Official Bitcoin Thread

Bruh you gonna have running back level CTE by the time that jawn launches.
Long as I have running back level $ in my defi wallet by the time this jawn launches itll be worth it :lol:

But I do have a lot of free time with IRL work at the moment. Finally a year where the holidays actually mean a slow time at work.
read that earlier. if regulators can ever figure out their heads from their asses, maybe we can finally move forward and take this **** mainstream.
Surprisingly insightful thread even tho that guys voice irks the **** out of me

Stablecoins are the biggest issue. Gov issued stable coin secured by US GDP would be breakthrough

If U.S. based stable coins listed on U.S. exchanges aren’t secured by U.S. assets, then that’s a problem
Man I forgot how to get Rowan on sifchain. I have all of it staking and everytime I try to unstake it says I have insufficient balance lol. When I try to swap atom for Rowan it tells me I have insufficient balance lmao how the hell do I get Rowan!?
Man I forgot how to get Rowan on sifchain. I have all of it staking and everytime I try to unstake it says I have insufficient balance lol. When I try to swap atom for Rowan it tells me I have insufficient balance lmao how the hell do I get Rowan!?
Do you have any ROWAN left in your balance on sifchain or did you stake literally all of it?

Also, I think the faucet is reopened. I'll try to get on discord and see if I can find the link..
Yeah I might claim to eth assuming that this dip is just people taking a L for taxes.

idk though, I think It might moon thanks to all the rug nodes.
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Man I forgot how to get Rowan on sifchain. I have all of it staking and everytime I try to unstake it says I have insufficient balance lol. When I try to swap atom for Rowan it tells me I have insufficient balance lmao how the hell do I get Rowan!?
message me your sif address and i’ll send you some tomorrow morning when i get to work.
Whole market taking a bloody dump but STRONG still pumping.! 😍

I might fuxk around and double my position....

I've been watching it closely on a daily basis... It's been dropping to $390-$420 and rebounding right back up to $460-$500 consistently for weeks now...

I've been thinking about day trading STRONG... With 10 tokens, you can easily profit 1 STRONG per properly timed trade, even after gas fees....
Man I forgot how to get Rowan on sifchain. I have all of it staking and everytime I try to unstake it says I have insufficient balance lol. When I try to swap atom for Rowan it tells me I have insufficient balance lmao how the hell do I get Rowan!?
Shoot a message in their TG... A team member/admin sent me some pretty quickly last time I was on the same boat...
Have you been playing the game??
Yep. I've got 2 heroes - a gardener and a miner. Gen 4 and 2, respectively. Depending on how other plays go, might throw a couple bags towards a gen0 Crystalvale hero when those release (if they're a free for all).
I wonder when blockchain gaming and earning rewards will kick off.

Seems like a perfect marriage. Your device your playing the game on will be a node and you get rewards for playing, being connected, completing challenges and so forth.
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