Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

but why did he set us down here already damned......and then 400 years after jesus comes, he talks to prophets and tells them the WORD. my whole point is that Christianity hasnt been here forever. so when there was no Christianity, everyone who had the freewill to think for themselves was damned and spent eternity a lake of brimstone and fire? its like us making a new religion right now and saying to find out what it is and it'll save you for eternity.....but the other ppl who are practicing their beliefs and damned

Jesus was of Jewish Faith, nothing proceeds that I dont care what youve heard.........sorry, no proof, no internet made video, nothing, The God of Abraham isthe Alpha and Omega and the father of Jesus who came AND god did not damn us, we did that with freewill, Adam could not stay with God and got"kicked" out because now he was with Sin and now needed a way to get "back in" the only way for Adam's cursed bood line to be broken(our blood line) was for Jesus to come and cover us with HIS blood and take our penalty for the sin.......that he did, if we are part of Gods family and he isor father we are now of his blood line and not Adam's......this is why they Called Jesus "the last adam"
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

15 vids?

"Since I've had the Lord Jesus Christ in my life, miraculous things have happened to me. I justthank God every day for Him blessing me and showing me favor when I'm not worthy of any of that. I keep Him first, and I'm diligent in keeping Himfirst."


Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

"Since I've had the Lord Jesus Christ in my life, miraculous things have happened to me. I just thank God every day for Him blessing me and showing me favor when I'm not worthy of any of that. I keep Him first, and I'm diligent in keeping Him first."


Yet people believe other faiths with no pictures (and videos made on youtube stating "facts" about things) and only the Christian faith gets"lol'ed" at, hmmm wonder why that is?
Atheist: I don't believe in God

once u acknowledge the existence, u believe, but of course that would be foolish to not believe what u believe.
Religion was created by the government to give people a sense of "hope" and to keep them from realizing what's really going on in the world andwhat our future has in store for us. 1 world government, New World Order, aliens living on earth etc.
Originally Posted by badjustin

Originally Posted by SoCalBoy23

god is just an imaginary friend for grown-ups

yup, an imaginary friend who is always there for me.

word ... I know I have a creator .. If he goes by GOD, that I dont know. But my creator is always watching after me.
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Religion was created by the government to give people a sense of "hope" and to keep them from realizing what's really going on in the world and what our future has in store for us. 1 world government, New World Order, aliens living on earth etc.
Religion in it's purest sense...the belief in a higher being has been in existence long before "government" ever was
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Religion was created by the government to give people a sense of "hope" and to keep them from realizing what's really going on in the world and what our future has in store for us. 1 world government, New World Order, aliens living on earth etc.
Religion in it's purest sense...the belief in a higher being has been in existence long before "government" ever was

I was just typing this
Originally Posted by DeceptiveSmiles

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice
Say word? He told you this himself?
Did he tell u that he wasn't?
Nice try. If I told you right now that I saw Micheal Jackson and he told me he's alive in Mexico and you didn't believe me, should myrebuttal be "nah did he tell you that he wasn't?".

I understand the absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence but come on. My philosophy is God may or may not exist, nobody really knows...I'mnot claiming to have any definite answers but I'm not taking the "belief just-in-case he exists" route. Even if I did go that route, whichreligion should I chose.
Don't get atheist mixed up with agnostic . I'm sure most of yall are agnostic instead of atheist . Atheist mean you have absolute no believe whatsoeverin religions or god
Religious People, answer me this, particularly christians

God Is omnipotent, all-knowing, and transcendant. He created Adam and Eve, he had to have full knowledge they would sin and fall from grace. He had to know hewould have to send his only begotten Son into the world to die a horrible death. He had to know that this world would be filled with all kinds of wicked anddepraved evil. He definitely knows how its all going to end ( Book of Revelation). So did God just want to watch a bomb %$# movie or what, what is the point.
im catholic but im exposed to atheists and atheism all the time through the metal scene so ive become tolerant towards it (satanism too!

supposdedly the metal club is trying convince "christ on campus" to have a dodgeball match or something
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