Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by RenaRene

lobotomybeats wrote:

Oh and be grateful that there isn't a god. If there was, he is doing a terrible job.

I don't think anyone who truly practices "religion" the way it was intended to, as a guideline would say that God has any influence over mans choice to decide.

I didn't mean just in man's choices made. How many times do you hear 'Oh poor Timmy, he was entirely too young to die. Only threeyears old,' only to be followed by 'Well he is with Jesus now, God works in mysterious ways.' There's nothing mysterious about that.
I don't care if you are an athiest are not...we all believe in something...
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

What's the point of not believing in God?
What's the point to posting in NT?
There is no point.
It's just something that people decide to do b/c it fulfills something for them psychologically.
There are also people that have spiritual experience that reinforce that belief.
This is a typical problem. People think there has to be "a point" to everything.
Not everything needs a point. We are not meant to understand everything.
Right now, we know a fraction of what "existence" actually means in this Universe.
And until someone actually does know all of it, there will always be questions.
It's your choice to believe what you want, and accept the fact that others will do the same.
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.
co-sign, proud Catholic btw
Originally Posted by cartune

I respect all forms of beliefs atheism included.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

What's the point of not believing in God?
As a former baptist, I asked myself a similar question a long time ago. Its a win/win situation right? But ultimately, if God was the God I beenreading and hearing about then I knew I couldn't fool Him and I should stop fooling myself.

Do I believe in a supreme being waiting to judge my soul? No
Do I believe there is a higher power which regulates the universe? Yes
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

So Question, God creates man, man is born to say a Hindu/Bhuddist/(Something other than a Christian based religion) family.
Who do you blame for that? It's now his fault even tho he's a baby that he has to practice Hinduism, even though God placed him with that family?
He grows up to be a Doctor and volunteers at a homeless shelter and children's hospital.
The only way he can get eternal life and to be pleasing to God is to find a Christian church?
I've asked this multiple times on NT yet none of these condescending dudes can answer that question
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, youwill understand why I dismiss yours." --Stephen F. Roberts
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

I respect the atheist that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though.

This, but those kind tend to be rare
Originally Posted by pricankid9

Originally Posted by Lemonade41

I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.
co-sign, proud Catholic btw

proud christian* god bless you brothers and sisters in Christ. and also you non believers. i respect your choice and i hope you respect mine.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?
Classic response

As for me...I don't really believe in organized religion, but I do believe in god...WHAT THE HELL AM I?!
fixed for myself.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats


For the fellow Atheist in here, Bravo. Congrats on making the decision to make yourself susceptible to all of the ridiculous debates you are now made to engage in. Congrats on not using the 'God did it....that's why' card. Congrats on not being happy with such ******ed notions of the world being made in six days and that some people are sinners because they don't genuflect at the idea of some magical man in the sky. Bravo for not being part of the problem. With all the morons that cry of some religious persecution, understand that you, the Atheist, have it worse.

Oh and be grateful that there isn't a god. If there was, he is doing a terrible job.

Oh and I implore you to join Atheist United if you want to change all of the wrong perceptions of Atheist.

couldnt agree more
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

So Question, God creates man, man is born to say a Hindu/Bhuddist/(Something other than a Christian based religion) family.
Who do you blame for that? It's now his fault even tho he's a baby that he has to practice Hinduism, even though God placed him with that family?
He grows up to be a Doctor and volunteers at a homeless shelter and children's hospital.
The only way he can get eternal life and to be pleasing to God is to find a Christian church?
I've asked this multiple times on NT yet none of these condescending dudes can answer that question

Should I? should I? lol.........Ive answered this a bunch of times, if somebody never had a true chance to know and "reject" the gospel God willjudge you by your heart and intent, this is the meaning of "Blasphemy" that people get so wrong, Blasphemy is rejection of the holy spirit inGod's word done with your heart, "the unforgiveable sin".......myself I was born into a Christian house hold but I neverrrrrrrrrr said "thisis it" I looked at what other believed with an open mind, if you are brithed into a hindu believing family that does not mean you cant search are not dammed or stuck to that mind set just like I was not
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." --Stephen F. Roberts
I like this.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

