Official Bitcoin Thread

Nothing cooler than the cool cats, doodles, Coolman’s universe

Deadfellaz, robotos, supducks are cool too

(Shilling my bags, except I don’t own a doodles)
All those projects mentioned are dope but I really have to vouch for Cool Cats, which I don't currently own. Passive income coming with $MILK they'll generate and the Cool Pets play-to-earn quest game, which Cat owners mint free. (1:1). I'm still sleeping on Coolman's and have to work out an exit strategy on this damn Psychedelic Anonymous Genesis.
you minted? did they reveal yet? i really like the pics that i saw. why do you want to exit? i don't follow NFTs closely.
Reveal will be within the next day or so, nothing set in stone but Voltura.eth said before New Year. Floor is damn near 1.50eth pre reveal (mint was .088) despite the roadmap being kind of vague. There was a Spaces held yesterday and a lot of good info was shared (900 traits/16 categories of traits) and it was being said the team’s aim is for Psych Anon to be the “luxury NFT” but that’s a lot of promise without any other rumblings of potential partnerships to deliver.

Mawson Infrastructure is a partner, NASDAQ listed BTC miner, and the team is doxxed but I’m just weary of it being a repeat of mekaverse. I’m thinking if pre-reveal gets to 2eth I’m selling and maybe will buy in after the inevitable post reveal dips. There’s different ways to get into the Psych Anon community (IRL/Meta passes, Component game passes) but Genesis is the pfp one and offers most utility. I’m just not vibing with their community like I am with other projects, maybe that changes post reveal.
Gonna tax loss harvest foxfam Dino babies nuclear nerds today and sell my most common Coolman’s. Use that money cor Time and flip it for more ether in a month or so
All those projects mentioned are dope but I really have to vouch for Cool Cats, which I don't currently own. Passive income coming with $MILK they'll generate and the Cool Pets play-to-earn quest game, which Cat owners mint free. (1:1). I'm still sleeping on Coolman's and have to work out an exit strategy on this damn Psychedelic Anonymous Genesis.
Where do I go to play this game? Google didn’t come up with anything.
They are in the red to claim an loss on taxes and strong is in the green I think to claim an expense.

I think all the ******* with ring and other rugs is boosting it too.
Where do I go to play this game? Google didn’t come up with anything.
Cool Pets will be minted next month, with the game starting then. They’ve been doing allowlist spots but mentioned there should be a public sale too, no mention of price/quantity at this time.

Their Discord is the best place to learn more, as well as, but you can also follow some of their team on Twitter for glimpses. johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm is the resident NT Cat here, maybe he can provide some info too.
Cool Pets will be minted next month, with the game starting then. They’ve been doing allowlist spots but mentioned there should be a public sale too, no mention of price/quantity at this time.

Their Discord is the best place to learn more, as well as, but you can also follow some of their team on Twitter for glimpses. johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm is the resident NT Cat here, maybe he can provide some info too.
Game is coming to open beta in January then release shorty after. Tune into the weekly town halls every Friday and check the discord for info. I’ve got 2 cool pets that I’ll be leasing out/farming with. Hope it pays off well. WLTC
pdino pdino How are the weekly SOL payouts with your NoiaDuck looking?
Been awful bruh. Noiaducks launched a NFT trading platform unsuccessfully and dumped pretty good. Still better than staking SOL I think though.

I think with all the crappy node projects/rugs, everybody coming home to the tried and true STRONG nodes. Not worth the losses playing with everything else
yall buying luna?

Have been since Anchor Protocol was paying 240% APR to provide it as collateral and borrow UST against it.

Ton of runway left. If anyone is actively trying to grow their bag check out ORCA by Kujira.

You basically set bird on liquidated bLUNA from Anchor Protocol. Can usually get LUNA at an east 4-6% discount.
I trimmed my buy in the 53s at 93 to cover the purchase of my tarot scroll nft. Would buy that piece back if we break below 80. Still holding my core rom 5.70.
Anyone still in Klima? Price seems to have stabilized in the 300s and the apy still going strong.
Anyone still in Klima? Price seems to have stabilized in the 300s and the apy still going strong.
i’m still in it. gonna ride it for as long as it’s going. wouldn’t mind buying a little more at this price. maybe convert my rome to klima.

anyone claim their gas dao $gas? not sure if i wanna spend $70 to claim $35 worth of coins.
i’m still in it. gonna ride it for as long as it’s going. wouldn’t mind buying a little more at this price. maybe convert my rome to klima.

anyone claim their gas dao $gas? not sure if i wanna spend $70 to claim $35 worth of coins.
Idk about converting anything for Klima but it is a good price where it’s at. I’m gonna throw some change at it and see what it does for like 6 months
Dont... :nerd:

NFA of course.
i’ll leave it then. what does rome’s future look like? i swapped my solarbeam for rome and rn i’m about 50% down even with rebases. if i had left it in solar, that dropped from around $14 to $3 so i dodged a bullet for sure.
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hopefully strong keeps going since everything is is crumbling except lvt which doesn’t pay worth a damn now.
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