Official Bitcoin Thread

Lol. ALWAYS the same the people who get burned cry that crypto is a scam. Within three months they are FOMO Buying back in and reminiscing about their 5 LTC they could have had.

Not making in it’s from personal experience also. ANYONE here who has held crypto for the past year has reached that point... that.. wat the hell am I really investing in? This is about to become zero.... patience tho cuz it never has.. at least since I been doin this and selection of investments
i listened to the whole interview....they talk about it 42min32sec in. He says, it won't be open to everybody...but available for majority of their customers and partners. People who are interested, they have a different signup for due diligence. Where did you hear for institutional investors ONLY? that's the speculation. bittrex aint got the best rep right now sooo...
im not missing the WTC ship this time... TO THE MOON
Wtc will definitely go up from here. Can swing trade even if you don't have long term faith.

Couple things that annoy/frustrate me about the exchanges are that they put registrations on hold/suspend. Our market cap would be much higher if not for all that. These are people eager to get involved in crypto being turned away. I got one of my friends in crypto with me last year and on coinbase, he joined me in the ride and he came up x4 his investment. I've been telling him get on binance, and he sends me screen shots that registration is suspended.
How many billions lost does that make for the twins?

So much speculation, a lot of rhetoric, and no follow thru.
I cashed out for the first time(def not on Fap levels lol)

Market looks to be very bearish for a while, i’ll create new positions in a week or two. Made more than a few thousand on an initial $60 investment.

Going to refresh and research some more. I’ll be back with some more of my ico’s i’m always suggesting :lol:
Robinhood needs to stop messing around and open their crypto gates. Lol
We need new $ to come in. 1mil people waiting in line to buy. Say average buy at 1k x 1mil. = 1 bil new $.

I know this is a long game, but everyone has to admit at some point.. this **** sucks.
I know you guys here are strong holders, but at what point does it start to concern you guys a little....

Personally I invested what i could afford to lose and it was always a long term hold for me. My goal is to hold for atleast 2-3 years...maybe pull some in the fall of 2019. I would be dissapointed if i had to pull any of my investment before then because of an emergency or something. Besides that my biggest concern is picking the right technology. I strongly believe crypto and blockchain will be a big part of future tech but the question is who will be the Apple or Google of crypto 2,3,5 years from now.

Am i disapointed at the moment...sure. The thing is with crypto you are always a bit dissapointed. When its low your bummed cuz your “losing” money and when its high your wishing you had invested more sooner. LoL

I set a target goal and im hoping to stick to it.
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I just started cryptocurrency 2 weeks ago...Just getting my feet wet...I went in with $500 on BTC, but my bank cancelled the transaction :lol: :pimp:.

BTC or ETH? :nerd:
I know you guys here are strong holders, but at what point does it start to concern you guys a little....
Just to be 100. With this Major correction or crash, however you see it... Im still up. However, once this touches my initial investment.. Thats setting us up to the stone ages is how see it.

Another theory ive got..
Alot of big players transferred their crypto into stocks before ER from the major stock names. Ex. Visa, MasterCard, Apple, Amazon to capitalize investments.. They will return after Q4/Q1 stock earnings.

If it doesn't happen and no sign of a bull run in crypto.. That should be a little worrisome.
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I know you guys here are strong holders, but at what point does it start to concern you guys a little....

Why be concerned? You think this is the end of crypto trading? It'll bounce back if not in March then in April.
Its just using common sense. The geenie's out the bottle no way of putting it back in now that people and institutions know what kind of returns can be had.
The cycle always repeats every few months. A ton of FUD starts going around, people panic sell and then return once the FUD clears up...........Rinse and repeat.
People just expect it to go parabolic to infinity it seems :lol:
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Someone asked which coins bounced the most after the last dip. I remember trx almost doubled in a day. Not holding any now but can see this as a quick come up.

Neo boys still here. Sold some ltc for some more neo.
Is there a clear trading history option with binance? Or has signed up for more than 1 account?
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