::Official ask a Muslim vol. Salaam::

Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
Hey Mo, I appreciate what your doing here! I hope we can keep it all civil for the entire thread. That said some your assumptions are a little unclear and frankly impossible to assess. First Off, I agree with your general contentions within Islam. In regards to more specific tenants of the faith your reasoning is naturally fallible.

Your quote:

Premarital sex is against Islam because it increases the possibility of children being born without parents. Multiple partners can cause a spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and so forth.

While this makes perfect sense and your reasoning is easy to understand we cant be sure of its validity. This sounds more like a personal justification for your own abstinence.

Heres's an example:
We should not have premarital sex because it increases the chances of contracting HIV.
Problem: 100 years ago there wasn't any HIV......this is a general example but todays world cannot be used to justify rules that are pretty much ancient.

An interesting theory I heard from my buddy who is a Theology MS is that virgins (hence, no premarital sex) are more prized in society, especially in a primitive barter system which we know was the economic structure in place when Islam was forming / spreading.

Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbidden or not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed. There could be very real other possibilities, especially with premarital sex and pork.

On a final note, its amazing that certain "rules" while whatever the reason still have credence today.

Hey Mo, I appreciate what your doing here! I hope we can keep it all civil for the entire thread. That said some your assumptions are a little unclear and frankly impossible to assess. First Off, I agree with your general contentions within Islam. In regards to more specific tenants of the faith your reasoning is naturally fallible.

Your quote:

Premarital sex is against Islam because it increases the possibility of children being born without parents. Multiple partners can cause a spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and so forth.

While this makes perfect sense and your reasoning is easy to understand we cant be sure of its validity. This sounds more like a personal justification for your own abstinence.

Heres's an example:
We should not have premarital sex because it increases the chances of contracting HIV.
Problem: 100 years ago there wasn't any HIV......this is a general example but todays world cannot be used to justify rules that are pretty much ancient.

An interesting theory I heard from my buddy who is a Theology MS is that virgins (hence, no premarital sex) are more prized in society, especially in a primitive barter system which we know was the economic structure in place when Islam was forming / spreading.

Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbidden or not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed. There could be very real other possibilities, especially with premarital sex and pork.

On a final note, its amazing that certain "rules" while whatever the reason still have credence today.

Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbiddenor not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed.There could be very real other possibilities, especially withpremarital sex and pork.

This is actually a very important point and something I can certainly agree with.  Many scholars say that, rather than going on about the scientific evidence that reinforces these statements, the number 1 reason we believe what we believe is because God said so.  If you want to ask why we believe God said so, that's another discussion.

To add to that though, there is and was certainly a sense of cleanliness and hygiene.  And simply put, premarital sex, as well as pork, was also seen as something just generally uncleanly and unhygienic. 

Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
-I don't look down on Non-Muslims, as should no other Muslim who has read the Qur'an.
Then will they have no contention save that they will say: By Allah, our Lord, we never were idolaters. See how they lie against themselves, and (how) the thing which they devised hath failed them! (24) Ofthem are some who listen unto thee, but We have placed upon theirhearts veils, lest they should understand, and in their ears adeafness. If they saw every token they would not believe therein; tothe point that, when they come unto thee to argue with thee, thedisbelievers say: This is naught else than fables of the men of old.(25) And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it, and they ruin none save themselves, though they perceive not.
Qur'an 6:22 to 25

Here we see that the unbelievers are but of God's will.  Therefore Muslims shouldn't look down on Non-Muslims.

-I don't feel the need to convert people.  Every Muslim is obliged to spread the message of Islam.  This doesn't mean specifically by going door to door, but rather through ones character.  Through how one presents him or herself as a Muslim on a daily basis.  This is the most effective way in attracting Non-Muslims.

-There are three levels of faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan.  In these 3 levels men and women are equal.  This article does the best job of explaining the differences in level if you are interested:

Three Levels of Faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan

-Being Gay and Muslim is certainly not an impossibility.
Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbiddenor not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed.There could be very real other possibilities, especially withpremarital sex and pork.

