::Official ask a Muslim vol. Salaam::

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why should people convert to Islam?
Islam is directly translated to submission i.e. submission to the will of God.

So why does anyone abide by any religion?  Because they believe it to be the truth.  The guide to how to live life properly here, and in the next life.
Dope avy OP 

Don't really understand why a Muslim would find this pic to be
Destroy our country, have some tea for your troubles sir.

If you don't get what's
about it I don't think I can explain it to you.

Thank you for that thoroughly enlightening response. You could have at least went with the "we are all humans and should bond" type of schpeel. 
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why should people convert to Islam?
Islam is directly translated to submission i.e. submission to the will of God.

So why does anyone abide by any religion?  Because they believe it to be the truth.  The guide to how to live life properly here, and in the next life.
Dope avy OP 

Don't really understand why a Muslim would find this pic to be
Destroy our country, have some tea for your troubles sir.

If you don't get what's
about it I don't think I can explain it to you.

Thank you for that thoroughly enlightening response. You could have at least went with the "we are all humans and should bond" type of schpeel. 
i dont have a question but i must say bean pies are
and i wish i had one right now
i dont have a question but i must say bean pies are
and i wish i had one right now
Is Muhammad really all that merciful?
I think he was.  The following Hadith are all credible, meaning sources of his sayings and actions.

Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473

By his good character, a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.
Abu Dawood, Hadith 2233.
Do not turn away a poor man...even if all you can give is half a date.If you love the poor and bring them near you...God will bring you nearHim on the Day of Resurrection.
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1376.

A man who, on his last sermon before his death said the following:

“ All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has nosuperiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over anArab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has anysuperiority over a white - except by piety and good action. „

—(Hadith, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Ch. 3)

To say something like this, 1400 years ago, was unheard of.

A man who lived poor throughout his life even after having the support of an entire group of people.  A man who had 2 pairs of plain clothes throughout his life.  A man who spent all the money he earned on the poor and freeing slaves.

This is a man who, rather than wake his cat, cut off the sleeve of his own shirt when she fell asleep on it.

A true look into the Prophet would require more than just a few quotes though.  There are many biographies on his life, some of which are good and others are less than scholarly.

If you'd like some recommendations I can do that.
Is Muhammad really all that merciful?
I think he was.  The following Hadith are all credible, meaning sources of his sayings and actions.

Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473

By his good character, a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.
Abu Dawood, Hadith 2233.
Do not turn away a poor man...even if all you can give is half a date.If you love the poor and bring them near you...God will bring you nearHim on the Day of Resurrection.
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1376.

A man who, on his last sermon before his death said the following:

“ All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has nosuperiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over anArab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has anysuperiority over a white - except by piety and good action. „

—(Hadith, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Ch. 3)

To say something like this, 1400 years ago, was unheard of.

A man who lived poor throughout his life even after having the support of an entire group of people.  A man who had 2 pairs of plain clothes throughout his life.  A man who spent all the money he earned on the poor and freeing slaves.

This is a man who, rather than wake his cat, cut off the sleeve of his own shirt when she fell asleep on it.

A true look into the Prophet would require more than just a few quotes though.  There are many biographies on his life, some of which are good and others are less than scholarly.

If you'd like some recommendations I can do that.
What made you want to become Moslem?

I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.
What made you want to become Moslem?

I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.
Originally Posted by Solaga

Differences between Sunni and Shi'a?

What are the basics of becoming a Muslim?
Could you be more specific about Sunni and Shi'a?  As far as everyday differences in practice, there is not that much of a difference.

To become a Muslim, all once must do is say "There is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."  Many people prefer to make this statement in the Arabic and it in a mosque with an Imam to make it more official.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

What made you want to become Moslem?
I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.

   Funny that you should bring this up because Islam and other Judeochristian religions are EXTREMELY misogynistic. What did the research you did show?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

What made you want to become Moslem?
I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.

   Funny that you should bring this up because Islam and other Judeochristian religions are EXTREMELY misogynistic. What did the research you did show?
Originally Posted by Solaga

Differences between Sunni and Shi'a?

What are the basics of becoming a Muslim?
Could you be more specific about Sunni and Shi'a?  As far as everyday differences in practice, there is not that much of a difference.

To become a Muslim, all once must do is say "There is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."  Many people prefer to make this statement in the Arabic and it in a mosque with an Imam to make it more official.
First off, I have nothing against you nor do I endorse any other religion.

Just respond to this lengthy excerpt from a Daily Beast article by Sam Harris.
Spoiler [+]
The first thing that all honest students of Islam must admit is that it is not absolutely clear where members of al Qaeda, the Taliban, al-Shabab, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, and other Muslim terrorist groups have misconstrued their religious obligations. If they are “extremists
What does "Ak Salaam" etc mean and what is the correct pronunciation?

Salaam-a-laikum (Salaam-a-lay-kum) directly translates to "peace be unto you."  This is the formal greeting and goodbye for Muslims.  Many people for short hand say "Salaam" instead which just means "peace."  The similarity between Salaam and Islam are not coincidental.

"Ak," "Akh," or "Akhi" mean "brother" or "my brother."
What does "Ak Salaam" etc mean and what is the correct pronunciation?

Salaam-a-laikum (Salaam-a-lay-kum) directly translates to "peace be unto you."  This is the formal greeting and goodbye for Muslims.  Many people for short hand say "Salaam" instead which just means "peace."  The similarity between Salaam and Islam are not coincidental.

"Ak," "Akh," or "Akhi" mean "brother" or "my brother."
First off, I have nothing against you nor do I endorse any other religion.

Just respond to this lengthy excerpt from a Daily Beast article by Sam Harris.
Spoiler [+]
The first thing that all honest students of Islam must admit is that it is not absolutely clear where members of al Qaeda, the Taliban, al-Shabab, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, and other Muslim terrorist groups have misconstrued their religious obligations. If they are “extremists
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

What made you want to become Moslem?
I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.

When you researched Islam vs. Christianity/Judaism/Buddhism/Atheism/etc.etc.
..what made Islam stand out? What makes Islam the right/only true religion?
Islam has made me more peaceful than I have ever been. Ive always been a Muslim but didnt start fully practing and knowing the roots until a little over a year ago. And after all the praying, worshiping, fasting etc, you just feel so much better inside.
BTW to all the Muslims taking part in Ramadan, may the almighty Allah accept your fasting
Islam has made me more peaceful than I have ever been. Ive always been a Muslim but didnt start fully practing and knowing the roots until a little over a year ago. And after all the praying, worshiping, fasting etc, you just feel so much better inside.
BTW to all the Muslims taking part in Ramadan, may the almighty Allah accept your fasting
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

What made you want to become Moslem?
I was born Muslim.  I was never really religious until I started learning about all the criticisms of Islam.  After that I began to investigate and learn, because obviously if the religion I adhere to is misogynistic, I shouldn't adhere to it.

My research caused me to become more religious.

When you researched Islam vs. Christianity/Judaism/Buddhism/Atheism/etc.etc.
..what made Islam stand out? What makes Islam the right/only true religion?
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