Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?


But yo, I just realized who Anton Lavey is. You into all that?
You should've know better than to make this thread

But I believe in God, but I'm also fascinated by other religions and beliefs (or non beliefs), so I don't mind this...
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

I guess I'm agnostic but im leaning more towards the atheist side...I've witnessed too many terrible things in my life, and religion explains these events as tests of faith
at the very least i cant stand organized religion due to the fact their followers claim if you dont join them you're destined to go to hell. just the other day i was told that my life was not complete and i needed to be saved
Yet they don't know that their Bible has no official reference to a hell. And it was created around 400 AD as a mean to scare believers. Yep, I get a kick out of it myself.

I'm pretty agnostic after years of going to Catholic school and even a University. But I mean, as I get older I'm starting to believe that there'sa higher power, just that the higher power is indifferent to what we do.
Well, I'm definitely not atheist, but I am against organized religion so I probably fit in better here than anywhere else.

I just think there is too much evidence for a higher power and that life makes no sense if there is no supreme being.

To me, the Golden Ratio is just too incredible to believe that there is not a grand architect.
I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at everyturn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?


But yo, I just realized who Anton Lavey is. You into all that?
Well I buy into SOME of his's not what people think it is.
Lemonade41 wrote:
I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.
So somebody would go straight to Hell and be stuck in limbo as a damned soul just b/c they happen to be agnostic, even though they live aperfectly moral life.

Yet a "religious" person can be a complete @#% up with evil intentions towards anything and everybody, but b/c he believes in "heaven" atleast he has a choice?

Just b/c someone is agnostic/atheist does NOT mean they are immoral or bad people. The choice of being a good person is something we are born with, notsomething that is taught in a church.

I am not agnostic, I believe in a higher power. But please lets not get into who's "better people" or have a better chance at getting into this"heaven". Because some of the most selfish and immoral people are the ones that claim to be the most "religious". Alot of times its just afront to cover their @+$$
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Lemonade41 wrote:
I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.

Just b/c someone is agnostic/atheist does NOT mean they are immoral or bad people.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Lemonade41 wrote:
I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.

Just b/c someone is agnostic/atheist does NOT mean they are immoral or bad people.

For the fellow Atheist in here, Bravo. Congrats on making the decision to make yourself susceptible to all of the ridiculous debates you are now made toengage in. Congrats on not using the 'God did it....that's why' card. Congrats on not being happy with such ******ed notions of the world beingmade in six days and that some people are sinners because they don't genuflect at the idea of some magical man in the sky. Bravo for not being part of theproblem. With all the morons that cry of some religious persecution, understand that you, the Atheist, have it worse.

Oh and be grateful that there isn't a god. If there was, he is doing a terrible job.

Oh and I implore you to join Atheist United if you want to change all of the wrongperceptions of Atheist.
lobotomybeats wrote:

Oh and be grateful that there isn't a god. If there was, he is doing a terrible job.

I don't think anyone who truly practices "religion" the way it was intended to, as a guideline would say that God has any influence over manschoice to decide.
Man chooses right and wrong. And thus the effects man has on this world are obvious.
I just think that as there are different variations to "religious" people, there are also different variations to agnostics.
I personally prefer to have discussions with those that are open to conversation without bashing anyones belief system.
Just as the Egyptians worshipped Ra, and the ancient Mayans had their Gods, belief systems have always been a part of human existence. Humans have alwaysneeded some form of faith system to give them something to believe in. That has not changed.
What has changed since those times is the influx of "logic" and tangible science into the human existence, which then allows for a skeptic eye onbeliefs. But in no way do I think that logic should transfer in automatic dismissal of basic fundamentals on either side.

So we could lay off the God bashing. It hasn't been scientifically proven that God created us, but it hasn't been proven that he has not either.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?
Classic response

As for me...I don't really believe in organized religion, but I do believe in a higher power...that'd be agnostic right?
Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

So Question, God creates man, man is born to say a Hindu/Bhuddist/(Something other than a Christian based religion) family.
Who do you blame for that? It's now his fault even tho he's a baby that he has to practice Hinduism, even though God placed him with that family?
He grows up to be a Doctor and volunteers at a homeless shelter and children's hospital.
The only way he can get eternal life and to be pleasing to God is to find a Christian church?
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