Official Bitcoin Thread

Like he comes in here saying "bitcoin is all hype" and then flips with "hey lets a convo so you could possibly chsnge my mind" then ofcourse goes to brag about his stack.

Ignorance is a bliss.
Like he comes in here saying "bitcoin is all hype" and then flips with "hey lets a convo so you could possibly chsnge my mind" then ofcourse goes to brag about his stack.

Ignorance is a bliss.

It's crazy. Throwing the term bubble and saying crypto is only backed by speculation leads me to believe that that person is misinformed.

This tech is being used already. By large corporations. Its not going anywhere any time soon.

Hop in, make money, cash out if you anticipate a crash this year. I'll be waiting with my holdings just racking up these returns

Just cracked 1k on coinmarketcap. This is the coin that brought me into crypto and this thread. We went through some down times in the summer and fall but now we're rolling.

Remember fellas, great tech always prevails. The cream rises to the top.
hennessy hennessy
Willing to bet money that I don't.

What's the bet? You said it'll be worth nothing once "bubble" crashes. what year? soon? stipulations ...but if you said it'll be worth nothing (bitcoin ur saying? or other crypto?).

I can bet you 100k LIQUID aka FIAT of your choice. Let me know.

**ALSO - since u keep stating you don't believe in it, you can bet against heard of futures right?

Listen man, we've all heard this before......bitcoin/crypto isn't worth anything, its for drugs/bad people, that is so 2012. Since I don't want to waste my time and others on your "research"....can you tell me which book, case studies, etc you've done that are worth while vs all the engineers, financial, mathematician, scientists, and scholars that have attest to how valuable bitcoin/crypto is globally and to society?

If not, then I will counter with this:

I believe the sky is green, and you're wrong. Same thing you're doing on this thread. Get over yourself and be humble...there are better ways to create dialogue than to "i'm warning you" "there will be losers here" "its gonna crash" "its worth nothing".
I think it’s healthy to have an opposing view point in the thread.

Whether it’s a worst case scenario or a likely scenario hennessy hennessy makes some valid points.

That being said though, given that you’ve done the homework and can see the short game. Why wouldn’t you try and capitalise? Is it a conflict of ethics?
ksteezy ksteezy

What happens when it's no longer worth mining for anyone because it takes so long to find a block chain and actually end up getting a coin from it? When the juice (bitcoin) isn't worth the squeeze (time and electricity) any more then who will continue to support the block chain? From my understanding these all have a market cap so why mine when there's almost nothing left to mine? And then your whole support system for the cryptocurrency is lost and everyone dumps at the same time rapidly.

This shows you how your research is only low level .....

find a blockchain? huh
who will support the blockchain? miners, banks, govt...blockchain is a public ledger my G. EVERTHING will be on it.
nothing left to mine? duh, there is a cap on supply on crypto unlike your beloved FIAT.
fapmasterjr fapmasterjr educate them, bro.

At this point i dont bother to "teach" ppl with it like i used to. You either with it or not. If you not, i respect your decision. But to come in here not once but twice, and talk all that talk is like someone craving some attention or something.
Like he comes in here saying "bitcoin is all hype" and then flips with "hey lets a convo so you could possibly chsnge my mind" then ofcourse goes to brag about his stack.

Ignorance is a bliss.

The tech is interesting and has potential. But it's not about being first it's about being best. It is all hype right now. Let's see where the hype leads. Right now the hype is not real. No one knows definitively what the future holds. In the long term, I'm willing to bet against bitcoin for reasons mentioned in my first post today. Mainly because if it really does catch on enough the powers will intervene.

I'm not bragging just saying where I'd rather have my money. And it's right here

Feel better with my money right her accessible ready to spend on whatever I want than in a USB drive somewhere.

If mining coins was easier. I would put up the investment and do that. But I looked into it and it's not worth it any more. I'm too busy for the day trades. But like I said it seems like that's where it's at and a lot of you are flourishing off it and that's what's up. But it's too volatile for the amount I want to invest.

For small investors with time on their hands I'm not denying this a great opportunity to make money.
I can't help but think that the whole 'no tangible value' is a mistake by a lot of people. It's a very old fashioned way of thinking. The same way people thought dot coms would be a flash in the pan, meanwhile brick and mortar is damn near dead. What we consider 'tangible' is and has changed drastically.

Got to be able to see the trends the last few decades and see that's where everything is heading. Not to mention the technology is apparently extremely valuable as some large corporations and banks have already committed to crypto.

We'll see what happens, though.
I'm not bragging just saying where I'd rather have my money. And it's right here

Feel better with my money right her accessible ready to spend on whatever I want than in a USB drive somewhere.

So you feel better how someone can take it physically then have a 24word seed/passphrase that can't be hacked?! How about i put my trezor in a room with your safe....and let a robber do what they gotta do. Who's gonna lose their money, you or me?

Gold/Silver > Fiat

Thinking about putting my gains in precious metal...

You can buy gold and silver with BTC now.

Anybody doing that?
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