I think I already know the answer to this, but is 2k22 even good? I'm tempted to cop half off but I'm afraid I'll regret it even at the low price. The last 2k I actually enjoyed was '13 fam. They put so much into making the game realistic that it aint even fun for casual gamers like myself no more :smh:
I think I already know the answer to this, but is 2k22 even good? I'm tempted to cop half off but I'm afraid I'll regret it even at the low price. The last 2k I actually enjoyed was '13 fam. They put so much into making the game realistic that it aint even fun for casual gamers like myself no more :smh:
Best 2K since 2K11

Current and next gen are both great

I know cause I'm the idiot that bought both cause I'm washed

It has now been patched.

2k actually gives a d*** this year and I like it. I have a 90% Win percentage in the rec with my few losses coming from lagouts, running with randoms and encountering full squads with a PG hiding behind a screen.

We could already stop it before in a 2-3 zone but now? It's a wrap can't wait to hop on today after work.

oh wow they did

i aint been on in weeks, i may return

i didnt even hit 40 this season

Halo/duty/Forza been in rotation heavy

oh wow they did

i aint been on in weeks, i may return

i didnt even hit 40 this season

Halo/duty/Forza been in rotation heavy

Game might actually resemble basketball again. I like it.

We would literally have games were teams where taking 30-40 threes and you have to basically give up 2's to stop it.
Damn @ #1

Dat playoff atmosphere in that Live 10 clip.
Yea based on the charts, it seems like 2K11 was the only one that didn't outdo the previous year and we can blame that on COVID forreal.

Got this message the other day

Had to look back through my results to see what game it was

Beat this dude 29-12 as the Cavs vs the Hawks :lol:

Who does that?
Do you guard the ball handler or do you let the CPU guard the ball-handler?

The CUP is usually sticky and more difficult to beat in isolation than a human.

Both, depending on matchup, situation, the offense the other playing is running, etc.

Seems foolish to limit yourself to on ball only when CPU help defense isn't good. And better hope you don't have a center with a low def awareness. The best defense is going to be a mix of both

I don't care how the other person is playing defense, if you hold me to 12 points I am the garbage one :lol:
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