15
nt las vegas no answer
nt boston 11 and 9.5
nt honolulu 2 14s ,i got the last 13 finally lol
haha...I guess you called em all till you got your pair.....good looking man..i wish i had known!!! but thanks for sharing that..these guys should appreciatethat!!
Yea man...its FNL in Greenville, S.C. (Haywood Mall) size 11-12 as of this afternoon!!
man yea. all this time i never knew those places shipped ibeen missing out. but i see others leave info so i figured leave some. that I look at it again...I may switch em back. The white laces looking first flip lace mistake! GRRRRRRRRRRR! ahahahah...thanks forthe input all. I think I will switch em back tonight.
for bay area/san francisco NTers, serramonte footlocker still has a crapload...

i called to see if they had anymore and dude said there was at least 2-3 pairs left in most sizes...

im sure footaction still has a lot too...

anywho, i went by and picked up my second pair for 179 out the door...had to get a second pair to keep on ice for when my first pair gets wrecked...


What's so hard about that?
Originally Posted by AsianImage that I look at it again...I may switch em back. The white laces looking first flip lace mistake! GRRRRRRRRRRR! ahahahah...thanks for the input all. I think I will switch em back tonight.

Hey man, I wasn't dissin' the laces.....only paired with those shoes. Some ppl liked them, well one. I didn't care for them, but if you found laceswith deep red, then those would probably look dope. That's just my opinion.
"anyways..i sold 3 pairs.....230$, 230$, 220$, got 3 pairs for me what you want.!!! "

^^ you must forgetting the pair you sold to me for 280 +18 dollars shipping for a grand total of $298!!

I actually was able to get 2 for retail the day of release, but wasnt sure this would happen, therefore asked Flint if he could pick me up a pair. The pricewent from $258 to $280 to $298. I'm not one to argue over $50, so I really don't care, but come on man, don't give people misinformation! Theretail was around $200 depending on tax, so you made off better than what you are claiming. Also, NT SF receipts don't say "QS" for what itsworth, just "Air Jordan XX3".
ummmm. can i call you "Hypebeast?"
Originally Posted by shpongled25

"anyways..i sold 3 pairs.....230$, 230$, 220$, got 3 pairs for me what you want.!!! "

^^ you must forgetting the pair you sold to me for 280 +18 dollars shipping for a grand total of $298!!

I actually was able to get 2 for retail the day of release, but wasnt sure this would happen, therefore asked Flint if he could pick me up a pair. The price went from $258 to $280 to $298. I'm not one to argue over $50, so I really don't care, but come on man, don't give people misinformation! The retail was around $200 depending on tax, so you made off better than what you are claiming. Also, NT SF receipts don't say "QS" for what its worth, just "Air Jordan XX3".

^OUCH^ Are u able sit down o.k.? i said the $50 means nothing to me...just wanted to let NT know the feel me?
Originally Posted by shpongled25

"anyways..i sold 3 pairs.....230$, 230$, 220$, got 3 pairs for me what you want.!!! "

^^ you must forgetting the pair you sold to me for 280 +18 dollars shipping for a grand total of $298!!

I actually was able to get 2 for retail the day of release, but wasnt sure this would happen, therefore asked Flint if he could pick me up a pair. The price went from $258 to $280 to $298. I'm not one to argue over $50, so I really don't care, but come on man, don't give people misinformation! The retail was around $200 depending on tax, so you made off better than what you are claiming. Also, NT SF receipts don't say "QS" for what its worth, just "Air Jordan XX3".

OH DAMN.....someone just got called out and smacked!

AJFLINT13 ------>

Damn AJFlint, that's just wrong to do to other NT'ers. Ebay is more your world than here. We're all here to help people, not rip them off.That's just sad.
BTW those laces are disrespectful to such a beautiful piece of footwear
Originally Posted by jae oh en

for bay area/san francisco NTers, serramonte footlocker still has a crapload...

i called to see if they had anymore and dude said there was at least 2-3 pairs left in most sizes...

im sure footaction still has a lot too...

anywho, i went by and picked up my second pair for 179 out the door...had to get a second pair to keep on ice for when my first pair gets wrecked...

i know. i checked all 3 of the shoe store up in serramonte and they still gots them in stock, it shows you that the jordan fans are deep or we're justlucky.
it wasnt even like that, but I could care less....go ahead and hate,i cant believe your 33 by the way.....14 messages in 9 mins is an absolute record!!!

HYPEBEAST? OR MONEY MAKER? SCHOOL IS EXPENSIVE....HATE ALL YA WANT....i helped 3 ppl? and made 50$ on one thing....and im the bad guy?? LOL

grow up guys, come on, really....grow up.

yall must be bored...getting batman pics and!!
im out children!! enjoy the rest of this lousy post.
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