Official Bitcoin Thread

Can you share that video? Been trying to get into crypto and NFTs which I heard about like 3 months back. I feel lost.

Kinda depends. Are you just getting started, like don't even know where to buy crypto? Or do you at least have an exchange like coinbase with you bank acct or card linked to it? Other cats on here could probably help you out much more than me, depending on where you are.

What do folks think of WAGMI (ohm/wonderland fork) on Harmony?

currently on a big dip like the others

The APY looking like tempting

Carbon copy of Wonderland apparently on Harmony rather than AVAX. Kinda hard to get to, but I feel the same about them as with Jade protocol (which has a higher apy and on bsc if you wanna try) and the other high risk higher apy ones.

If you got a couple hundred bucks (or maybe more) to spare sitting around in an account or elsewhere doing nothing.....................why not? Obviously I wouldn't go all in, but safe play start with something feasible, if/when you double up+ take out your original investment, then let it sit and see how far it can go. Just my humble opinion. Im in 4 dif ones right now including TIME, with varying amounts. TIME seems to be the play since people know who's running them, which I feel. But all this **** is a gamble. Might as well go big.
Thanks fam, your Cat is going to jump up even more once the $MILK system begins. The talk of Cats leasing out their eggs/pets is crazy, potential is huge with the game. WLTC!
I’m hype about renting out my pets. I was lucky to win a raffle to get a second pet so depending on the income rates and all of that I will be leasing out at least one at all times
Kinda depends. Are you just getting started, like don't even know where to buy crypto? Or do you at least have an exchange like coinbase with you bank acct or card linked to it? Other cats on here could probably help you out much more than me, depending on where you are.

Carbon copy of Wonderland apparently on Harmony rather than AVAX. Kinda hard to get to, but I feel the same about them as with Jade protocol (which has a higher apy and on bsc if you wanna try) and the other high risk higher apy ones.

If you got a couple hundred bucks (or maybe more) to spare sitting around in an account or elsewhere doing nothing.....................why not? Obviously I wouldn't go all in, but safe play start with something feasible, if/when you double up+ take out your original investment, then let it sit and see how far it can go. Just my humble opinion. Im in 4 dif ones right now including TIME, with varying amounts. TIME seems to be the play since people know who's running them, which I feel. But all this **** is a gamble. Might as well go big.

Thanks for the reply. I have Coinbase and just DL'd Crypto app. Coinbase is connected to my bank or w/e and I bought a few very small purchases when I was learning a bit here and there. But this stuff looks like ebonics and coding to me to a degree like your post before referenced so I figured I would ask because I feel like what you described before.

When I know where to start/look, being pointed in the right direction as a base will probably help me build on that and get more savvy with it.
If there’s anything in specific you want to know or we’re talking about something and you want in just ask. Between us and YouTube you can learn anything.

if you’re new I’d say just pay attention and start dca into eth and something like avax.

build up an account and then start taking bigger risks.
uying little
Thanks for the reply. I have Coinbase and just DL'd Crypto app. Coinbase is connected to my bank or w/e and I bought a few very small purchases when I was learning a bit here and there. But this stuff looks like ebonics and coding to me to a degree like your post before referenced so I figured I would ask because I feel like what you described before.

When I know where to start/look, being pointed in the right direction as a base will probably help me build on that and get more savvy with it.

Yup. Like he said. Easiest thing to do is buy and hold for now. Until you begin to understand things more. Right now is the perfect time to do so as everything is down. You don't know if it's at the bottom, but you gotta get in somewhere. I did that for a few years essentially. Till I saw how easy Bitcoin was to use. Then I realized this **** is an actual investment and had to stop spending it on dumb ****.

Try starting with getting something in the top 10. Read up on stuff in your spare time if you have any. Stick with the top guns for now which should appreciate. I personally like BTC/ETH/AVAX/SOL/MATIC/MANA/XLM. Little or alot and just hold tight you're in the game. Accumulate little by little every pay period, month, week etc. You're in there. You're on Coinbase? **** get the coinbase card and use that for small or even large purchases. Earn crypto. Every little bit helps.

Now if you want to make your bread work for you, that's unlocking cryptos true potential. Now you're assuming more risk, but the reward goes up. Look up staking first. You can do it right on Coinbase. Much lower rewards than other parts of the web, but it's a good start. I'm not even into farming, liquidity pools, etc. yet.

That **** was a foreign language to me a couple months ago too. Now I've purchased, bridged and exchanged tons of crypto (and gas), staked in different defi protocols on various different networks, mutiple wallets hot and cold, have a node and working on another, and started minting some nfts. It really ain't that difficult. Just takes a little time.
Bruh my wife caught me vibing to the music in the spooncave today on discord,
finally got my comp speakers hooked up. cave-stadium gonna be the soundtrack to my workday (unless i decide to watch succession).

Market looking real weak in the short term, trying to breakthrough too much resistance.
i feel for those who have overinvested. by a lot. bad price.
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