Official Bitcoin Thread

Adding a daily $13 on ETH.
Bitcoin $20 on Monday. $4.50 daily and $20 on Friday

Guess this will be my mode for a while.

Quitting my job in September but have a some contingencies in a bunch of different places to probably last through the year then January is where it’ll be tough if I hadn’t found something new.

Fingers crossed for that $100k ETH and $1mil BTC by 2030 :lol:
I really need to set up my hardwallet and sending my buys straight to that instead of leaving it all in Coinbase. They already said we’re screwed if they go bankrupt. I think they were dry snitching on themselves there.

But yeah it’s time to go into stack and protect mode.
All my stuff is on ledger now except my eth off cb.

They need to hurry up so I can snipe it off there. I swear I’m only going hardware wallet from now on. It’s not even worth it.
Nano X has Bluetooth capabilities but that Nano S plus is the goods from what I’ve heard. If you’re looking to just store crypto, I’d recommend looking into the Trezor T..smooth and the passphrase option is cool.

Good looking out. I just need to store. At the point where I probably need to take my ETH off of Coinbase :lol:
My cousin who was buying SOL at every level is down close to 200k right now. Guy just texted me “I definitely over invested”

Hes gonna hold through. Said he doesn’t give af he has to hold for 5 years lol.
That post crash self reflection be real as hell.

He really in crypto now though..I've been around crashes so much the depression doesn't even kick in anymore.
You gotta do what’s right for you. Try to see though the bs and hype which is hard to do at times.
My cousin who was buying SOL at every level is down close to 200k right now. Guy just texted me “I definitely over invested”
my dude from tg
Long BTC and ETH, but which alt 1s will survive? And why?

I’m about to do a deeper dive on this, then make a basket of bets and try to find a couple of winners in the next bull cycle.

On top of my additional DCA in ETH and BTC while we’re at these levels
Interesting that BTC and ETH puked the most the past 24 hours and ALTS in the top 10 weren't obliterated. In fact they gained.
I have no idea what is happening :lol:

Maybe we've reached a bottom and BTC and ETH are suffering from cascading liquidations???
Could be a good time to start to DCA.

^I think for the most parts, alts just pissed away first. They been bleeding for months, many of the "bluechips" down 80% YTD.
I started cracking up today, remembering when ADA was above $3. I got in at .13 cents, and I was like nah, Ill take some profit at $5. Who the hell did I think I was :rofl:. That greed is something else

Those arbitrary profit taking levels will **** you in the *** foreal :smh:

That and moving the goal posts.... I swore up and down i'd sell LUNA if it hit $100. It did so twice and guess who still has a bag of LUNA classic that's worth 0.03c right now :lol:
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