Official Bitcoin Thread

That could be a coinbase issue. All exchanges having issues

I have no idea what's going with my ECA in coinsmarkets because it's literally down 90% of the time haha
Maybe this is better for you:


This is how I make money. Probably looks just as confusing to you as bitcoin looks to a regular person.

Are we supposed to be impressed? Are we all going to wave our dicks and post what we do for work? If you think it's a bubble, go contact your financial advisor, you're not changing any minds here
Exactly what I've said. The tech is super interesting. In the long run, bitcoin will suffer from being first and not best. I'm willing to bet on that.

I come in with a differing mindset to spark a convo so o can learn more and y'all just think I'm bragging. If I wanted to brag I would do it bigger. So here. That safe is probably worth more than most people have invested in bitcoin. It's loaded and unloaded every day I'm literally printing money. I don't want all my money in cash obviously, this is why crypto interests me. But I can't go any where and buy bitcoin or crypto straight cash can I? From my understanding it can only be done online with linked CC or checking account. Defeats purpose for me.

Dont blane US for your negative assumptions coming in this thread uneducated. Apologize first, then u can benefit from US.
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One thing I’ve learned about the IT industry, you cant debate with ppl who don’t have overall knowledge..wasting your time.

Rather just show them, if they don’t agree with it, let them be...

Free money is Free money..whether it here for long term or not...
Having had my share of discussions with you in the past, I’m super shocked you were not on board with bitcoin months ago...I really thought you’d be one to be in on the hustle and not a

Also I’m shocked at this antiquated train of thought of yours, Very Ninjahood like

Either way opposing views are appreciated and you make valid points, time will tell I said a couple of weeks ago, I rather find myself on the detailing train bleeding out, than at the station watching the train take off to the promise land.
Maybe this is better for you:


This is how I make money. Probably looks just as confusing to you as bitcoin looks to a regular person.

Bro you gotta chill, stay humble. How is that not getting through to you.

You wanna flaunt that you know science? Bro, I got two engineering degrees. Going on my third

See how stupid it looks to flaunt over the internet like that

Notice how when fap was debating with you, he didn't feel the need to show off his enormous ROI. It's called staying classy
Just wanted to address a few things with Hennessey.
When all crypto is mined for a certain crypto, the miners still make $ on transaction fees. In terms of mining, many mining operations are set up with solar power, or power is very cheap, and still very profitable.
In terms of coins having no value, what is fiat? Pieces of paper that are printed in bulk. The price of coins are dictated by us, and how we value them. There is a set limit, a supply. Bitcoin was created from the financial crisis in 2009 where we bailed out the banks (average taxpayer paid roughly 1.5k iirc).
In terms of needing to have time to day trade to get profits. I've made <10 purchases of coins and am a long term buy and holder. I turned 2k to 20k in 8 months (check yesterdays post for my screenshot).
I encourage you to continue to do more research on the topic as Japan has embraced crypto and is a widely accepted form of currency there already.
Prices will continue to soar in 2018 as $ is flooding in. Check market caps from this month and last month.
Damn, my brother has like 15 Ethereum from around $300 and 500+ ripple from around $1. I’m hating :lol:
Henny makes one fancy espresso for a living

I keeeed

All jokes aside, if you brought me coffee beans I could make a coffee extract We only do hops and cannabis though.

Well sorry if I came off negative. But when you have a substantial amount of capital to invest it's good to be a skeptic. I'm not looking to just throw a couple hundred or thousand dollars in and see how it goes. I have a lot to lose. I have learned today a hardware wallet is not physical and a dog can't eat it Sorry for that misconception. Thank you for the responses from the non sensitive cats. I learned a little today and will continue to skim the thread and do my own research. Peace and prosperity bros ✌️
Binance down again. I finally got some SALT, TRON, NEO, and LEND.

I have my positions that I am going to ride all year.
XLM is correcting. I might jump in.

It really pays to be in the top 20 coins right now. Lots of new money coming in. I got too caught up with marketcap and thought those coins would have slower growth than my small cap coins.
Maybe this is better for you:


This is how I make money. Probably looks just as confusing to you as bitcoin looks to a regular person.
Nter's are in here tryna flourish and put ourselves and families in better positions.

Unless you gonna make a thread about that pic and let us in on how we can eat off that , then leave this thread because you bringing negative energy in this one.

If you need to be "convinced" then start from page 1 all questions have been answered. Or DYOR and come back later when you got something to contribute. If you came in here talking about hashgraph, dag or quantum computing then I'd say you probably thinking outside the box. But you a #nocoiner looking to be convinced on how to put your extra cash to use. So ill throw you a tip, yes you can buy bitcoin locally p2p with cash and have that sent to your own wallet and then you can use shapeshift to exchange to eth and use a decentralized exchange to buy alts without ever signing up to anything or using a cc
Bro you gotta chill, stay humble. How is that not getting through to you.

You wanna flaunt that you know science? Bro, I got two engineering degrees. Going on my third

See how stupid it looks to flaunt over the internet like that

Notice how when fap was debating with you, he didn't feel the need to show off his enormous ROI. It's called staying classy

I don't know science at all. Congrats on your degrees. I have two degrees in business. I am a business owner wIth one employee with a Degree in biochemistry and molecular biology. He's enrolled in Harvard part time right now. Hes paid to do what I do not fully understand. Although I have self taught myself all of our processes through my own research and trial and error before hiring a real qualified professional.

I don't pretend to be something I'm not or understand things I don't. That's the whole reason I'm trying to get some dialogue in this thread. Guess I went about it the wrong way.
Damn ! I was waiting for this money to clear to buy tron. Now I'm hesitant

I first bought in last week when it was 3 cents. I dunno why but I sold them the following day with no gains. I held back from buying when it hit 7, 10 and 15 cents. I finally pulled the trigger at 20 cents. If I lose money then it's all good. At least I tried. :lol:
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