::Official ask a Muslim vol. Salaam::

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Are women looked as being inferior to men, or is that just a misconception?
As Anton Lavey pointed out, this is a touchy subject and will be addressed as such.

Personally I believe it to be a misconception.  Islam acknowledges the differences between Genders while the current Western social norms pretends there aren't any.  But even the West needs to acknowledge the very fundamental differences between men and women in certain areas. 

Well, this is my opinion, and not fact.  But I feel like most people like to pretend that men and women aren't different.  People like to assume we like the same things, we have the same desires, the same level of temptation, etc. etc.  But a refusal to acknowledge fundamental differences is just ignorant.  If I were to say, because of this equality, women and men should compete in the same sports leagues, people would probably call me crazy.  But if I say that women in general would be worse out in combat, then I'm prejudice against women.

Women treat men differently than they would other women, and men treat women differently than they would other men.  But this overwhelming political correctness about it keeps our progress in understanding differences at a standstill.  And inflames our inabilities to properly accommodate each other.

I think this is exemplified in our significant divorce rate in this country, as well as the high rate of infidelity.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Are women looked as being inferior to men, or is that just a misconception?
As Anton Lavey pointed out, this is a touchy subject and will be addressed as such.

Personally I believe it to be a misconception.  Islam acknowledges the differences between Genders while the current Western social norms pretends there aren't any.  But even the West needs to acknowledge the very fundamental differences between men and women in certain areas. 

Well, this is my opinion, and not fact.  But I feel like most people like to pretend that men and women aren't different.  People like to assume we like the same things, we have the same desires, the same level of temptation, etc. etc.  But a refusal to acknowledge fundamental differences is just ignorant.  If I were to say, because of this equality, women and men should compete in the same sports leagues, people would probably call me crazy.  But if I say that women in general would be worse out in combat, then I'm prejudice against women.

Women treat men differently than they would other women, and men treat women differently than they would other men.  But this overwhelming political correctness about it keeps our progress in understanding differences at a standstill.  And inflames our inabilities to properly accommodate each other.

I think this is exemplified in our significant divorce rate in this country, as well as the high rate of infidelity.

Originally Posted by Gmills23

I remember kicking it with my muslim homies in High School and during Ramadan their breathe would be KICKING!

Is there anything yall can do about this?

A lot of people don't know this but the Prophet (pbuh) used to use a miswak (kind of like the toothbrush of the time) when he was fasting.  Based on this it is considered permissable to brush ones teeth when he or she is fasting, taking extra care not to swallow any water.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

I remember kicking it with my muslim homies in High School and during Ramadan their breathe would be KICKING!

Is there anything yall can do about this?

A lot of people don't know this but the Prophet (pbuh) used to use a miswak (kind of like the toothbrush of the time) when he was fasting.  Based on this it is considered permissable to brush ones teeth when he or she is fasting, taking extra care not to swallow any water.
Originally Posted by Kelioos

Do you believe that Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the same God with the difference being that they believe in the different prophets? Jesus was a Jew, and Muhammad was enlightened by the Christian/Jewish angel: Gabriel.
Yes.  One cannot be considered a Muslim without this belief.

Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them, are all believed to be Messengers of God.  As was Adam, and John the Baptist, and Noah, (peace be upon them) and on and on.  They are all considered Muslims in that they believed in the oneness of God, and praised Him alone.

Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final messenger.  He is the seal of the Prophets.  The transmission between God and man through Prophets ended with him in this regard.
Originally Posted by Kelioos

Do you believe that Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the same God with the difference being that they believe in the different prophets? Jesus was a Jew, and Muhammad was enlightened by the Christian/Jewish angel: Gabriel.
Yes.  One cannot be considered a Muslim without this belief.

Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them, are all believed to be Messengers of God.  As was Adam, and John the Baptist, and Noah, (peace be upon them) and on and on.  They are all considered Muslims in that they believed in the oneness of God, and praised Him alone.

Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final messenger.  He is the seal of the Prophets.  The transmission between God and man through Prophets ended with him in this regard.
if you would decide or not ever decide to be a muslim, would a muslim family accept it?
if you would decide or not ever decide to be a muslim, would a muslim family accept it?
Props to Mo.Matik for doing this, I would help but I'm not quite as articulate as he is

Oh and as far as the question regarding dating a non-Muslim.... I'm of Bengali (from Bangladesh) descent and it is most definitely a cultural thing. Bangladesh, India & Pakistan share mostly the same culture and my family would be just as pissed if I'd marry a non-Muslim as they would be if I married a Muslim woman who was White, Arabic, Black, Hispanic, etc.
Props to Mo.Matik for doing this, I would help but I'm not quite as articulate as he is

