Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

I don't want the christian/catholics in here to take this personally but my experience is that people of religion use it as a crutch, if you will, for when things aren't going well. It's like everything has to be justified by some reason. Why can't things just be? Through the good and the bad it is every person or his/herself... Why is that such a crazy thought? There is no "divine plan". If there was, why would you pray? If the outcome is already determined you might as well not waste your time. There are just A LOT of aspects that really don't add up to me...
Quoted for Truth. I'm not trying to generalize what all Christians/Catholics etc believe but most that I have came in contact with think thatEVERY bad thing that happens to them is of the devil's doing and EVERY good thing is god's doing. They use this doing to justify that their prayinghelps etc etc.
1) The concept of revelation in Islam is different from the concept of revelation in Christianity and Judaism. For Muslims, the Qur'an is the literal word of God. We believe it is the literal speech of God dictated to the angel Gabriel and then dictated to the Prophet by Gabriel. To add, the Qur'an was revealed over a period of 22 years with bits a pieces being revealed as needed be. So to answer your point of convenience of revelation, I agree 100% with you and that was the intention of the revelation. As events would unfold in the life of the Prophet or the introduction of new occurrences, revelation would come down. For example, in the early years of the message, the Prophet was meeting with the nobles of Mecca to tell them about Islam. A poor, blind disciple of the Prophet interrupted the meeting and asked the Prophet some questions about Islam. The Prophet continued speaking to the nobles of Mecca and told his disciple to come back. As a result of this event, the first few verses of Chapter 80 where revealed in which God told the Prophet he shouldn't have ignored the poor, blind man and to not differentiate between the slaves of God. There are many more examples of this in the Qur'an. When the companions of the Prophet feared he died during a battle and ran away from the battle field, the verses from God telling them the Prophet was just a man and would they turn away from God just because he died was revealed.
Right, I knew most of that, but what I was implying is that couldn't this just be the workings of a man, who's life experience as amarginally poor orphan who herded sheep and spent large portions of his time alone, made him very wise and allowed him to develop extremely deep andintelligent ideas? The development of these ideas then coming forth from his subconscious and being told to the people as "the word of God" only toactually be his word. Also, I know that he was illiterate, but that would not stop him from formulating opinions of his own as well. Also, you're probablygoing to bring up the impossibility of any man of the Prophets social standing writing the verses of the Qur'an because of their complex beauty andstructure, however there are a number of instances where the text misuses words and so on.

2) With the story of the Prophet's life and his narrations, there are multiple elements to the preservation of it. In Islam, there is a science in collecting and examining the narrations attributed to the Prophet known as Ulum al-Hadith. The process of collecting and preserving Hadiths began during the time of the Prophet. He sat his companions down on multiple occasions and gave them advice, told them stories, etc with the purpose of their preservation. When scholars examine the narrations attributed to the Prophet, they have a ranking process. They rank the narrations as strong, good or weak. What makes a hadith strong? One criteria would be that it was reported by so many companions that there is no way of it being fabricated. The Prophet had thousands of companions spread out in a vast geographic area so it would be impossible for them to collaborate to knowingly fabricate a narration without others saying anything. For the sake of keeping it simple, I will stop there but there is a process the narrations from the Prophet goes through before being accepted by scholars. Even secular scholars on Islam agree that this process of preservation is very strong and the chances of fabrication within these strong hadith is very unlikely. If you wanna know more, I'll be happy to elaborate.
So do you feel that certain miracles that were attributed to the Prophet after his death actually happened? Or were they just added afterword? Atpoints in certain biographies of the Prophet they contrast with what is constantly stated in the Qur'an, because there he states "I am just amessenger/man" whereas in certain biographies there are miracles attributed to him.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I cant even respond to this, sorry.....I already know your mindset, no use in this.......I will Pray God opens your eyes man, But I know just by reading this nothing I say is going to change your mind.........YOU DONT HAVE TO BELIEVE, but jump off the rest who want to and DO
I'm guessing that the ONLY reason YOU BELIEVE in God is because your parents told you believe in God or else you're going to go to Helletc. So "you" afraid of going to Hell etc find any misconception and try to use it as truth to an argument etc. Blind faith.
"Change your mind", another thing I DISLIKE about religion etc they alwayswant to change the type of person you are.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I wonder why I only hear most of you arguing against if that is the only religion out there. Thread should be changed to anti-christianity, appreciation.
because that's all that speak out, typically, in these threads. if there were more of other religions in the NT census, it would be an anti-religion thread instead of anti-christianity.