So Question, God creates man, man is born to say a Hindu/Bhuddist/(Something other than a Christian based religion) family.
Who do you blame for that? It's now his fault even tho he's a baby that he has to practice Hinduism, even though God placed him with that family?
He grows up to be a Doctor and volunteers at a homeless shelter and children's hospital.
The only way he can get eternal life and to be pleasing to God is to find a Christian church?
I've asked this multiple times on NT yet none of these condescending dudes can answer that question

Should I? should I? lol.........Ive answered this a bunch of times, if somebody never had a true chance to know and "reject" the gospel God will judge you by your heart and intent, this is the meaning of "Blasphemy" that people get so wrong, Blasphemy is rejection of the holy spirit in God's word done with your heart, "the unforgiveable sin".......myself I was born into a Christian house hold but I neverrrrrrrrrr said "this is it" I looked at what other believed with an open mind, if you are brithed into a hindu believing family that does not mean you cant search for are not dammed or stuck to that mind set just like I was not

what about the rest of the hindu family? are they damned for not stepping out of their shoes to fit into something they arent? why did god make all of usdifferent with our own free will to make up religions and to be a hindu if it was gonna send that person to hell?
" God sure does work in mysterious ways "
Originally Posted by hellaones

Originally Posted by Lemonade41

I respect the atheist that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though.

This, but those kind tend to be rare
There's a difference between belittling a religion and questioning it, believers get this mixed up when they are in a debate with atheists.Non-belief in itself is disrespectful to religious folks.....that includes belief in anything other than their Deity. This is why various religious factions goto great lengths to convert the nonbelievers and in many cases throughout history have even attempted to annihilate nonbelievers by violent means. It'slike getting everyone on the planet to believe your religion somehow validates it.
Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

So Question, God creates man, man is born to say a Hindu/Bhuddist/(Something other than a Christian based religion) family.
Who do you blame for that? It's now his fault even tho he's a baby that he has to practice Hinduism, even though God placed him with that family?
He grows up to be a Doctor and volunteers at a homeless shelter and children's hospital.
The only way he can get eternal life and to be pleasing to God is to find a Christian church?
I've asked this multiple times on NT yet none of these condescending dudes can answer that question

Should I? should I? lol.........Ive answered this a bunch of times, if somebody never had a true chance to know and "reject" the gospel God will judge you by your heart and intent, this is the meaning of "Blasphemy" that people get so wrong, Blasphemy is rejection of the holy spirit in God's word done with your heart, "the unforgiveable sin".......myself I was born into a Christian house hold but I neverrrrrrrrrr said "this is it" I looked at what other believed with an open mind, if you are brithed into a hindu believing family that does not mean you cant search for are not dammed or stuck to that mind set just like I was not

what about the rest of the hindu family? are they damned for not stepping out of their shoes to fit into something they arent? why did god make all of us different with our own free will to make up religions and to be a hindu if it was gonna send that person to hell?
" God sure does work in mysterious ways "

Again the rest of the "hindu" family has the same choise and free will to believe and not to believe or I should say reject, do you beieve everythingyou hear? I sure dont and when it comes to where you are going to spend the rest of your life you better check all of them out and see what truth is not justtake somebodys word for it..........and God made us different in personality and looks, not what we believe, we did that with our own freewill! he warned us tobe aware of these things but he give a man freewill to believe what he can believe you are God if you want! he wont stop you, just like whenyour parents will tell you not to do something bad when you are growing up, they can tell you but you are going to at the end of the day pick for yourself
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Eh, too much to say.

I read it before you edited it, good read, you got a badddddd example of what a true Christian person is and these are the people that make me so mad, not theworld, them!.........This is what Jesus got killed for in the first place he called out the hipocrates and the ones who said they loved the lord but didnot.........The Bible talks more about the "so called fallowers" being wrong in Gods eyes then it does the world........God has more beef with thechurch then the world "forgive them for they know not" Christians that know and choose to act the way they do are in far more danger
but why did he set us down here already damned......and then 400 years after jesus comes, he talks to prophets and tells them the WORD. my whole point is thatChristianity hasnt been here forever. so when there was no Christianity, everyone who had the freewill to think for themselves was damned and spent eternity alake of brimstone and fire? its like us making a new religion right now and saying to find out what it is and it'll save you for eternity.....but the otherppl who are practicing their beliefs and damned
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