This is actually a very important point and something I can certainly agree with.  Many scholars say that, rather than going on about the scientific evidence that reinforces these statements, the number 1 reason we believe what we believe is because God said so.  If you want to ask why we believe God said so, that's another discussion.

To add to that though, there is and was certainly a sense of cleanliness and hygiene.  And simply put, premarital sex, as well as pork, was also seen as something just generally uncleanly and unhygienic. 

Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
-I don't look down on Non-Muslims, as should no other Muslim who has read the Qur'an.
Then will they have no contention save that they will say: By Allah, our Lord, we never were idolaters. See how they lie against themselves, and (how) the thing which they devised hath failed them! (24) Ofthem are some who listen unto thee, but We have placed upon theirhearts veils, lest they should understand, and in their ears adeafness. If they saw every token they would not believe therein; tothe point that, when they come unto thee to argue with thee, thedisbelievers say: This is naught else than fables of the men of old.(25) And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it, and they ruin none save themselves, though they perceive not.
Qur'an 6:22 to 25

Here we see that the unbelievers are but of God's will.  Therefore Muslims shouldn't look down on Non-Muslims.

-I don't feel the need to convert people.  Every Muslim is obliged to spread the message of Islam.  This doesn't mean specifically by going door to door, but rather through ones character.  Through how one presents him or herself as a Muslim on a daily basis.  This is the most effective way in attracting Non-Muslims.

-There are three levels of faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan.  In these 3 levels men and women are equal.  This article does the best job of explaining the differences in level if you are interested:

Three Levels of Faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan

-Being Gay and Muslim is certainly not an impossibility.
When you researched Islam vs. Christianity/Judaism/Buddhism/Atheism/etc.etc.
..what made Islam stand out? What makes Islam the right/only true religion?
Well Islam Christianity and Judaism are all the same to me.  In their core and as 1 message from God.  This is a fundamental belief and one cannot consider him or herself as a Muslim if this is not a belief.  So I believe Christianity and Judaism to be true faiths just as Islam, but they are incomplete as a message as well as in some cases misinterpreted.  In fact, the Bible and Jesus pbuh make direct reference to the coming of Prophet Muhammad pbuh on a few occasions. 

The strongest coming in Deutronomy 18:15:

prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen; to him you shall listen. 16 This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at Horeb onthe day of the assembly, when you said, 'Let us not again hear thevoice of the LORD, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest wedie.' 17 And the LORD said to me, 'This was well said. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen,and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that Icommand him. 19 If any man will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it.
Muslims believe that this is 1 of the references to the coming of Muhammad (pbuh), mainly because it cites the next Prophet, as well as it states specifically that "will put my words into his mouth."  The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an illiterate man.  He was recited God's word by the Angel Gabriel.

If you, or anyone else would like more information on Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible, please let me know.

As far as picking over Bhuddhism, I must be honest and admit that I have not given it as much time as I have my research in Abrahamic faiths.  Bhuddhism is most certainly appealing in it's core, and many Muslims believe that Buddha was in fact a Prophet of God, but not a Messenger.  We believe that no civilization was ever left without guidance from God, so there can be as many as 124,000 by conservative standards.

Atheism was something I looked into, and honestly something I've considered.  I was hoping to not get into more broad discussions like this, so I'll keep it simple.  I don't believe that all this came together by chance.  I simply can't grasp the primordial soup theory and accept those odds.  I'm a Biology major so I know a bit about evolutionary theory, and I see no real conflict with Islamic thought except the beginning of man.  The development of other species and animals, survivial of the fittest, etc. are all compatible with Islamic thought.
When you researched Islam vs. Christianity/Judaism/Buddhism/Atheism/etc.etc.
..what made Islam stand out? What makes Islam the right/only true religion?
Well Islam Christianity and Judaism are all the same to me.  In their core and as 1 message from God.  This is a fundamental belief and one cannot consider him or herself as a Muslim if this is not a belief.  So I believe Christianity and Judaism to be true faiths just as Islam, but they are incomplete as a message as well as in some cases misinterpreted.  In fact, the Bible and Jesus pbuh make direct reference to the coming of Prophet Muhammad pbuh on a few occasions. 