Most of NT is in the states. About 75% of the states is Christian so...
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

^ You aren't supposed to take the bible literally. That is the part they don't tell you in church.

Oh ok, so then it's figurative. Which means that it's based on a myth, or myths.
Yeah...those stories have been told/retold for a looong long time. Doesn't mean you can't take anything from the Bible though.

Sorry but Daytona does not speak for all Christians, you either believe it all or none, sorry, you cant create the bible to fit you, you fit the word..........if you cant believe it why believe any of it? if you cant believe one things then what makes you think the rest is true..........sorry but whatever Daytona believes is not what the Bible teaches and you will find no such thing in the bible to back that up
cosign. I don't speak for christians at all, seeing as I am not one, but I disagree with your statement that its either all or nothing. Nothing in life is cut and dry,black or white, so why should this be?

nothing in life is cut or dry?.....what world you live on? Nothing? the Bible says itself it's all or nothing.........sorry but you cant say "take the Bible for what it is" people like that give people like me a bad name "I know Christians like you" and boom I cant say anything.......... reasons why people are or are not Christians 1, they know a Christian and 2 they have met a Christian 3 their parents are christian 4 they question everything they're taught etc 5 they don't like the idea of someone controlling their life.

Originally Posted by Lizett

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by BlazeKicks


I find Christianity is used more as a tool of fear to guide your life from right and wrong

Honestly, people confuse religion with belief/faith.

Sure, Christianity and other religions have been used to constrain people or extort people i.e. indulgences in the Christian church but those were all devices of wicked men. True faith creates people like MLK Jr, C.S. Lewis, and even Gandhi.

Also, for you intelligent Atheists, try arguing with Descartes about the existence of God
True, Theism has created some of the best humans on Earth but look at the type of people non faith creates Lincoln, Jefferson, Grant the list goes on and on. Also imagine a world without the constraints of there being a God or not.

Yea but you would have to kill like every religious person.. It aint gone be pretty over night... No matter what the view at the top is not cool, a change likethis is gone take at least 2000 years
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Originally Posted by Lizett

Originally Posted by Damu

great thread until all the religious people came in and ruined it. jesus christ it's not a thread on whether or not god exists, it's a thread for people who believe he/she/it doesn't. what is the point of coming in and trying to start arguments? neither side will persuade the other, it's just a waste of time.
Quoted for Truth.

yet you took time to troll over to "my mom needs your prayer thread.""

now you're trolling
I said I was sincerely sorry for that, because my mom died a while ago and I remember kids pretending to pray but they were mocking my religion. Iwas being a troll so I left sorry for that. Also see you at UCLA fall 2010.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Lizett

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by BlazeKicks


I find Christianity is used more as a tool of fear to guide your life from right and wrong

Honestly, people confuse religion with belief/faith.

Sure, Christianity and other religions have been used to constrain people or extort people i.e. indulgences in the Christian church but those were all devices of wicked men. True faith creates people like MLK Jr, C.S. Lewis, and even Gandhi.

Also, for you intelligent Atheists, try arguing with Descartes about the existence of God
True, Theism has created some of the best humans on Earth but look at the type of people non faith creates Lincoln, Jefferson, Grant the list goes on and on. Also imagine a world without the constraints of there being a God or not.

Yea but you would have to kill like every religious person.. It aint gone be pretty over night... No matter what the view at the top is not cool, a change like this is gone take at least 2000 years
True, but I mean't like if people weren't born with the influence of religion etc and rather they were born with nothing to tell themwhat's moral and what's moral and rather a trial of tribulations with religion non-exist. Who would the movie stars and football players thank whenthey win an award?
Let me explain some of my main reasons why I'm an Atheist.

- I'm damned if I'm not Christian, right? What about all of the amazing, merciful, generous and kind muslims, jews, mormons, hindus, scientologists,unitarians, or atheists? What if one of them is right and we are wrong? I'd rather not be a sheep and live my own set of ideals and see if they're goodenough for whoever is greeting me after death.

