Official Bitcoin Thread

look at the low of the day on that huge *** wick that closed green. dead give away is right.

seeing some hype for ARCH KP3R MIST no positions. Intrigued by SUSHI.

Sold COMP at 710 from 500 avg and bought more corn.
Yeah, that’s what it’s supposed to mean.

that hammer ****** me plenty of times on trading futures. :lol: don’t trade futures.

CZ heard all that noise about Solana and Polygon and said Pamp it.

I knew Polygon(Matic) was building but their ecosystem caught me by suprise. I never really dived into L2 solutions as I didn't think they would make a sub ecosystem within Ethereum but here we are. I just thought they would scale transactions while still being tied to ETH.

The explosion just goes to show how much of an issue ETH's slow speed is but with problem there's opportunity.

I got into Raydium on Solana during the dip because I know Dex's will always be an important part of any ecosystem. Uniswap for ETH/ Pancake Swap for BSC.

Didn't really know too much about Quickswap on Polygon. Saw it at $700 and then it just kept going higher and higher.


Next hyped ecosystem is Polkadot and their premier dex is looking to be Polkadex even though there's also Polkaswap as well.

DYOR but it's only 30 million Market cap right now after their IDO. It's in that accumulation zone you see Quickswap had between March and April 26th.
In fact I think the price can drop lower since Polkadot won't really get going until a couple of months time and presale investors will still have some of their tokens locked up which they would want to off load once they're unlocked.

Roadmap is impressive and its backed by some of the biggest VC's in the space.

Quickswap is at 230 Million market cap right now and Polygon just got started. The premier Polkadot dex is easilly going to match that so you're looking at a potential 10x from here in the midterm with potential for higher gains if it gets as big as Pancake Swap or Uniswap.

It's all about getting into these projects early while they're under the radar.

Also been hearing about the Fantom ecosystem as well so going to look into that later.
I bought 250,000 at like 0.005. Should’ve bought more:smh:

I loaded up over a mil at .0014 and I wish I bought more lol.

this will trade in dollars eventually. more corridors opening up including usa and I'm pretty sure they're going to get that bank charter in Nebraska. plus their v3 app!

I loaded up over a mil at .0014 and I wish I bought more lol.

this will trade in dollars eventually. more corridors opening up including usa and I'm pretty sure they're going to get that bank charter in Nebraska. plus their v3 app!

in the dollars you say?

haven’t bought anything on KuCoin but nows the time. Just logged on again. Best way with usd is USD to USDT then using that for TEL? Initially logged into to get some GO but I’ll test out some TEL
in the dollars you say?

haven’t bought anything on KuCoin but nows the time. Just logged on again. Best way with usd is USD to USDT then using that for TEL? Initially logged into to get some GO but I’ll test out some TEL

I truly believe that. if not this cycle then next. this is still a long term hold for me. usdt probably better than using the eth pair. when I bought I transferred from cb to kucoin then swapped.

take a look at this article. this is a real company that's live and fully compliant.

been in consolidation for 70 days. imagine not fapping for 70 days then letting that nut go :lol:

but like always expect a pull back and hold for the long term on this one.
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