The strongest coming in Deutronomy 18:15:

prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen; to him you shall listen. 16 This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at Horeb onthe day of the assembly, when you said, 'Let us not again hear thevoice of the LORD, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest wedie.' 17 And the LORD said to me, 'This was well said. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen,and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that Icommand him. 19 If any man will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it.
Muslims believe that this is 1 of the references to the coming of Muhammad (pbuh), mainly because it cites the next Prophet, as well as it states specifically that "will put my words into his mouth."  The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an illiterate man.  He was recited God's word by the Angel Gabriel.

If you, or anyone else would like more information on Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible, please let me know.

As far as picking over Bhuddhism, I must be honest and admit that I have not given it as much time as I have my research in Abrahamic faiths.  Bhuddhism is most certainly appealing in it's core, and many Muslims believe that Buddha was in fact a Prophet of God, but not a Messenger.  We believe that no civilization was ever left without guidance from God, so there can be as many as 124,000 by conservative standards.

Atheism was something I looked into, and honestly something I've considered.  I was hoping to not get into more broad discussions like this, so I'll keep it simple.  I don't believe that all this came together by chance.  I simply can't grasp the primordial soup theory and accept those odds.  I'm a Biology major so I know a bit about evolutionary theory, and I see no real conflict with Islamic thought except the beginning of man.  The development of other species and animals, survivial of the fittest, etc. are all compatible with Islamic thought.
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extreme Muslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard to be a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extreme Muslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard to be a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extreme Muslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard to be a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extreme Muslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard to be a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbidden or not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed. There could be very real other possibilities, especially with premarital sex and pork.
This is actually a very important point and something I can certainly agree with.  Many scholars say that, rather than going on about the scientific evidence that reinforces these statements, the number 1 reason we believe what we believe is because God said so.  If you want to ask why we believe God said so, that's another discussion.

To add to that though, there is and was certainly a sense of cleanliness and hygiene.  And simply put, premarital sex, as well as pork, was also seen as something just generally uncleanly and unhygienic. 

Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
-I don't look down on Non-Muslims, as should no other Muslim who has read the Qur'an.
Then will they have no contention save that they will say: By Allah, our Lord, we never were idolaters. See how they lie against themselves, and (how) the thing which they devised hath failed them! (24) Of them are some who listen unto thee, but We have placed upon their hearts veils, lest they should understand, and in their ears a deafness. If they saw every token they would not believe therein; to the point that, when they come unto thee to argue with thee, the disbelievers say: This is naught else than fables of the men of old. (25) And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it, and they ruin none save themselves, though they perceive not.
Qur'an 6:22 to 25

Here we see that the unbelievers are but of God's will.  Therefore Muslims shouldn't look down on Non-Muslims.

-I don't feel the need to convert people.  Every Muslim is obliged to spread the message of Islam.  This doesn't mean specifically by going door to door, but rather through ones character.  Through how one presents him or herself as a Muslim on a daily basis.  This is the most effective way in attracting Non-Muslims.

-There are three levels of faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan.  In these 3 levels men and women are equal.  This article does the best job of explaining the differences in level if you are interested:

Three Levels of Faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan

-Being Gay and Muslim is certainly not an impossibility.

Thanks for the explanations.

I had no idea about the three levels at all.

And you saying honestly that being gay and muslim is possible makes you instantly a better PERSON then several of the other muslims on this board. Whether that makes you a better muslim or not i have no idea. It's rare when someone can combine their faith with basic human logic.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Basically what I'm saying is we cant decide why something is forbidden or not. It just is and let it be. The reason(s) cannot be assumed. There could be very real other possibilities, especially with premarital sex and pork.
This is actually a very important point and something I can certainly agree with.  Many scholars say that, rather than going on about the scientific evidence that reinforces these statements, the number 1 reason we believe what we believe is because God said so.  If you want to ask why we believe God said so, that's another discussion.