- The gospels were orally communicated and passed along among disciples for up to 80 years after Jesus died. None of the gospels were written before 65 A.D.There's no way that these guys remember everything Jesus said or did... ever played the telephone game? Plus several of the gospels weren't evenwritten by their namesakes, for instance Matthew's gospel was likely written by an anonymous Jewish Christian at the end of the 1st century. I severelydoubt the accuracy of a lot of Biblical material.

- The Old Testament is almost a joke with all of their old-fashioned ideals. The OT discusses some really realistic events... Creation story? Noah's Ark?Burning bush? Jonah and the Whale? Abraham? Come on, none of that stuff actually happened. You can't tell me that Noah lived to be 500, or that Jonah waschilling in a whale for three days. You can go on and on about the absurdities in the OT... god killing entire towns, anti-women lines or pro-slavery ones,heck even warriors collecting their enemies' foreskins. OK.

- How many preachers have gotten rich and fat off of "God's word"? Do superchurches REALLY give greater glory to god, or is their million-dollarsound system or video screen just showing off of the wealth of their congregation? Jesus and his disciples lived as homeless nomads surviving off bread andfish. They were street preachers that were likely regarded as crazy as the ones we see today. Yet billions of dollars are made by scumbags every year off ofGod and the Bible. Disgusting.

- People STILL use God as a reason to do something. Suicide bombers carry out Allah's will by blowing up a plaza. Sarah Palin wants to drill Alaska because"God put oil under American feet." Another example of humans twisting God's word. Also think of the Inquisition, indian missions, and countlessother instances of people shedding blood in the name of God.

Basically I hate how humans have exploited the Bible/Jesus/God for their own motives. Jesus' ideas are great and everything, but mankind has ruinedeverything that he stands for. There are very few true Christians that live like Jesus did. Those people I applaud.
Im saying if I haven't seen it I really can't believe it.

Ghosts etc Im open to ideas but if someone tells me this or that....... proof must be shown with the claim
Right, I knew most of that, but what I was implying is that couldn't this just be the workings of a man, who's life experience as a marginally poor orphan who herded sheep and spent large portions of his time alone, made him very wise and allowed him to develop extremely deep and intelligent ideas? The development of these ideas then coming forth from his subconscious and being told to the people as "the word of God" only to actually be his word. Also, I know that he was illiterate, but that would not stop him from formulating opinions of his own as well. Also, you're probably going to bring up the impossibility of any man of the Prophets social standing writing the verses of the Qur'an because of their complex beauty and structure, however there are a number of instances where the text misuses words and so on.

Yes it is completely possible that he was just a wise man with formulating his own opinions but then we have to go into the Qur'an in-depth. There arevarious verses in the Qur'an that were unknown to the Arabs living at the time and the Prophet himself could not even explain them. One famous incident waswhen the people confronted him about verse 53 of chapter 20 which claims plants were created in pairs - male and females. The people ridiculed him and calledhim crazy for suggesting that plants could be male or female and there was no possible way he could explain it. Needless to say, with modern science, we doknow that plants do have sexes. Another famous example is verse 47 of chapter 51 which states:

"The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it

The companions of the Prophet and classical scholars alike were very curious about this verse but there was no possible explanation of it at the time. Duringthe time of the Prophet, it was accepted as the "ghaib" or the hidden knowledge of Allah. Once again, modern science has shown that this fits in linewith the Big Bang Theory. There are many, many more examples of these kind of verses in the Qur'an and there has been many books written by both classicaland modern Islamic scholars. Like you acknowledged, Muhammad was an illetrate man with no formal education. Science and technology was severely lacking in theArabian peninsula during his time. The Qur'an is littered with information that was unknown to even the most learned men at the time. There are clearverses in the Qur'an that mention the spherical shape of the Earth, the Big Bang Theory, human embryology that was unknown at the time, the water cycle,etc. To add to all this, he would have to have been a genius in warfare and military strategy, psychology, poetry and linguistics. All this for an uneducatedman is unimaginable.

To answer the issue about linguistic errors in the Qur'an let me just say a couple of things. First, Arabic is not my first language but I am a student ofthe language and I am currently studying Classical Qur'anic Arabic. Second, the Arabic of the Qur'an is very very different than the modern Arabic.Grammatical conventions, verbal idioms and other structural changes have taken place in the language over the years as one would expect would happen. Now, letme give you a quick example of an "error" that modern orientalists have accused the Qur'an of having.

