Official AUTHENTIC NBA JERSEY Post - Bringin Back the JERSEY ERA... (Info/Guide = Page 1)

$250 is still high :lol: but I guess it beats $300

Nike NFL jerseys were $250 then they randomly raised them to $295 I think same season or next after they took over
Found them.  Thought it was JWC Athletics not JWC Studio 
A modern MJ Bulls just wouldn't look right imo especially with the championship tag and the swoosh on it.
Aren't those joints 20 years old or something? How do they still got em?
Aren't those joints 20 years old or something? How do they still got em?

Well more like 12 years old. They started selling them last season with $300 pasted over the OG $150 price. Idk, it seems like maybe they found them hidden s somewhere. Just terrible sizes otherwise I'd buy one.
Yea that's crazy, most companies would just throw em away automatically. Are they even worth three bills plus that high Chicago tax?
Probably something like $332. Idk. I had my size 48 stolen out of my dorm room back in 2007. I really really loved that jersey. I'd probably sell my entire modest collection for a size 40 Nike away. Maybe I'll do that now.
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