To add to that though, there is and was certainly a sense of cleanliness and hygiene.  And simply put, premarital sex, as well as pork, was also seen as something just generally uncleanly and unhygienic. 

Do you look down on non-muslims?

Do you feel the need to convert people?

Are there levels of muslimness? Like if i became a muslim tomorrow would that make me less of a muslim then you?

Do you believe being gay and muslim is an impossibility?
-I don't look down on Non-Muslims, as should no other Muslim who has read the Qur'an.
Then will they have no contention save that they will say: By Allah, our Lord, we never were idolaters. See how they lie against themselves, and (how) the thing which they devised hath failed them! (24) Of them are some who listen unto thee, but We have placed upon their hearts veils, lest they should understand, and in their ears a deafness. If they saw every token they would not believe therein; to the point that, when they come unto thee to argue with thee, the disbelievers say: This is naught else than fables of the men of old. (25) And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it, and they ruin none save themselves, though they perceive not.
Qur'an 6:22 to 25

Here we see that the unbelievers are but of God's will.  Therefore Muslims shouldn't look down on Non-Muslims.

-I don't feel the need to convert people.  Every Muslim is obliged to spread the message of Islam.  This doesn't mean specifically by going door to door, but rather through ones character.  Through how one presents him or herself as a Muslim on a daily basis.  This is the most effective way in attracting Non-Muslims.

-There are three levels of faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan.  In these 3 levels men and women are equal.  This article does the best job of explaining the differences in level if you are interested:

Three Levels of Faith: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan

-Being Gay and Muslim is certainly not an impossibility.

Thanks for the explanations.

I had no idea about the three levels at all.

And you saying honestly that being gay and muslim is possible makes you instantly a better PERSON then several of the other muslims on this board. Whether that makes you a better muslim or not i have no idea. It's rare when someone can combine their faith with basic human logic.
Are women looked as being inferior to men, or is that just a misconception?

As Anton Lavey pointed out, this is a touchy subject and will be addressed as such.

Personally I believe it to be a misconception.  Islam acknowledges the differences between Genders while the current Western social norms pretends there aren't any.  But even the West needs to acknowledge the very fundamental differences between men and women in certain areas. 

It's very much like that episode of the Office, where Michael Scott says 'Stanley I don't treat you any different right?  I'm color blind' when someone else says, 'That's exactly what we don't encourage.  That's fighting ignorance with more ignorance.  We need to embrace our differences.' 

On many topics this acknowledgment of differences is what causes a misinterpretation of misogyny.

[3:195] Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another. Thus, those who immigrate, and get evicted from their homes, and are persecuted because of Me, and fight and get killed, I will surely remit their sins and admit them into gardens with flowing streams." Such is the reward from GOD. GOD possesses the ultimate reward

[16:97] Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.

[33:35] The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.

^This verse stands out for me.  It is written in a manner that must be acknowledged by the reader.  It brings emphasis to the point of equality, by listing men and women together repeatedly.
[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
We are ranked in the sight of God by our level of righteousness, not by our sex or any other denomination.
Are women looked as being inferior to men, or is that just a misconception?

As Anton Lavey pointed out, this is a touchy subject and will be addressed as such.

Personally I believe it to be a misconception.  Islam acknowledges the differences between Genders while the current Western social norms pretends there aren't any.  But even the West needs to acknowledge the very fundamental differences between men and women in certain areas. 

It's very much like that episode of the Office, where Michael Scott says 'Stanley I don't treat you any different right?  I'm color blind' when someone else says, 'That's exactly what we don't encourage.  That's fighting ignorance with more ignorance.  We need to embrace our differences.' 

On many topics this acknowledgment of differences is what causes a misinterpretation of misogyny.

[3:195] Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another. Thus, those who immigrate, and get evicted from their homes, and are persecuted because of Me, and fight and get killed, I will surely remit their sins and admit them into gardens with flowing streams." Such is the reward from GOD. GOD possesses the ultimate reward

[16:97] Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.