Verse 9 Chapter 49: If two parties among the Believers fight, make ye peace between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other thenfight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with justice andbe fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).

In the Arabic language, there are declensions for singular, dual and plural verbs/nouns and they must match. In this verse, the word for "parties" isin the dual form implying "two parties". Following conventions of language, the Arabic word "fight" would have to also be dual which wouldbe "IQATATALATAA". However, the word used is in the form of plural, more than two: "IQATATALOO". This, appears, linguistically wrong andhas been criticized by secular scholars. The answer is simple when you look at the imagery given by this verse. It is about two groups of believers fightingone another. Imagine a battle field with two armies facing each other down. It is clear that there are two armies. However, when these believers fight and thearmies clash, it looks like a giant group from the same army fighting. They all have bears, thobes, kufis, yelling "Allahu Akbar", having flags withQuranic inscriptions on them, etc. During the battle, it looks like a free for all and there is nothing to distinguish them from one another because they areall Muslims in the sight of God. This "error" is actually a very sophisticated tool of imagery that, once again, is being employed by someone who wasilliterate and known to be knowledgeable in poetry.

This is just one example and every "error" is actually a legitimate literary device. If you have any specific ones in mind, point them out and I willbe more than happy to explain them to you as well.

So do you feel that certain miracles that were attributed to the Prophet after his death actually happened? Or were they just added afterword? At points in certain biographies of the Prophet they contrast with what is constantly stated in the Qur'an, because there he states "I am just a messenger/man" whereas in certain biographies there are miracles attributed to him.
I see here you are referring to the many verses in which God is proclaiming that Muhammad is just a man who eats, sleeps, walks around and willdie eventually. The purpose behind these verses is to remind Muslims that God should be the only one worshiped, not the Prophet. However, as a sign ofprophethood, God bestows signs on his prophets that prove they are prophets. These signs come in two types: minor miracles and the major miracles. These varyfor each prophet (for example, Moses' major miracle would be the splitting of the sea, Jesus' major miracle would be virgin birth, etc). In the case ofMuhammad, his major miracle was the Qur'an.

The Qur'an proclaims itself to be the major miracle because of it's linguistic sophistication, structure and beauty all bestowed upon an uneducatedman. Let's compare this to the miracles of Jesus (the virgin birth, raising the dead, walking on water, etc). Let's say that you and I were presentduring the time of Jesus and saw the miracles he was doing with our own eyes. To you and I, there would have been no doubt that Jesus was sent from God. Nowwhat happens when you pass the story to your kid and he passes it on to his and etc? Over time, it just because a fairy tale as Bill Maher would put it. Thereason is because the miracle cannot be proven today. In the case of the Qur'an, however, the miracle is still here. I am experiencing the miracle of theQur'an today just as those desert Arabs were experiencing 1400 years ago. It is tangible and just as easy for me to get a grasp of it.

So for every other miracle that was attributed to Muhammad such as splitting the moon, the cave and the spider incident, etc are considered minor miraclesbecause it they are not present today. These were signs from God to show his prophethood to the people around him. It was not out of his power that he wasperforming these miracles but it was God giving it to him.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Im saying if I haven't seen it I really can't believe it.

Ghosts etc Im open to ideas but if someone tells me this or that....... proof must be shown with the
Especially when they're telling you to give your "life" to the Holy Spirit, no comprende amigo.
do you guys believe there is no such thing as life after death, do you guys believe existence and life in itself is meaningless?
I finally read everything posted in this thread except for thevid(sorry dude) but I will watch it for sure! I really appreciate that *non-believers* posted their opinions etc etc it was very insightful. Especially thenovels(no pun intended) that were posted on this page,except for Willy I will read that later on today. So peace out NT for a while I need to go relax whileplaying Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Much love.

Essentially the whole idea of a God just doesn't sit well with me, quite frankly it makes no sense.
I yearn for reason in this world, and the only thing that seems provide me with that is science.

Everyday I encounter some type of human suffering, examples of God's failures to protect humanity are everywhere. No one can tell
me it's God's plan for innocent people to die and suffer, if so then that is truly appalling.
And for those that say God is not responsible for human suffering, then either god doesn't care enough to stop the most horrible things from happening
or he simply can't do anything about it. Therefore God is either powerless or evil.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

do you guys believe there is no such thing as life after death, do you guys believe existence and life in itself is meaningless?
I DON'T KNOW, NOBODY KNOWS!!!! Why spend my life preoccupied with an existence or lack thereof no living human is capable of characterizing?
I will be brief...