Oh and as far as the question regarding dating a non-Muslim.... I'm of Bengali (from Bangladesh) descent and it is most definitely a cultural thing. Bangladesh, India & Pakistan share mostly the same culture and my family would be just as pissed if I'd marry a non-Muslim as they would be if I married a Muslim woman who was White, Arabic, Black, Hispanic, etc.
Do you feel Islam is more so a religion (comparable to modern christianity), or a lifestyle philosophy? One thing I notice amongst people of the Islamic faith is a broad range of thought forms ( in a sense to say, more intellectual freedom to discern for self) than christianity where I personally feel that a lot of things are decided for you before you "practice" the religion for yourself.
Do you feel Islam is more so a religion (comparable to modern christianity), or a lifestyle philosophy? One thing I notice amongst people of the Islamic faith is a broad range of thought forms ( in a sense to say, more intellectual freedom to discern for self) than christianity where I personally feel that a lot of things are decided for you before you "practice" the religion for yourself.
This was a great read MashAllah, mo matik good looks on keeping everything kosher, really feelin this thread, this month has been great to me and i've learned a lot. I know Allah is def throwin you some brownies points on puttin people on with the truth, ill chime in when i get some time. cuz i know once we start telling some of the stories that are in the Quran people will just be glued in interest.
This was a great read MashAllah, mo matik good looks on keeping everything kosher, really feelin this thread, this month has been great to me and i've learned a lot. I know Allah is def throwin you some brownies points on puttin people on with the truth, ill chime in when i get some time. cuz i know once we start telling some of the stories that are in the Quran people will just be glued in interest.
I have a couple of questions:

How do you feel about Malcolm X and Afrocentric Muslims in general?

How do you feel about several people in history claiming to be the Madhi?

- Safari​
I have a couple of questions:

How do you feel about Malcolm X and Afrocentric Muslims in general?

How do you feel about several people in history claiming to be the Madhi?

- Safari​
Do you feel Islam is more so a religion (comparable to modern christianity), or a lifestyle philosophy? One thing I notice amongst people of the Islamic faith is a broad range of thought forms ( in a sense to say, more intellectual freedom to discern for self) than christianity where I personally feel that a lot of things are decided for you before you "practice" the religion for yourself.

The concept of religion has certainly changed over time, so I'll try to be clear in my answer, and I hope Wooly will chime in on this one.

Islam is not a religion in the sense that you go the mosque every Friday for prayer and that's it. It's not something that one should consider occasionally, but rather all the time.

In this regard it is certainly a way of life. Islam is not a guide to only the spirituality aspect of ones life, but rather every part. It has a unique ability in that in can and has caused huge changes in a populations attitude, actions, morality, and what an average day looks like.

if you would decide or not ever decide to be a muslim, would a muslim family accept it?

An American Muslim family would on average accept it, just as a Christian or Jewish family would. Many would struggle with the decision, but overall over time I can't foresee any difference between how an average Muslim family would react or any other religious group.

I have a couple of questions:

How do you feel about Malcolm X and Afrocentric Muslims in general?

How do you feel about several people in history claiming to be the Madhi?

Malcolm X has done great things for society in general. I don't know too much about the Nation of Islam and their practices so I won't comment on that. Malcolm X has done great things, like I said but the idea that "by any means necessary" is not necessarily an Islamic value at all.

The ends do not justify the means if one is speaking from a truly Islamic perspective. Murder in the name of righteousness is still murder. MLK Jr.'s perspective on the movement was much more in tune with Islamic principles than Malcolm X's.

The Mehdi is very interesting stuff, and to date there have been plenty of people claiming to be him. One of which was quite convincing in the mid-70s, which actually led to quite a big conflict and ended up with a lot of Muslims losing their lives.

But the thing about the Mehdi is that his coming is a major sign of the apocalypse, and as such there are other signs that should immediately follow. To date, obviously, these signs have not followed, proving that those previous instances were all false. Very interesting stuff though.
Do you feel Islam is more so a religion (comparable to modern christianity), or a lifestyle philosophy? One thing I notice amongst people of the Islamic faith is a broad range of thought forms ( in a sense to say, more intellectual freedom to discern for self) than christianity where I personally feel that a lot of things are decided for you before you "practice" the religion for yourself.

The concept of religion has certainly changed over time, so I'll try to be clear in my answer, and I hope Wooly will chime in on this one.

Islam is not a religion in the sense that you go the mosque every Friday for prayer and that's it. It's not something that one should consider occasionally, but rather all the time.

In this regard it is certainly a way of life. Islam is not a guide to only the spirituality aspect of ones life, but rather every part. It has a unique ability in that in can and has caused huge changes in a populations attitude, actions, morality, and what an average day looks like.

if you would decide or not ever decide to be a muslim, would a muslim family accept it?

An American Muslim family would on average accept it, just as a Christian or Jewish family would. Many would struggle with the decision, but overall over time I can't foresee any difference between how an average Muslim family would react or any other religious group.

I have a couple of questions:

How do you feel about Malcolm X and Afrocentric Muslims in general?

How do you feel about several people in history claiming to be the Madhi?

Malcolm X has done great things for society in general. I don't know too much about the Nation of Islam and their practices so I won't comment on that. Malcolm X has done great things, like I said but the idea that "by any means necessary" is not necessarily an Islamic value at all.

The ends do not justify the means if one is speaking from a truly Islamic perspective. Murder in the name of righteousness is still murder. MLK Jr.'s perspective on the movement was much more in tune with Islamic principles than Malcolm X's.

The Mehdi is very interesting stuff, and to date there have been plenty of people claiming to be him. One of which was quite convincing in the mid-70s, which actually led to quite a big conflict and ended up with a lot of Muslims losing their lives.

But the thing about the Mehdi is that his coming is a major sign of the apocalypse, and as such there are other signs that should immediately follow. To date, obviously, these signs have not followed, proving that those previous instances were all false. Very interesting stuff though.
Can you explain the reason Muslims do not approve of Muhammed being depicted? Is there a particular reason or simply because it is so?
Can you explain the reason Muslims do not approve of Muhammed being depicted? Is there a particular reason or simply because it is so?
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