Official ALCS thread New York Yankees VS Detroit Tigers (NYY:0 DET:4) Yankees got swept :(

U suck raul ....

:rofl: Even you don't mean that.

I swear if we are going to point fingers as a single scapegoat, it's got to be Robbie, as much none of us what to say that about the best player on our team. He has done NOTHING this postseason.

Who the **** knows what can happen tomorrow night, but it's just not looking good at all.

I'm sick :x .
New Yorkers know a fraud when they see one. That's why this thread is empty. I've neverrrr straight up thought the yanks had no shot whatsoever before.

Cano hitless streak is absurd. Got a better chance of getting hit by lightning. This is wayyyy bigger than Arod

This is just a knew feeling for me. I always have hope with the yanks. It feels terrible
I know exactly what you mean and, thankfully, I accepted the team's inevitable fate sometime during Game 2. Jeter being done for the rest of the playoffs was really the nail in the coffin though.

I'm honestly not even hurt like I might have been in the past. We saw how pathetically bad some of our guys were during the Baltimore series and it certainly wasn't gonna change vs. Detroit's pitching staff.

I'm probably disgusted more than anything. Our pitchers deserved better than this. mean.gif

NOTE: I had this post typed up during the Nunez at bat but had to wait until these bums stopped teasing us again.
For some reason I feel We can still go 7. Gotta channel our inner red sox .....

U know I'm buggin now :lol:
Like Michael Kay just said on YES - there is something more going on that not playing A-ROD. There is something going on between A-ROD and Girardi.

Girardi doesn't even look his way for a pinch hit for Ibanez in the 9th when you're facing Coke, a lefty. Girardi at his press conference said that if he brought in A-ROD then Leyland would have countered with Benoit.


Once Jeff Jones went to talk to Coke, by MLB rule he has to face the next batter. Girardi could have brought in A-ROD right there, but when the camera panned to him, he was sitting there twiddling his thumbs, chewing his gum, looking all cozy in his hoodie.


Like Michael Kay just said on YES - there is something more going on that not playing A-ROD. There is something going on between A-ROD and Girardi.
Girardi doesn't even look his way for a pinch hit for Ibanez in the 9th when you're facing Coke, a lefty. Girardi at his press conference said that if he brought in A-ROD then Leyland would have countered with Benoit.
Once Jeff Jones went to talk to Coke, by MLB rule he has to face the next batter. Girardi could have brought in A-ROD right there, but when the camera panned to him, he was sitting there twiddling his thumbs, chewing his gum, looking all cozy in his hoodie.

Hm... something definitely seems up between them two after reading your post.

And what's this I was reading, Swisher had a bat in his hand in the 9th (before or for after Raul). :smh:
your season ended before it began though?

Classic NT response...Doesn't distract from the fact that this was really the Yankees last run at it for the forseeable future (next 5 years or so imo)

George gone...
DJ won't have the same year he had this year...
A-Rod cooked...
Granderson/Tex trending downward...
CC lot of mileage, ain't a spring chicken himself...

Cano the only one left in his prime.

The Steinbrenner kids aren't going to spend like their father did, the can't even sell out the stadiums in the playoffs, they outprice their real fans and make a crappy stadium.

And yes, I know how ****** the Mets are but that's not the point. The point is the premier baseball franchise is headed toward a future that is as uncertain as its ever been, that's all im pointing out.
Like Michael Kay just said on YES - there is something more going on that not playing A-ROD. There is something going on between A-ROD and Girardi.

Girardi doesn't even look his way for a pinch hit for Ibanez in the 9th when you're facing Coke, a lefty. Girardi at his press conference said that if he brought in A-ROD then Leyland would have countered with Benoit.


Once Jeff Jones went to talk to Coke, by MLB rule he has to face the next batter. Girardi could have brought in A-ROD right there, but when the camera panned to him, he was sitting there twiddling his thumbs, chewing his gum, looking all cozy in his hoodie.


Yeah, let's pinch hit for the guy who's leading the team in HR's and RBI's this postseason + has the rare ability on this team of not wetting his pants in pressure situations. For who?

For the guy who currently can't hit a fastball to save his life and manages to wet + soil his pants when the playoffs roll around, even MORE SO when he's being counted on for a big hit.

Yeah, that's the guy I want up there batting with the game on the line.

Girardi probably does have personal issues with A-Rod...but so do I. *shrugs*
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Like Michael Kay just said on YES - there is something more going on that not playing A-ROD. There is something going on between A-ROD and Girardi.
Girardi doesn't even look his way for a pinch hit for Ibanez in the 9th when you're facing Coke, a lefty. Girardi at his press conference said that if he brought in A-ROD then Leyland would have countered with Benoit.
Once Jeff Jones went to talk to Coke, by MLB rule he has to face the next batter. Girardi could have brought in A-ROD right there, but when the camera panned to him, he was sitting there twiddling his thumbs, chewing his gum, looking all cozy in his hoodie.

He did that in the game that he sat him out against the Orioles too. There was a lefty pitching in either the 7th or 8th inning and I thought that he was gonna pinch hit A-Rod for Chavez and he didn't, and Chavez made an out anyways.
haven't seen too many Yankee games, but Cano always looks detached/nonchalant when hes playing

Second this

Reading the national media this AM and it seems like everyone is saying JV had an off-night. Good one :pimp: I believe he said something in his post game interview to the effect of "all that matters is winning and who gives a #$%@ about SO." SInce when did strikeouts equal domination? Outside of Ichiro, who is going to get his no matter what, only 1 batter had a good cut all game and that was Nuñez at 120 pitches. Straight domination and very glad that Mr. Illitch pays his boys properly.

If you want strikeouts, wait until tonight. If Max is on its going to be ugly. :x
Listened to the game, didn't watch it because I was working.

1. The way Girardi is handling Alex is disgusting. It's embarrassing and as I said before, wouldn't be surprised if he's not with us next year.
2. Happy as hell to hear Swisher was benched. His bat is as good as Brett Gardner's and his glove was terrible this season. His tumbles and dives gave up 3-4 runs this series.
3. I was thinking CC could pick up the win today but then I realized....Andy pitched a great game and Kuroda pitched a flawless game...........did we win either?
4. Cano, enough said.
Uhhh, why should he have brought in A-Rod to pinch hit? The guy has been late on 89MPH FB's the entire postseason, he's not catching up to a 95MPH one from Coke. It's not like Ibanez was overmatched in that at bat either. Kay needs to stop with his stupid conclusions that he's reaching for. He's that guy who always says something outrageous that not many folks are thinking just in the hopes of being right so he can say he was the first to say it. He does it all the time. You don't pinch hit for your hottest hitter in the postseason with a guy who is struggling with AA fastballs and can't recognize an offspeed pitch falling out of the zone to save his life this postseason.

haven't seen too many Yankee games, but Cano always looks detached/nonchalant when hes playing

One of the reasons he shouldn't get what Boras wants him to get. That double play in Game 2 in the 7th inning that he botched and then laughed about it in the dugout spoke volumes to me. And this isn't the first time.

Oh yea, here we go with this payroll nonsense again :lol:
I know this will come off as me being a Yankee hater but did anybody else not think Cano sitting in the chair with his feet in the air was not horrible body language. I actually like Cano but if he was on my team and playing as poorly as he has, this would have irked me to no end
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