Official Bitcoin Thread

Did you try it on your phone? Didn't work for me on my computer the first day I tried but worked perfectly on my phone the day after.

I tried both. keeps getting errors....then it ends up being a 24 hour lockout until I can try again. Endless cycle bruh.
I just did more research on Cardano (ADA) coin and a few red flags came up on the eth subreddit. The same guy that made Ethereum Classic made this...

I did enjoy the 3 cent to 12 cent flip though.. but i may have to dump on this one

Get some XRP and call it a day.

Don’t blow my spot b

Tell him to get some dogecoin or something
It amazes me that someone can be this dumb. I mean, transfer taxes, how do they work?

Again, if you don't like paying taxes so the government can effectively run the country, you can absolutely leave and go live on an island all by yourself. No roads. No water. No police. No military. Just all out there by yourself. Let me know how that works out for you.
Why are you calling people names? The only dumb person here trying to rationalize thef is you.

Just keep it moving. Just because is our way of life and the way it was built doesn't make it right.

But yeah is for roads and military
. Smh

By the way dummy .. Since you can't comprehend, we aren't talking about paying taxes in general. Just certain taxes and the way the over tax certain things. Learn how to read. We aren't talking about keeping our infrastructure intact..
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Ride this XRP wave fam.

There’s enough for us to all eat.


Broo I'm reading about that right now!! Hella good prospect. and cheap enough to cop a few hundred shares and just park it somewhere and wait.
Why are you calling people names? The only dumb person here trying to rationalize thef is you.

Just keep it moving. Just because is our way of life and the way it was built doesn't make it right.

But yeah is for roads and military
. Smh
I didn't call you a name.

LOL at calling it theft. Again, you're more than welcome to leave the country. If you choose to live here, you're required to pitch in. That's how it works. It's not theft, it's just a requirement to live here. Living here and not paying taxes is fraud though.
I didn't call you a name.

LOL at calling it theft. Again, you're more than welcome to leave the country. If you choose to live here, you're required to pitch in. That's how it works. It's not theft, it's just a requirement to live here. Living here and not paying taxes is fraud though.
Now I know you are a moron.

Is cool.. live here In America cause we are great.

Just explain to me the transfer tax and why is necessary? If 1person paid taxes on it why when he sells the second person has to pay taxes on it and so on down the row?

Is a depreciating asset ...
You don’t know how capital gains taxes work
I'm not talking about capital gains right now, but let's talk about them.

The people investing whether they are making/losing money already have paid taxes on their money. Now just because you are making money of investment with monies that already have been taxed, now you are going to be taxed because is consider income. Hmmmm how that works? Yeah let's call it this and why and people will just say **** it is our way of life.

Now the return or deduction from Capital losses in your taxes is far less than what anyone would be taxed on earnings. How that works?

every beginners favorite coin is ripple, until they start learning more about crypto and realizing how **** it is. its like a rite of passage that you have to believe in ripple when you start
Try higher daily limits

I just signed up for Gemini, it seems more technical than coinbase, but right now effffff coinbase. Gemini account is in review, but when it completes I can just transfer over my BTC balance from cb to Gemini, right?

Coinbase got on my nerves. Couldn't buy anything during the dip, super slow processing, now got hit with a verification that is an endless cycle. Wouldn't let me buy or sell or do anything.
Now I know you are a moron.

Is cool.. live here In America cause we are great.

Just explain to me the transfer tax and why is necessary? If 1person paid taxes on it why when he sells the second person has to pay taxes on it and so on down the row?

Is a depreciating asset ...
Taxes don't only apply to new products. If taxes were only on new products. they'd be much much much higher than they are now and would prevent people from buying new goods. By taxing transfers, it more evenly spreads the amount taxes on a car. Bottom line, if the government needs $100 (just using a round number) on a given car, they don't want to take all $100 up front. They get $50 up front, another $20 when it's sold, then another $15 the next time, and on down the line. It's a way of breaking up the taxes needed to run the country without severely hindering new cars. If all of the taxes were put on new cars, people would never buy new and just always buy used to avoid the taxes.

Hope that helps. Next economics class will cost you.
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