Official Batlefield: Bad Company 2 [OUT NOW] MW2 Killer? Time will tell.

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I want to cop but I don't know if the NT support will be great enough

ill post some info tomorrow when I play a couple of games
I forgot to preorder it and it's the night before release... I'm trynna get at that extra gun (might as well) by gettin it from gamestop. Is there any way to pre-order for pickup in-store tomorro, or am I just gonna have to pray they still have the limited edition left?
Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

Originally Posted by jae oh en

after being talked into it, i'm trading in MW2 and picking this up tonight.
i hope it's the right decision
don't trade mw2 because, if you get tired of battle field you can always go back to mw2....
true. but i only considered doing this in the first place because i'm tired of mw2. imo - the maps all got pretty stale, the halo sword lunge people do with the knife in mw2 drives me CRAZY, and i feel like i'll enjoy the more team based stuff in BC2 over the shenanigans in mw2. plus i only really play online with friends, and the fact that i can't be in party chat for all the good MW2 playlists is whack.

plus gamestop is giving me 40 bucks for mw2.
can't really say no to that.
When I used to play I always preferred Battlefield. CoD is too much of an arcade for me.

Helicopters, C4's, Rocket Launchers, Tanks, Actual Medics that Revive always kept it entertaining. Pilotin huge !%@ helicopters with your whole team ridin and parachuting safely before purposely crashing them all into the ocean
...then getting banned.

I MIGHT cop this game but I gave up on 2K10 and CoD so I just dont play video games like I used to.

FPS are soo much better on PC but I don't have the money to upgrade every 2 years to keep up.

I remember when me and Jumpman247 played Battlefield: 2 online.
Originally Posted by Solemate96

Does anybody know if the campaign is going to be short like MW2?

Gametrailers says the Campaign isn't as open as the last, meaning that they don't necessarily drop you in a massive environment and give you objectives, its a lot more concise (which is a better way of saying linear) but don't get it twisted the draw distances are insane and the landscapes are broad enough for you to deal damage as you see fit. I do hear its a little on the short side though, can't really be helped I suppose.
Originally Posted by Solemate96

Does anybody know if the campaign is going to be short like MW2?

6 hours long, approximately. Don't get it for single player campaign, you'll be very disappointed as multi-player is what the BF franchise is famous or well known for. I tried the demo the other day, couldn't kill anyone, the recoil was killing me
I will be picking this game up first thing in the morning. Goodbye COD!!!
Haha...from how i see it cod= live series and bc= 2k series, and besides its time to take an official break from mw2 until they release with another one..add me guys(Sig)
Thanks for the help Ducky and Politics. My internet is messed up and thought the campaign can hold me over for a little bit but I guess not.
meh, I'm just going to go ahead and get it. Haven't heard anything bad from the reviews
this game is not better than cod but it is fun if you play with a group of friends......its gonna take a while to get use to it
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