[33:35] The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.

^This verse stands out for me.  It is written in a manner that must be acknowledged by the reader.  It brings emphasis to the point of equality, by listing men and women together repeatedly.
[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
We are ranked in the sight of God by our level of righteousness, not by our sex or any other denomination.
mo malik salaam. how are you.

2 questions:

1.what surah or dua do u read in witr prayer?

2. when u r reading Tashahhud do you stop at innaka hameedun majeed. or do u read something after that............

thanks for doing a good job in this post!!
mo malik salaam. how are you.

2 questions:

1.what surah or dua do u read in witr prayer?

2. when u r reading Tashahhud do you stop at innaka hameedun majeed. or do u read something after that............

thanks for doing a good job in this post!!
bijald0331, I've read Sam Harris on Islam before so I will respond to the excerpt; however, I'm going to respond to the other questions first and then make a solid writeup.
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extremeMuslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard tobe a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
I have never had to make an honest distinction between extreme Islam and real Islam.  I am someone who lives by Orthodox Islam, no reformation or anything.  I live by the Qur'an and Sunnah (The recorded sayings and actions of the Prophet pbuh).  That is as Orthodox as one could get.

Separating myself from radicals was never something I considered as necessary, it was just assumed.  But now I recognize the necessity given current events.  So I decided to do what any other NTer decides to do first, make a thread on NT.  I'm part of my Muslim Students Association at TCNJ (The College of New Jersey) and we are planning on doing a lot of interfaith dialogue stuff this coming semester, for the same reasons.

I was born in, and lived my whole life in NJ, and I can honestly say I wouldn't want to live in another country.  Ask any orthodox Muslim, and 9 times out of 10 they will let you know immediately, America is the easiest place to practice religion. 

It's actually very shameful.  I can practice Islam better and more easily here than I can in some Islamic countries. 
bijald0331, I've read Sam Harris on Islam before so I will respond to the excerpt; however, I'm going to respond to the other questions first and then make a solid writeup.
How do you separate yourself from the terrorist or extremeMuslims? I'm guessing that you live in the United States, is it hard tobe a Muslim in the United States being a Muslim?
I have never had to make an honest distinction between extreme Islam and real Islam.  I am someone who lives by Orthodox Islam, no reformation or anything.  I live by the Qur'an and Sunnah (The recorded sayings and actions of the Prophet pbuh).  That is as Orthodox as one could get.

Separating myself from radicals was never something I considered as necessary, it was just assumed.  But now I recognize the necessity given current events.  So I decided to do what any other NTer decides to do first, make a thread on NT.  I'm part of my Muslim Students Association at TCNJ (The College of New Jersey) and we are planning on doing a lot of interfaith dialogue stuff this coming semester, for the same reasons.

I was born in, and lived my whole life in NJ, and I can honestly say I wouldn't want to live in another country.  Ask any orthodox Muslim, and 9 times out of 10 they will let you know immediately, America is the easiest place to practice religion. 

It's actually very shameful.  I can practice Islam better and more easily here than I can in some Islamic countries. 
Originally Posted by one1 1 1

mo malik salaam. how are you.

2 questions:

1.what surah or dua do u read in witr prayer?

2. when u r reading Tashahhud do you stop at innaka hameedun majeed. or do u read something after that............

thanks for doing a good job in this post!!

Alhamdulillah Akhi.  And you? Thanks for the encouraging words.

The surah that I read in witr really just depends on the day, but usually small surah's like al-Nas.  I don't have as many surah's as I should have memorized, and I'm working on that iA.

After reading Tashahhud on the final rakat I continue and recite the Salawat.  This is what ends with "innaka hameedun majeed."  This much is obligatory.  Some say one should read a short dua, while others say you can end your salaat here.  I was taught to read rabij alni, but I'm fairly certain that you can end your salaat with the Salawat.  Here is the verse that I end my prayer with.
40. رَبّ
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