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Im saying if I haven't seen it I really can't believe it...proof must be shown with the claim

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?

Originally Posted by DMoney82

God who?

Originally Posted by SoCalBoy23

god is just an imaginary friend for grown-ups

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

And i realized that god doesnt really exist... i also know theres no such thing as a god...

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves.

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm just having to laugh because blind faith is so ridiculous. it's like, "let's worship this invisible god". you never see him, hear him, or feel him... you believe you know his point of views and the way he believes you should live your life, yet you haven't heard him say it his self...

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i can't speak for other atheists, but i have a pretty much general argument (or reason) as to why i choose not to lead a religious lifestyle. i know that i don't want to believe and worship any deity without first having proof he/she/it exists...

The quoted statements above, made by some of my NT brethren, highlight a trend of logic I have come to notice amongst so-called "non-believers".

Essentially, what this logic proposes and champions, is the rational that, "if I can't sense God, then He clearly must not exist". In other words, "if I can't see, hear, touch, smell, or taste God, then He is clearly fiction"; after all, the very concept that is"evidence", and the manifestation of said "evidence", derives from our ability--as sentient beings--to "sense" things.

So in connecting the dots, we arrive at a line of thinking that is central to the atheistic argument--and that is, the opinion that "if I can't sense(see, hear, touch, smell, or taste) God directly, then there is no evidence for Him, and if thereis no evidence for Him, then He doesn't exist."


Now if only y'all could actually see just how faulty and defective that line of thinking is, y'all would realize just how baseless y'all wholeargument against the existence of God is.

And to prove my point, I ask y'all this-- "What exactly is AIR"--you know, that thing we "supposedly" breathe in.

We can't see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it; simply stated, we can't sense it directly so why do YOU believe in it (and I KNOW YOU DO). As previously stated, our conception of"evidence" is based off our ability to sense something, and the "lack of evidence" comes about from an inability to sense something. So ifwe can't sense AIR, then implicitly, there cannot be such a thing as evidence for AIR--and yet, I am quite confident you believe in this thing called AIRcorrect?



The quoted statements above, made by some of my NT brethren, highlight a trend of logic I have come to notice amongst so-called "non-believers".

Essentially, what this logic proposes and champions, is the rational that, "if I can't sense God, then He clearly must not exist". In other words, "if I can't see, hear, touch, smell, or taste God, then He is clearly fiction"; after all, the very concept that is "evidence", and the manifestation of said "evidence", derives from our ability--as sentient beings--to "sense" things.

So in connecting the dots, we arrive at a line of thinking that is central to the atheistic argument--and that is, the opinion that "if I can't sense (see, hear, touch, smell, or taste) God directly, then there is no evidence for Him, and if there is no evidence for Him, then He doesn't exist."


Now if only y'all could actually see just how faulty and defective that line of thinking is, y'all would realize just how baseless y'all whole argument against the existence of God is.

And to prove my point, I ask y'all this-- "What exactly is AIR"--you know, that thing we "supposedly" breathe in.

We can't see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it; simply stated, we can't sense it directly so why do YOU believe in it (and I KNOW YOU DO). As previously stated, our conception of "evidence" is based off our ability to sense something, and the "lack of evidence" comes about from an inability to sense something. So if we can't sense AIR, then implicitly, there cannot be such a thing as evidence for AIR--and yet, I am quite confident you believe in this thing called AIR correct?



My man, I might as well just start making sh$%# up right now and applying it to your logic. There is no concrete evidence of flying pigs that fartrainbows and poop skittles, but I guess it does not mean they do not exist. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

BDW WE CAN SENSE (smell, feel, taste) AIR unless you live in a vacuum
, worst argument ever you should've picked a betterexample.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by jerryjones

do you guys believe there is no such thing as life after death, do you guys believe existence and life in itself is meaningless?
I DON'T KNOW, NOBODY KNOWS!!!! Why spend my life preoccupied with an existence or lack thereof no living human is capable of characterizing?

My man Anton

A Christian agreeing with a Satanist now that's what's up.
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